Climate Change Preparedness in the North Program

Climate Change Preparedness in the North Program (CCPN) provides project funding and guidance to build Northern adaptation capacity and to implement adaptation measures increasing the climate resilience of existing community infrastructure, in support of self-determined priorities.

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About the program

This program funds climate change adaptation projects in Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Nunavik, Nunatsiavut, NunatuKavut and Eeyou Istchee.

The program works with Indigenous and Northern communities, territorial and regional governments and other stakeholders to identify priorities for climate change adaptation in the North. The program provides support to Northern communities and organizations to help them adapt to climate change impacts by funding the following types of projects:

Examples of non-structural include:

Examples of structural measures include:

$7.5 million in contribution funding is available annually.

Who can apply?

This program supports climate change adaption projects in the North. First Nation communities on reserve, south of the 60th parallel, looking for funding for climate change adaption projects should consult the First Nation Adapt Program.


There is no deadline to apply. Applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis by a climate change regional technical committee based in each region.

How to apply?

Applicants can contact Community Liaisons or Program Officers directly to start a project proposal process.

Contact the program by email at or by phone via the Public Enquiries Contact Centre at 1-800-567-9604. You will be introduced to the climate change community liaison officer for the region where the project would be located. They will assist you with the application process.

Examples of previously selected projects

These projects are part of the Investing In Canada Plan. Contact us at for a full list of previously funded projects.

Climate change programs

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