Professional and Institutional Development Program Project Inventory 2009-2015

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Community Involvement

Running Real-Life Scenarios through the Family Act (Book 2)

Carcross/Tagish First Nation, 2015-2016

Project Description: The Carcross/Tagish First Nation coordinated three workshops (two with external stakeholders) to test the Family Act's ability to respond to real world scenarios. The project tested the Act to ensure that an approach based on traditional values and practices would serve the best interests of the community.

This project helped enhance: Law Making

Comprehensive Community Planning (CCP) – Phase 1

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2014-2015

Project Description: The Taku River Tlingit First Nation (TRTFN) initiated a community based planning initiative to address the need for the creation of an inclusive and culturally-grounded Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP). The TRTFN formed a local planning team, undertook a review of previous planning initiatives, delivered a two-day planning workshop for citizens and council members, and developed the community's 'vision and process strategies' in preparation for Phase 2 of the CCP process.

This project helped enhance: Community involvement, leadership, planning

Northern Tutchone Code of Ethics and Conduct

Selkirk First Nation, 2014-2015

Project Description: Selkirk First Nation (SFN) developed a framework for the Northern Tutchone Hudee Huk'i Hadtse'dan (Code of Ethics) to become a fundamental governance document that will assist SFN leaders in decision making based on traditional principles of the Northern Tutchone.

This project helped enhance: Community involvement, leadership

Establishment of a Qualified Working Group

First Nation of Na-cho Nyak Dun, 2014-2015

Project Description: The First Nation of Na-cho Nyak Dun (FNNND) addressed a top priority of its citizens by establishing a working group to draft a law that will guide the structure, composition and jurisdiction of a body that will hear citizen appeals of administrative decisions regarding FNNND programs and services.

This project helped enhance: Leadership, community involvement, law-making

External Relations

Protocol Agreement Taku River First Nation and Atlin Tlingit Economic Limited Partnership (ATELP)

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2014-2015

Project Description: The Taku River Tlingit First Nation (TRTFN) amended an outdated Protocol Agreement with the Atlin Tlingit Economic Limited Partnership (ATELP). The updated agreement will improve the working relationship between TRTFN and ATELP, for the betterment of TRTFN citizens. As part of the agreement a rental agreement was established for ATELP to utilize offices at TRTFN's Como Lake facilities.

This project helped enhance: Community involvement, leadership, external relations

Implementation of Intergovernmental Relations Accord

First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun, 2009-2010

Project Description: The First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun used Professional and Institutional Development program funds to support the priorities of its Intergovernmental Relations Accord, with a focus on health and social development.

This project helped enhance: External relations

Financial and Human Resource Management

Part 1 – Finance Manual and Implementation Plan

Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation, 2015-2016

Project Description: The Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation developed a Finance Policy and Procedures Manual, and Implementation Plan, to assist the First Nation and its employees in performing their responsibilities related to financial management. The policies create an organizational structure within which the Council can operate and maintain strong internal controls to ensure the integrity of financial information, strong financial management and strengthened accountability to First Nation citizens.

This project helped enhance: Financial & HR management, planning and risk management

Training – Labour Standards and Canadian Human Rights, How to Run Effective Meetings and Managing Budgets

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2015-2016

Project Description: The Taku River Tlingit First Nation offered training for managers and staff in three workshops: Sage 50 Accounting Software, How to Run Effective Meetings, and Managing Budgets. This training helped to build a more efficient finance department which directly impacts the daily operations of the First Nation's administration, governance and various departments.

This project helped enhance:Financial management and human resource management

Human Resources and Information Management Technology

Daylu Dena Council, 2014-2015

Project Description: Daylu Dena Council (DDC) updated its Human Resource and Information Management policies and technology. DDC consulted with staff, council, elders and professional consultants to develop a comprehensive Human Resource policy. As part of the project, DDC also updated computers and software, and provided Human Resource training to staff.

This project helped enhance:Human Resource management and basic administration

Job Descriptions and Classifications

Selkirk First Nation, 2014-2015

Project Description: Selkirk First Nation conducted a review and revision of job descriptions and classifications in order to reduce the duplication of duties, identify required skill sets, and provide a tool that can be used to identify future training needs.

This project helped enhance: Human resource management and basic administration

Personnel Policy Review

Daylu Dena Council, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Daylu Dena Council overhauled its personnel policy. The new personnel policy is a wide-ranging document that covers roles and responsibilities, staffing processes, performance management, hours of work, pay, leave and termination. A portion of the Professional and Institutional Development program funds were also used to purchase computers.

This project helped enhance: Human resource management and basic administration

Financial Training: Bookkeeper and Financial Clerk

Daylu Dena Council, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Daylu Dena Council received training on payroll, filing, account reconciliation, and audit preparation using Professional and Institutional Development program funding. DDC also participated in an introductory bookkeeping course and received training on accounts payable software.

This project helped enhance: Financial management

HR Software and Financial Training

Daylu Dena Council, 2013-2014

Project Description: The Daylu Dena Council purchased Halogen human resource management software, as well as AFOA Canada membership to access web-based financial officer training.

