Climate Change Preparedness in the North Program project descriptions 2023 to 2024
Choose a region:
Partner | Community and region | Project title and description | Program contribution |
Porcupine Caribou Management Board | Yukon |
Conservation Planning for the Porcupine Caribou Herd: Mobilization, Synthesis, and Application of Existing Traditional Knowledge Data Funding to activate, use and build upon existing information related to Porcupine caribou traditional knowledge already held by First Nation and Inuvialuit agencies, and implementing a coordinated data management and sharing system that will allow the Porcupine Caribou Management Board to develop a conservation plan for the herd covering its entire range. |
$199,201.00 |
Yukon First Nations Wildfire | Yukon |
Yukon First Nations Wildfire Funding to conduct research on how to include traditional land management practices in fire prevention practices. Research to be conducted includes information on invasive species and vegetation management, controlled burns and Indigenous land management. |
$76,051.00 |
Kwanlin Dun First Nation | Kwanlin Dun First Nation |
Respect for Fish Building resiliency in Yukon’s fish and fisheries by addressing natural and anthropogenic vulnerabilities through engagement, education and outreach. |
$100,000.00 |
Yukon University | Champagne/Aishihik First Nation |
The Asheyi Chu/Aishihik River: River Ice Model Under guidance from a tripartite oversight group that includes Champagne Aishihik First Nation, Government of Yukon and Yukon Energy Corporation, the Yukon University wishes to develop a numerical river ice model to simulate winter hydrological processes on the Asheyi Chu/Aishihik River downstream from the Aishihik Generating Station. |
$353,541.00 |
Kwanlin Dun First Nation | Kwanlin Dun First Nation |
How We Walk The Land and Water: Phase roman numeral 2 Funding to continue the analysis and planning of climate change within Southern Lakes region by integrating the mapped areas of climate resilience as well as the predictions of wildlife habitat based on a changing climate and future spring snow distributions. |
$400,000.00 |
Kwanlin Dun First Nation | Kwanlin Dun First Nation |
Understanding ice formation needs and adapting SmartIce ice monitoring for safe travel on Kluane Lake Kluane Lake ice is critical infrastructure supporting hunting, harvesting and trapping for Lhù’ààn Mân Ku Dań. It is part of KFN’s culture and economy. Due to climate change, and especially the recent re-routing of the Slims river drainage, KFN is increasingly concerned about travel safety and the impacts that declining ice conditions are having on community health and wellbeing. In partnership with Smartice, KFN will initiate and evaluate both community-based ice monitoring and Indigenous knowledge-based travel safety messaging to reduce travel risk and promote awareness of and adaptation action on safe ice travel. |
$598,629.95 |
Yukon University and Carcross / Tagish First Nation | Yukon |
Emergency Preparedness and Response in Yukon: Lessons learned from flooding in the Southern Lakes Region Funding to identify challenges, gaps, opportunities and best practices in community and intergovernmental roles in emergency planning and response in Yukon using a case study of the 2021 floods to understand how prepared communities in the Southern Lakes region are for widespread community flooding and to provide recommendations to prepare for future emergency. |
$250,034.15 |
Yukon University / Ross River Dena Council | Ross River |
Permafrost and surficial hydrology assessment of Coffee Lake road Funding to provide a quick evaluation of the permafrost and surficial hydrological conditions along the Coffee Lake Road that links the Campbell Highway to site of cultural interest for Ross River Community. The information collected during the survey aims to assist the community to use best practices during the reconstruction of the road. |
$149,881.90 |
Yukon University | Ross River |
Permafrost Monitoring in the traditional territory of the Champagne/Aishihik First Nation This project will build on and continue the previous CCPN project "Characterizing permafrost vulnerability to climate change induced thaw in the traditional territory of the Champagne/Aishihik First Nation". |
$112,470.00 |
Carcross / Tagish First Nation | Carcross / Tagish First Nation |
Understanding the Tagish and Tlingit relationship with the alpine and associated ice patches before they are lost forever Funding to build on previously conducted research by creating a nation information sharing agreement and expanding Carcross / Tagish First Nation’s understanding of how the Dakhka nations interacted and used the alpine areas. |
$200,000.00 |
Taku River Tlingit First Nation | Taku River Tlingit First Nation |
Traditional Food Security Strategy: Wild Taku River Harvesting and Climate Change Vulnerability Funding to support the effort to increase food security and conservation of salmon along the Taku River. The project includes a salmon and climate change vulnerability assessment that will help identify culturally appropriate management actions to reduce impacts. |
$365,640.00 |
City of Whitehorse | City of Whitehorse |
Wildfire Risk Reduction Strategy Implementation: FireSmart Program Development for the City of Whitehorse By creating a FireSmart Coordination Program at the City of Whitehorse, the City will be better equipped to assist Whitehorse residents in undertaking FireSmart activities around their homes and businesses thereby reducing the risks posed by wildfire. |
$240,000.00 |
Teslin Tlingit Council / Village of Teslin | Village of Teslin |
Flood Control Project The Project is the construction of permanent flood and erosion control structures along Teslin Lake within riparian zone and ordinary high-water mark (OHWM). The Project is in the Village of Teslin (VoT) within the Traditional Territory of Teslin Tlingit Council. |