This project helped enhance: financial management, human resource management

Financial Software Upgrades and Training

Dease River First Nation, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Dease River First Nation used Professional and Institutional Development program funding to purchase financial software and obtained training for employees on the new software system.

This project helped enhance: Financial management

Finance Training

Dease River First Nation, 2012-2013

Project Description: The Dease River First Nation Chief, Council, and administrators received training to strengthen their comprehension of bookkeeping practices, account management, and financial processes such as audit preparation.

This project helped enhance: financial management, basic administration

Email System and Financial Officer Training

Dease River First Nation, 2013-2014

Project Description: The Dease River First Nation purchased email software licenses and set up staff email accounts. Financial officers were also granted AFOA Canada membership to increase capacity for accurate financial reporting.

This project helped enhance: basic administration, financial management, information technology

Financial and Human Resource Policy Development

Liard First Nation, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Liard First Nation used Professional and Institutional Development program funds to advance its financial and human resource policies. LFN created a draft overtime policy, time-in-lieu policy, and performance management and discipline policy. The project also created new and revised job descriptions for several finance positions.

This project helped enhance: Financial management, human resource management, basic administration, and planning and risk management

Review of Administrative Structure

Liard First Nation, 2012-2013

Project Description: The Liard First Nation conducted a review of its administrative structure, resulting in the development of detailed job descriptions for all governance office employees, as well as standardized individual employee development plans and employee evaluations. Organizational software was purchased, and an organizational chart was designed and implemented. The First Nation then hosted an open house to educate community members on governmental roles and responsibilities.

This project helped enhance: leadership, human resource management

Training and Team-Building Retreat

Liard First Nation, 2012-2013

Project Description: The Liard First Nation hosted a three-day workshop and team-building retreat for all staff members on workforce and career development, as well as lateral violence and conflict resolution. Chief, Council, and managers attended an additional two days of training on leadership and financial awareness.

This project helped enhance: human resource management, leadership

Financial Management Program

Ross River Dena Council, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Ross River Dena Council created a draft set of policies and procedures regarding financial management and participated in a financial management workshop with the support of Professional and Institutional Development program. This work covered policy, management/leadership, accountability and budget and strategic planning.

Governance Capacity supported by this project: Financial management

Financial Administration Policies and Procedures

Ross River Dena Council, 2010-2011

Project Description: Using Professional and Institutional Development program funds, the Ross River Dena Council developed a draft set of financial administration policies and procedures to govern operational areas such as personnel, housing, education and governance. The policies and procedures outlined roles and responsibilities, financial organization and control systems, processes for accountability, and specific financial procedures for tasks such as contracting.

This project helped enhance: Planning and risk and financial management

Funding Guidelines and Controls

Ross River Dena Council, 2011-2012

Project Description: The Ross River Dena Council drafted a series of policy statements on expenditure areas in need of guidelines, including AANDC-funded social programs, capital programs, and emergency travel. The policy statements outlined responsibilities and procedures for financial controls. The project also involved the development of financial management procedures for purchase orders and salary advances.

Governance capacity supported by this project: Financial management

Accounting Software

Selkirk First Nation, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Selkirk First Nation used Professional and Institutional Development program funds to purchase Sage Accpac financial software and computing hardware upgrades.

This project helped enhance: Financial management

Human Resource Policy

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Taku River Tlingit First Nation used Professional and Institutional Development program funds to overhaul its human resource policies. The new policies covered standards of conduct, staffing, work environment, hours of work and leave, compensation, benefits, and termination. A benefits schedule and Human Resource policy were produced.

This project helped enhance: Human resource management

Financial Consulting

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2012-2013

Project Description: The Taku River Tlingit First Nation worked with a financial consultant to review accounting policies and procedures and complete fiscal year-end reporting. A Financial Management Transformation Report was also developed to outline financial objectives.

This project helped enhance: financial management

Human Resources and First Nations Leadership Trainings

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2013-2014

Project Description: The Taku River Tlingit First Nation hosted a two-day human resources workshop for staff on the Canada Labour Code and Canadian Human Rights Act, as well as best practices for staffing processes. In addition, a newly-appointed director attended a five-day First Nations Leadership Training course at Yukon College. The course covered topics such as the fundamentals of governance, roles and responsibilities of Chief and Council, strategic planning and prioritizing, implementation of legislation and policy, and leadership development.

This project helped enhance: human resource management, leadership, external relations, law-making, planning and risk management

Labour Relations Workshop

Teslin Tlingit Council, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Teslin Tlingit Council hosted a one-day capacity development workshop for human resource specialists from Yukon First Nations governments. The topics included workplace discrimination and harassment, discipline and dismissal, conflicts of interest, and best practices in human resource management. The workshop also addressed how access to information and privacy legislation affects First Nation governments.

This project helped enhance: Human resource management

Trust Indenture

Tr'ondëk Hwëchin, 2009-2010

Project Description: Tr'ondëk Hwëchin developed a trust indenture that would give authority over their settlement dollars to an independent board of trustees, in order to ensure sound long-term investment.