$981,000.00 |
Government of Yukon - Department of Environment | Yukon |
Yukon Flood Mapping Program Funding to expand flood mapping programming in the North and build on the investment territorial governments receive from FHIMP. Funding will support LiDAR acquisitions, ground control points and flood mapping analysis and map production for Yukon communities. |
$543,229.22 |
Carcross / Tagish First Nation | Carcross / Tagish First Nation |
Permaculture principles: a key to food security and climate change preparedness in the North Funding to expand food production at the CTFN Farm, by expanding farm infrastructure (including irrigation system, a northern climate type greenhouse and a root cellar for roots storage during winter), applying permaculture principles, and offering community engagement, training and programming tied to mental health. |
$304,500.00 |
Taku River Tlingit First Nation | Taku River Tlingit First Nation |
Southern Taku Ancestral Landscapes Funding to record and caretake the ancestral Taku River Tlingit village sites in the Taku River drainage, as they are at risk of being degraded through erosion and landslides. Using both Traditional Knowledge and archaeology, this project will document and share connections to ancestral landscapes, creating information that can be used in future land management discussions. This project will also facilitate the re-cutting of select ancestral trails, which will create additional access to cultural sites within the TRT traditional territory. |
$151,501.00 |
Safe at Home Society | Yukon |
Design Phase of the SAHS Housing project Funding to support an energy efficient and climate resilient design for the Safe at Home Society (SAHS)'s High Country Inn supportive housing project. |
$801,000.00 |
Government of Yukon - Department of Environment | Yukon, Village of Carmacks |
1. Tachun Region Mobile Incident Response
2. Building Climate Resilience Initiative Project
$671,053.90 |
Daylu Dena Council | Daylu Dena Lower Post |
Daylu Dena Council Historical Trails Surveys Funding to GPS the historic trails that pass through or originate in Daylu Dena Lower Post, BC. community. Notations will be made along the trails for restoration needs and any cultural features such as remnants of camping places or cultural use, such as culturally modified trees. |
$80,315.02 |
Canadian Mental Health Association - Yukon Division | Yukon |
Yukon climate change mental health initiative: Ecoanxiety Funding to develop and offer programs to support individuals and communities living with the mental health impacts of climate change in the North. The project will consist of a research and program development phase followed by a series of information sessions and groups for youth and adults. |
$34,550.00 |
Government of Yukon - Department of Environment | Yukon |
2023-2026 Territorial funding Funding to support climate change adaptation within the territorial government and deliver projects for building climate change adaptation capacity across the territory. |
$750,000.00 |
Taku River Tlingit First Nation | Taku River Tlingit First Nation |
Taku River Tlingit Traditional Food Security Program: Addressing moose conservation concerns through harvester support pilot programming Funding to support moose monitoring and stewardship efforts to inform a long-term co-management plan, as well as to support moose harvesting in remote regions by facilitating access, harvest, and processing. |
$101,000.00 |
Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation | Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation |
Building on Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation farm project to include community participation in food and wellness activities Funding to expand on a previously funded project. The LSCFN will undertake farm upgrades to Improve Food Security, Health and Wellness. The LSCFN is also looking to expand the greenhouse to include the creation of 2 smaller community gardens in the community. |
$66,500.00 |
Selkirk First Nation | Selkirk First Nation |
Development of Land Use Guidelines and Implementation tools for Selkirk First Nation Funding to developing a water stewardship strategy. SFN is looking to better understand how the watersheds within their Traditional territory are influenced by climate change, in order to develop a management strategy for protection and preservation for future generations. This project will involve training of SFN citizens in the collection of water data and interpretation as well as the installation of hydrometric stations. |
$231,224.05 |
Taku River Tlingit First Nation | Taku River Tlingit First Nation |
Aa Tlein Matriarchs Garden: Food Sovereignty through Weaving Traditional Foodways and Climate Innovation Funding to support their food security project to grow local food. They play to purchase a ColdAcres hydroponic container for growing produce year-round, distributing to the community, and selling the remainder to Atlin residents. |
$20,000.00 |
Council of Yukon First Nations | Yukon |
Climate Change Community Liaison Funding for the Climate Change Community Coordinator to work with First Nations government, municipalities, the Government of Yukon, and other stakeholders to identify priorities for climate change adaptation in the Yukon, and to support climate change adaptation. |
$149,178.23 |
Ross River Dena Council | Ross River |
Restoring Coffee Lake road Funding to provide a quick evaluation of the permafrost and surficial hydrological conditions along the Coffee Lake Road that links the Campbell Highway to site of cultural interest for Ross River Community. The information collected during the survey aims to assist the community to use best practices during the reconstruction of the road. |
$195,700.00 |
First Nation School Board – Yukon | Vuntut Gwitchin |
Dagoo Taii "Over the Mountain People Trail: Gwinch'in Funding for leadership and backcountry training, cultural connections, and practices for safe travel and resilience in the traditional territory of the Vuntut Gwitchin. It will support all 15 students in the Vuntut Gwich’in school (grade 8 to 12). The program will train youth with backcountry safety and mapping skills, mentor youth guides and trip leaders, and complete a trip from Teechik (Old Crow) to Teetl'it Zzeh (Ft. McPherson) during the winter season, to reconnect with family, culture and traditional places. |
$453,470.00 |
Kwanlin Dun First Nation | Kwanlin Dun First Nation |
Application of Indigenous-led Tools and Approaches to support Climate Change Vulnerable Freshwater Fisheries Funding for freshwater fish that are often forgotten or underrepresented in land-use or other fish and wildlife related planning processes. This project seeks to identify and address freshwater fishery gaps, support monitoring and provide implementation support to strengthen the consideration of freshwater fish and climate change adaptation in KDFN’s lands and heritage work. |
$129,850.00 |
Daylu Dena Council | Daylu Dena Lower Post |
Daylu Dena Council Ancestral Trails Project Funding for the Daylu Dena community in Lower Post was the hub of northern BC and the Yukon before the building of the Alaska Highway. All the trade and travel routes in the area passed though the Daylu Dena community. The Ancestral Trails are historically significant to the revitalization of the Kaska culture. The trails have been poorly maintained and the trail locations are sketches. The proposal includes GPS of the trails and notation of the trail quality, cultural features and needs for restoration. Another importance to document is the history and stories community members have or were told to them by their ancestors. This project builds on previously funded work from CCPN (FY23-24). |
$160,370.00 |
Sha Shaw Development Corporation (Champagne/Aishihik First Nation) |
Haines Junction |
Building our community resilience by exploring the development of a Food Hub in Haines Junction Funding for the Sha Shaw Development Corporation is seeking funding to explore the feasibility of a Food Hub in Haines Junction that could include a grocery store and enhanced food growing, storing, and processing capacity to strengthen food security, reduce the commute from Haines Junction to Whitehorse, and contribute to climate resilience. |
$55,470.00 |
Carcross / Tagish First Nation | Carcross / Tagish First Nation |
Climate Change Adaptation: Fire Mitigation and Preparedness Funding for C/TFN looking to improve wildfire preparedness and adaptation across the Traditional Territory. Our current priority is the development of the Choutla Firebreak as well as creating and implementing a Carcross Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). The CWPP will be funded by YG. Through this grant we are looking for support to expand our existing FireSmart program, support community members in firesmarting around their homes and educate on fire prevention. |
$490,887.00 |
Government of Yukon - Department of Environment | Yukon |
Top-up 2023 2024: Government of Yukon projects CCS Funding to support climate change adaptation within the territorial government and deliver projects for building climate change adaptation capacity across the territory. |
$100,500.00 |
Government of Yukon - Department of Environment | Yukon |
Top-up 2023 2024: Government of Yukon Flood Mapping Funding to expanding flood mapping programming in the North and build on the investment territorial governments receive from FHIMP, CCPN will work with the Yukon government to complement FHIMP financial contribution. This additional funding will support LiDAR acquisitions, ground control points and flood mapping analysis and map production for Yukon communities. |
$300,500.00 |
Partner | Community and region | Project title and description | Program contribution |
Rat River Development Corporation | Fort McPherson |
Implementing an Action Plan for Slope Stabilization Funding to evaluate the options and opportunities to slow down bank collapse along the river in the community of Fort McPherson from last year study that was conducted in phase roman numeral 1 of this project. Costs and options for the recommendations to adapt to the slumping risk will also be determined. |
$211,796.00 |
Northwest Territories Association of Communities | Northwest Territories |
Municipal Building Foundation Evaluations Funding to complete evaluations of the foundations of community government buildings in the most vulnerable communities, which are located in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region of Northwest Territories. These evaluations will provide priorities recommendations to be factored into the 5-year building maintenance cycle and will identify priorities areas where additional monitoring may be warranted. |
$239,050.00 |
Government of Northwest Territories, Municipal and Community Affairs | Sambaa K'e |
Sambaa K'e Sewage Lagoon and Solid Waste Site Design and Construction Oversight Funding to pilot the use of 2 new Northern standards "Planning, design, operation, and maintenance of wastewater treatment in Northern communities using lagoon and wetland systems" and "Solid waste sites for Northern communities: From design to closure" developed under the Northern Infrastructure Standardization Initiative managed by the Standards Council of Canada in developing a new sewage lagoon and a new solid waste site to make them more climate resilient. |
$459,827.96 |
Town of Hay River | Hay River |
Shoreline Flood Mitigation Enhancements for Vale Island, Hay River, NT Funding to enhance flood mitigation measures for properties that are located on the shorelines of the Great Slave Lake within Vale Island of Hay River, Northwest Territories. The project will assess the erosion and enhance flood barriers to meet the effects of a changing climate. |
$223,090.68 |
Town of Fort Smith | Fort Smith |
Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan Funding to assess climate change risks and vulnerabilities and develop an adaptation plan for the Town of Fort Smith. The project will include research, workshops with Indigenous government partners and community groups to develop and share recommendations. An Adaptation and Innovation Team will plan the process and advise on communication and outcomes as well as a consultant who will lead the project and mentor a local coordinator to assist with communication and outreach. |
$111,444.00 |
Community Government of Whatì | Whatì |
Permafrost Climatic Assessment in Whatì Funding to create permafrost maps that will assist with community planning for projected increase in residents and tourists and for developing infrastructure (roads, houses, cemetery) in order to avoid potential areas vulnerable to permafrost thaw. |
$21,885.30 |
Aklavik Hunters and Trappers Committee | Aklavik |
Climate Changes to the Seabed and Water Levels: A Mapping Project Driven by the Community of Aklavik Funding to conduct research and provide training to increase understanding of climate change impacts and keep travelers on the water safe. AHTC members will learn how to use bathymetric mapping sonars to develop maps of the bottom of the ocean and riverbed. |
$135,700.00 |
Hamlet of Ulukhaktok | Hamlet of Ulukhaktok |
Ulukhaktok Coastal Erosion Study Funding to understand the causes and potential rates of erosion and identify adaptation options that combine local, traditional knowledge with western science. Based on engagement with the community, an action plan will be co-developed to mitigate erosion and identify other options to strengthen resilience. |
$123,000.00 |
Délįne Contracting Ltd. | NWT |
Interactive Community Educational Training (ICE Training): Ice Road Safety and Training Funding to build local capacity, monitor ice thickness, and support decision-making for ice road construction and safe travel on Great Bear Lake, including training to community for monitoring activities and creating a website to map ice thickness to develop ways to adapt and travel safely with the changing climate. |
$113,700.00 |
Dehcho First Nations Association | Dehcho First Nations |
Dehcho First Nations Climate Change Roadmap: A 5-Year Strategy and Action Plan Funding to develop a 5-year strategic plan to guide work on regional climate change adaptation that will include: coordination, management, support of existing community initiatives as well as identification of future mitigation and adaptation measures in the region. |
$74,481.18 |
Tłı̨chǫ Government | Tłı̨chǫ region |
Climate Change Adaptation Through Ice Monitoring and Data Sharing in the Tłı̨chǫ region Funding to acquire SmartIce mobile and stationary ice monitoring equipment (SmartQAMUTIK and SmartBUOY) for 4Tłı̨chǫ communities: Behchoko, Gameti, Wekweeti and Whati. They will develop an ice monitoring program using Tłı̨chǫ traditional and scientific knowledge and train operators in each community to monitor ice conditions and run all aspects of the program. |
$913,722.12 |
Arctic Athabaskan Council | NWT |
Climate Change Adaptation and Emergencies Sharing Circle Phase 2 Funding to create a climate change forum for discussion among Indigenous leaders, emergency managers and responders, and other community members across the NWT’s 33 Dene communities to enhance emergency preparedness capacity. A 2-day Climate Change Adaptation and Emergencies Sharing Circle workshop is organized to provide a safe space to the communities for sharing their stories and practices and creating a more permanent network of collaboration. This network is an unique platform that aims to consolidate tools, resources and expertise for facilitating the coordination between the jurisdictions and authorities involved in emergency response. |
$99,196.00 |
Łutsël K'é Dene First Nation | Łutsël K'é Dene First Nation |
Łutsël K'é Shoreline Erosion Funding to assess and design adaptation options to address the urgent shoreline erosion due to elevated water level, which is linked to increased precipitation. The erosion is encroaching dangerously close to both a public facility, community’s water treatment plant, and at least 2 residential homes. The assessment findings will be shared and discussed via a poster and at a community workshop. |
$156,300.00 |
Nahanni Butte Dene Band | Nahanni Butte |
Strengthening Knowledge on Flooding and Slope Stability Risks and Mitigation Options Funding to document 2022 high-water levels to inform risk mapping and hazard assessments, revise flood modelling and slope stability mitigation options and develop a mitigation plan with community members. |
$346,951.00 |
Kasho Gotine Housing Society | Charter Community of K'asho Got'ine |
Assessing and mobilizing knowledge: Climate Change Effects on Housing Infrastructure Funding to consolidate knowledge and communicate with homeowners about risks of slope instability and collect additional knowledge about flooding. Project activities include:
$273,541.00 |
Town of Fort Smith | Town of Fort Smith |
Fort Smith Slope Monitoring Funding to use a variety of techniques to monitor and collect data to better understand the landslide area along the river. This work will help quantify the risk to critical infrastructure and support the development of mitigation plans. |
$357,500.00 |
NWT Association of Communities | NWT |
Risk Tables to Support Communities Working Together on Shared Climate Change Risks Funding to staff the facilitation and secretariat function for the various risk tables so that the tables are well prepared to take advantage of future funding programs. |
$489,900.00 |
Dene Nation | Denendeh |
Identifying Climate Change Risks and Adaptation Priorities for Water and Health: Using Dene Knowledge to Build Community Resilience Funding to support the Dene Nation’s Water and Health Summit scheduled for February 17 to 19, 2023 in Inuvik, NWT. |
$49,500.00 |
GNWT - Environment and Natural Resources | NWT |
Flood Mapping for at-risk Northwest Territories Communities Funding to support continued advancement of technical and non-technical work towards the completion of flood maps within the Northwest Territories. |
$502,000.00 |
GNWT - Environment and Natural Resources | NWT |
Surficial Geology Mapping for NWT Communities Funding to support the creation of surficial geology maps for 3 NWT communities at a scale of 1:25,000 or higher. The surficial geology maps will include geomorphic processes and symbols relevant to geohazards (landslides, thermokarst). |
$427,000.00 |
Ecology North | NWT |
Young Leaders’ Summit on Northern Climate Change Funding to support the Young Leaders’ Summit on Northern Climate Change which brings young leaders, aged 18 to 30, together to learn about the effects of climate change in northern Canada. |
$153,486.00 |
GNWT - Environment and Natural Resources | NWT |
Adaptation Capacity Initiatives 2023-2026 Funding to staff the climate change community liaison position to help communities in the region identify and put forward proposals that respond to the impacts of climate change using adaptation measures. |
$750,000.00 |
NWT Associations of Communities | NWT |
NWTAC Climate Change Community Liaison Funding to staff the climate change community liaison position to help communities in the region identify and put forward proposals that respond to the impacts of climate change using adaptation measures. |
$394,862.67 |
NWT Associations of Communities | NWT |
NWT Climate Change Adaptation Committee Compensation Fees Compensation fees are paid to NWT Climate Change Adaptation Committee for their participation. |
$45,000.00 |
Fort Smith Metis Council | Fort Smith |
Proposal Seed Funding: Assessing Climate Change Hazards and Mitigation Measures at the Thebacha Recreation Area Funding to develop a full proposal to assess flood, fire and erosion hazards at the Thebacha Recreation Area, as well as seek recommendations from specialists on mitigation measures to protect this important site. |
$335,714.00 |
Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk | Tuktoyaktuk |
Future Tuk: Cross-border coastal community knowledge-sharing to support relocation planning Funding to create a community-based Relocation Planning Steering Committee and Relocation Coordinator role to develop a Tuk Relocation Planning Strategy to ensure that decision-making is centered around supporting and sustaining Inuvialuit ways of knowing, culture and livelihoods. |
$216,300.00 |
Community Government of Whatì | Whatì |
Whatì groundwater vulnerability assessment Funding to assess how the groundwater underlying Whatì will be impacted by climate change and how this will affect the safety and sustainability of the community drinking water supply. |
$216,300.00 |
Jean Marie River First Nation | Jean Marie River First Nation |
Building Climate Change into All that We Do: Our People Funding to build leadership and climate change adaptation skills within Jean Marie River First Nation’s Chief and Council, and staff. |
$112,610.00 |
Tlicho Government | Tlicho Government |
Tłıchǫ Climate Change Knowledge Center Funding to establish a Climate Change Knowledge Centre that addresses concerns Tłıchǫ community members have about climate change. The centre will serve as a forum for discussions on various issues of concern community members have regarding the implications of climate change to the local environment, and future socio-economic wellbeing of Tłıchǫ communities. |
$118,000.00 |
North Slave Metis Alliance | North Slave Metis |
Understanding the Past and Planning for the Future Funding to document traditional and local knowledge of climate change impacts on the environment and to restructure the traditional knowledge database. By the end of this project, NSMA and their Community Advisory Committee (CAC) will have a better understanding of how changes to the land have impacted their member’s lives, livelihoods and relationship with the land. This will allow them to make informed decision. |
$425,150.00 |
GNWT - Environment and Natural Resources | NWT |
Dempster Highway Funding to implement 3 initiatives. Initiative 1: Initiative 2: Initiative 3: |
$401,000.00 |
Northwest Territories Archives Council | NWT |
Data and mapping Gap Analysis Funding to conduct a gap analysis of the data and mapping needs of Northwest Territories communities and develop a plan to close those gaps. The resulting action plan will point the way towards next steps and will support future funding applications to continue to close the gap. |
$76,000.00 |
Arctic Athabaskan Council | NWT |
Wildland Fire and Caribou Workshop Funding to host a workshop that brings together Indigenous experts and western scientists to exchange observations, experience, and ideas on the impact of wildfire on caribou and how best to preserve the existing herds in the Northwest Territories. The workshop will help inform plans of action for a caribou management plan, monitoring effects and could inform wildfire hazard mapping. |
$27,000.00 |
Partner | Community and region | Project title and description | Program contribution |
Government of Nunavut - Department of Environment | Nunavut |
Climate Change Risk Assessment and Capacity Position Funding to conduct a Nunavut-wide climate change risk assessment (CCRA). A CCRA is necessary for Nunavut as climate-related risks and consequences have not yet been adequately studied. The Government of Nunavut’s Climate Change Secretariat is intending to work with other Government of Nunavut departments, Inuit organizations, and community groups to conduct this project. |
$700,000.00 |
Spence Bay Hunters & Trappers Organization | Taloyoak |
NIQIHAQUT: Country Food Services, Monitoring, and Sustainable Harvest Planning Improving Food Access and Climate Resiliency in Taloyoak, Nunavut Funding to address the problem of country food access under climate change through the development of new country food services with the goal of improving food access for all. A Sustainable Harvest Plan based off traditional values and monitoring data will be developed to ensure the sustainability of access to country foods. The project will also create training opportunities through intergenerational exchanges to pass on knowledge on sustainable harvesting. Niqihaqut will result in an adaptive country food-based economy anchored in the sustainable harvesting of wildlife and will contribute to the community’s health and well-being for generations to come. |
$481,297.00 |
Kinngait Collaborators | Nunavut |
Pilimmaksarniq Funding to respond and adapt to the impacts of climate change through knowledge exchange on-the-land programs with Elders that integrate Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit, climate monitoring and cultural arts. |
$101,000.00 |
Kitikmeot Heritage Society | Cambridge Bay |
Nunamiutuqaq: Building from the Land Funding to develop a new cultural facility which requires a series of geotechnical studies at the site to investigate and gather the information needed to adjust and adapt the foundation design to the conditions on the site. |
$184,600.00 |
Hamlet of Arviat | Arviat |
Arviat Drainage Plan: Implementation Funding to support the first 3years of work prioritized in the Arviat Drainage Plan. The goal of the plan is to improve drainage and meltwater management in the community, which is worsening with climate change. The Hamlet of Arviat will implement a recently completed Drainage Plan, which involves drainage improvement works over the next 6 years. |
$535,000.00 |
Aqqiumavvik Society | Arviat |
Ujjiqsuiniq Young Hunters Program Ujjiqsuiniq is a program designed to build capacity in Inuit youth around cultural expectations for sustainable harvest and environmental stewardship. The program uniquely engages youth in building technological skills and expertise to build adaptations that can successfully address the issue identified as community climate priorities. |
$350,799.00 |
Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR) | High Arctic (Aujuittuq), Ellesmere Island |
Coastal risk mapping in the High Arctic (Aujuittuq), Ellesmere Island This second phase is focused on integrating both the hazard and vulnerability components of the risk assessment in Grise Fiord as the community is coping with increasing erosion events and needs to prevent further damage to coastal infrastructure. |
$465,175.00 |
Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR) | Kugluktuk and Cambridge Bay |
Towards Adaptation Solutions: Monitoring coastal dynamics, permafrost and hydrodynamics in Kugluktuk and Cambridge Bay, Nunavut Funding to conduct a quantitative assessment of long-term (1950 to 2026) shoreline change, and continue the analysis for Kugluktuk (2023 to 2026) by:
Time-lapse stations will also be installed in areas of ship-wake hotspots to:
$897,000.00 |
Hamlet of Sanirajak | Hamlet of Sanirajak |
Sanirajak Drainage Plan Implementation Funding for the implementation of drainage works in accordance with recommendations provided in the Sanirajak Drainage Plan. |
$613,354.00 |
Government of Nunavut | Nunavut |
Digital Elevation Models Flood Mapping Funding for aerial drone imaging and digital elevation modelling for Nunavut communities. The resultant drone data will contribute to community climate change adaption through use in community base mapping, floodplain mapping, drainage planning, land-use planning and infrastructure planning. |
$500,000.00 |
Kitikmeot Heritage Society | Cambridge Bay |
Climate Adaptive Revegetation Funding to implement an innovative climate adaptive revegetation program on the property that will be designed to use local plants of cultural importance to mitigate permafrost degradation, control melt water, drainage and run-off, and enhance the resiliency of the Kuugalak cultural campus facility foundations and surrounding property. |
$136,000.00 |
Government of Nunavut, Department of Economic Development and Transportation | Arviat |
Arviat Air Terminal Building - DMAF Application Preparation Funding to support the Government of Nunavut`s application package to fulfill the requirements under the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund intake process. The Government of Nunavut will retain a consultant architect and engineering firm to provide a functional program, conceptual plans and Class D costing for a replacement air terminal building in Arviat, Nunavut which is experiencing structural issues related to its ad-freeze permafrost piles. |
$100,000.00 |
Government of Nunavut - Department of Community and Government Services | Grise Fiord |
Grise Fiord Water Treatment System: DMAF Application Preparation Funding to engage consulting firms to:
$25,000.00 |
Government of Nunavut - Department of Community and Government Services | Gjoa Haven |
Preliminary Implementation of Master Drainage Plan for Gjoa Haven Funding for an in-community follow-up to last year’s Drainage planning and geotechnical investigations for Gjoa Haven, Nunavut. |
$50,000.00 |
City of Iqaluit | Iqaluit |
Wastewater Network and CCTV Assessment Funding to gather information and to put replacement/rehabilitation plans and programs through the use of CCTV technology. |
$250,000.00 |
Nunavut Association of Municipalities | Nunavut |
Nunavut Association of Municipalities (NAM) Climate Change Sessions for NAM Annual General Meeting 2023 Funding to Nunavut Association of Municipalities Annual General Meeting was held in Iqaluit November 27-30, 2023. A session about climate change was held on November 29th from 1:00 to 5:00pm. The session was filmed and became part of the Municipal Training Package for Councils that was distributed in 2024 so that all Councils can make decisions with a Climate Change lens and create respective policies. This event served a dual purpose and also assisted with narrowing down training the Government of Nunavut’s Climate Change Secretariat are hoping to develop with NRCan’s Adaptation Skills Working Group funding over the course of the next 3 years. There was a follow-up meeting in Spring 2024 with a select group of municipal leaders to further explore what climate impacts communities are experiencing, and how to strategize response solutions to this. |
$76,000.00 |
Hamlet of Pangnirtung | Pangnirtung |
Bursting the Banks Funding for research that aims to better characterize the hydrology of Pangnirtung, especially the role of snow regime and its impact on flash flooding and drainage in the Duval River watershed and the community of Pangnirtung as climate changes. The project also seeks to learn more about the ground thermal/hydraulic regime at select points near the river and bridge. It builds on an existing NRC- funded project, which involves water flow and quality monitoring of the Duval River. |
$598,575.00 |
Spence Bay Hunters & Trappers Organization / TALOYOAK UMARULIRIRIGUT ASSOCIATION | Taloyoak |
NIQIHAQUT roman numeral 2 Climate, Caribou, and Sustainable Harvest in Taloyoak, Nunavut Funding to support objective 2 of this proposal, ICBCM and CCHAP will support objective 1, over the multi-year period of this project. Niqihaqut- phase roman numeral 2 will pursue 2 complimentary objectives relating to climate-related adaptations:
$150,000.00 |
City of Iqaluit | Iqaluit |
Wastewater Network and CCTV Assessent: Phase 2 Funding to extend this project to other subdivisions due to successful completion of the first phase of the assessment program and the comprehensive reporting for Lower Iqaluit. The City has been experiencing several operation issues in its linear wastewater network including:
The City is proposing the use of CCTV technology to provide an accurate and detailed condition assessment of its sewer network. |
$301,000.00 |
Government of Nunavut, Community and Government Services | Nunavut |
Floodplain mapping Funding to conduct a gap analysis of the data and mapping needs of Northwest Territories communities and develop a plan to close those gaps. The resulting action plan will point the way towards next steps and will support future funding applications to continue to close the gap. |
$201,000.00 |
Partner | Community and region | Project title and description | Program contribution |
Kangiqsualujjuaq NV | Kangiqsualujjuaq |
Kangiqsualujjuaq Greenhouse Project Funding to adapt the NV greenhouse to arctic conditions, research food and traditional medicinal and sustenance plants production, demonstrate commercial viability, and to train people in agriculture. Specifically, funding will be used to support a staff position at the greenhouse to train gardeners, conduct market research, monitor greenhouse climate and conduct outdoor local plant research. |
$49,705.00 |
Regional Nunavimmi Umajulivjiit Katujaqatigininga (RNUK) | Nunavik |
Creation of a Local Nunavimmi Umajulivijiit (LNUK) Katujiqatigininga Climate Change Network Funding to create a network of information and resource-sharing related to climate change between and with the LNUKs and to assist them in climate change-related project management. We discussed this project earlier this year. There has been continued discussions about it and the RNUK have made some changes and are ready to present the project again. |
$174,875.00 |
Makivik / Umiujaq LNUK | Umiujaq |
Umiujaq LNUK's Char Stream Restoration, Beaver Monitoring, Youth Camp Project Funding will be used to organize 3-weeks camps with youth to work on restoration of Char Streams around the community, monitor the presence and activity of beavers in those rivers. The goals of the project are to allow char to return to the rivers, to better understand and monitor the beavers in the area, and involve youth in the project so they can learn about what is happening on the land and see how their efforts can make a difference. The proposal include the purchase and rental of equipment, hiring of guides and preparation for the camps. |
$92,450.00 |
Regional Nunavimmi Umajulivijiit Katujaqatigininga (RNUK) / AES | Nunavik |
SIKU- top up Funding to finish community workshops in the remaining 5communities, to obtain observation posts as part of the monitoring network, and continue the SIKU champions program to train community members to do on-the-land SIKU training with new participants. Funding will also support the purchase of office supplies for the SIKU coordinator. |
$48,320.00 |
Makivik / RNUK | Nunavik |
Inuit Stewardship of Eastern Hudson Bay Belugas Funding to document Inuit knowledge of Eastern Hudson Bay (EHB) beluga, particularly stewardship practices, to support meaningful integration of Inuit knowledge into the management of this population. |
$101,469.00 |
Regional Nunavimmi Umajulivijiit Katujaqatigininga (RNUK) | Nunavik |
SIKU Phase 2 Funding for the project will build on the progress achieved to date by the RNUK in collaboration with the Arctic Eider Society (AES) to develop a community-led approach to climate change monitoring and environmental stewardship across the region, supported by SIKU: the Indigenous Knowledge Social Network as a tool for data collection, knowledge sharing and project management. Under Phase 1 of the project, a Regional Project Coordinator was hired and harvesters across Nunavik received training and contributed year-round data about ice conditions, invasive species and wildlife movements and health to the RNUK/LNUK Monitoring project. In Phase 2, the project will shift towards long-term stability, receiving contributions from harvesters in all Nunavik communities and refining project management tools and approaches to support Inuit-led projects across the region. Data generated during Phase 2 of this project (and data from the 2020-2023 period), and enhanced project management skills will support monitoring key climate change priorities and decision-making for the region. |
$517,800.00 |
Regional Nunavimmi Umajulivijiit Katujaqatigininga (RNUK) | Nunavik |
Inuit Perspective on Wildlife Funding for creating short educational videos to build capacity for climate change monitoring, action, and awareness across Nunavik. Documenting Inuit knowledge, promoting culturally-appropriate environmentally-sustainable attitudes and action, and showcasing Inuit-led monitoring and research projects. |
$300,000.00 |
Makivik | Nunavik |
Meteo Station Network Funding for local hunting practices in Nunavik are forced to change due to current climate conditions and new technologies are increasingly relied upon. Nunavummiut residents need real-time weather data to ensure safe travel. Having access to more reliable data from weather stations located along the traditional travel routes will provide crucial information to make travel decisions. In this proposal, we are requesting $340,000 to purchase and install weather stations that are capable of providing real-time weather data to support travel between Nunavik communities. Each weather stations will be placed on selected locations between two neighboring communities, on a frequently used travel route connecting the communities. |
$340,000.00 |
Partner | Community and region | Project title and description | Program contribution |
Nunatsiavut Government | Nunatsiavut |
Adaptive Archaeology: Developing a Framework for Community-Informed Response to Climate Change Impacts in Nunatsiavut Funding to engage Nunatsiavut beneficiaries and community members in monitoring the impacts of climate change to coastal areas and archaeological sites. |
$76,150.00 |
Hopedale Inuit Community Government | Hopedale, Nunatsiavut |
Avalanche Awareness Training for Hopedale, Nunatsiavut Funding to administer avalanche awareness training and early response program to the residents of Hopedale. |
$82,840.00 |
SmartICE Sea Ice Monitoring and Information Inc. | Postville and Makkovik, Nunatsiavut |
Mitigating climate change risks for sea ice-based travel in the Nunatsiavut communities of Postville and Makkovik Funding to procure, deploy and operate SmartICE sea-ice monitoring system in and around the communities of Postville and Makkovik, Nunatsiavut. The technology will generate information on ice conditions to improve safe travel and inform local climate change adaptation actions. |
$167,782.00 |
SmartICE Sea Ice Monitoring and Information Inc. | Nunatsiavut |
Mapping slush and rough ice final Funding to demonstrate the latest technology capable of mapping increasingly dangerous ice conditions, namely rough ice and slush. to reduce winter/spring travel risk for Nunatsiavut communities. SmartICE staff in Nain will be trained to operate these komatik- and drone-mountable ice mapping sensors and generate data on rough ice and slush occurrence for their Community Ice Travel Safety Maps. By the end of the project, the technology and map products will be demonstrated and assessed for operational applicability in the other 4 Nunatsiavut communities. |
$398,303.00 |
Partner | Community and region | Project title and description | Program contribution |
SmartICE Sea Ice Monitoring and Information Inc. | Natuashish |
Mitigating climate change risks for sea ice based travel in the community of Natuashish Funding to build resiliency against the impacts of climate change on sea ice travel through community engagement, the demonstration of the use of the SmartBUOY and SmartQAMUTIK, and the procurement and shipment of equipment. |
$181,455.00 |
CIER | Northern Regions |
Supporting Indigenous Perspective at Adaptation Future 2023 Funding to hire an Indigenous Coordinator for Adaptation Futures 2023. The coordinator will contribute to the integration of Indigenous Knowledge and presence at the conference. |
$680,200.00 |
ArcticNet | Northern Regions |
Supporting Indigenous and northern travel to and engagement in the ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) 2023 Funding to support approximately 30 Indigenous and Northern participants to attend the ArcticNet's Annual Scientific Meeting 2023 and a Workshop on Monday, December 4th, during which researchers from the North and South will convene to exchange results and share best practices from research on various disciplines including:
$62,500.00 |
GNWT - Environment and Natural Resources | Northern Regions |
Pan-Territorial Partnership Funding Funding support collaboration among the 3 territories in the context of the Pan-Territorial Adaptation Partnership. |
$100,000.00 |
Partner | Community and region | Project title and description | Program contribution |
Chisasibi Eeyou Resource and Research Institute | Chisasibi |
Ice-monitoring on the coastline of Chisasibi in the context of climate change (Eeyou Istchee/James Bay) This project aims to expand of ice monitoring efforts along the coastline of Chisasibi to ensure the safe travels of land users on James Bay and to gather ice-monitoring data to measure the effects of global climate change on the ice cover and break-up times. |
$323,937.68 |