This project helped enhance: Financial management

Accounting Software Upgrades

Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in, 2013-2014

Project Description: Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in purchased and installed new Sage Accpac accounting software, and trained users on how to navigate the system and produce financial reports.

This project helped enhance: financial management

Human Resource Management Workshops

Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (VGFN), 2009-2010

Project Description: The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation participated in two workshops with the support of Professional and Institutional Development program funding. The first, Strategic Planning and Work Plan Preparation, helped individual government departments to prepare budgets and goals. The second, Performance Management and Preparing Learning Plans, assisted supervisors to manage staff and provide a consistent approach to performance management government-wide.

This project helped enhance: Human Resource management

Human Resource Management: Job Description and Compensation Review

Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation completed several projects related to human resource management with the assistance of Professional and Institutional Development program funds. VGFN reviewed and classified all job descriptions, prepared a compensation package comparison with other governments, and developed a new pay grid and pay options.

This project helped enhance: Human resource management

Government Recruitment Manual

Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, 2012-2013

Project Description: The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation conducted a thorough assessment of its staffing processes and recruitment materials, including interview questions, orientation manual, and other recruitment-related templates. A government recruitment manual containing policies and procedures, as well as standardized forms, was developed.

This project helped enhance: human resource management

Staffing Process Review

White River First Nation, 2012-2013

Project Description: The White River First Nation conducted a review of its interview and hiring processes. New staffing guidelines and procedures were created, including an interview protocol, assessment criteria, candidate screening result form, and screening board report.

This project helped enhance: human resource management

Governance, Policy Development, and Planning

Development of a Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Enrollment and Citizenship Law

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, 2015-2016

Project Description: The Champagne and Aishihik First Nations developed a new law to improve and strengthen its citizen enrollment procedures and ensure that enrollment decisions are transparent, made on solid legal grounds, and consistent with the principles of natural justice and fairness.

This project helped enhance:Governance, Policy and Development and Planning, Membership, Law Making and Community Involvement

Health and Safety Committee Workshops

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2015-2016

Project Description:The Taku River Tlingit First Nation offered three Health and Safety Committee training courses: Principles of Health and Safety Management, Creating a Joint Health and Safety Committee/Representatives, and Hazard Assessment and Control. This training provided the First Nation with important skills and knowledge around Health and Safety issues and management in the First Nation.

This project helped enhance: Governance, Policy Development and Planning, membership and basic administration

Council of Yukon First Nations Constitutional Review and Updates

Council of Yukon First Nations, 2015-2016

Project Description: The Council of Yukon First Nations (CYFN) hired a contractor to lead the review of CYFN's Constitution with stakeholders and to provide a draft amendment to the CFYN Special Assembly for approval. This included setting up meetings and information sessions, traveling to Yukon communities, and drafting the amendment.

This project helped enhance: Governance, Policy Development and Planning, Law Making

Development of a Strategic Plan, Functional Analysis and Supporting Policies for the Kwanlin Dün Community Services Department

Kwanlin Dün First Nation, 2014-2015

Project Description: Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) conducted a comprehensive review of its Community Services Department to identify ways to improve the delivery of services to its citizens. As part of the project KDFN consulted with community members to develop a strategic plan for the department and conducted a review of the management of its housing stock.

This project helped enhance: Community involvement, planning

Proposal Development

Ross River Dena Council, 2014-2015

Project Description: Ross River Dena Council (RRDC) contracted a professional consulting firm to complete the second phase of RRDC's proposal development project, and produced a detailed draft of a new policy book.

This project helped enhance: Planning, leadership, community involvement

Development of Crisis Emergency and Business Continuity Response Plan

Kwanlin Dün First Nation, 2014-2015

Project Description: Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) developed government risk management plans to address its emergency response capabilities. The plans will ensure that KDFN can minimize the risk to citizens and maintain critical government services in the event of an emergency.

This project helped enhance: Planning and risk management

Implementing Traditional Governance: Policy Development Guide

Carcross/Tagish First Nation, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Carcross/Tagish First Nation (CTFN) designed a culturally-relevant policy development process and accompanying guide that incorporated CTFN philosophy and values. The CTFN also created a Policy Development Guide using Professional and Institutional Development program funding.

This project helped enhance: Planning and risk management

Elders Senate Review

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, 2011-2012

Project Description: With the funding assistance of AANDC's Professional and Institutional Development program, the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations (CAFN) undertook a review of their Elders Senate and their governance role. The project also involved a comparative review of the Elders Councils of other Yukon First Nations, and resulted in a set of recommendations for the CAFN Elders Senate and Executive.

This project helped enhance: leadership

Elders Senate Review

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, 2013-2014

Project Description: The Champagne and Aishihik First Nations formed an Elders Executive Committee to conduct a review of the Elders Senate. The committee developed a draft memorandum of understanding for review by Chief and Council that formally defines the role of the Elders Senate in providing oversight and guidance to the government in matters affecting tradition and culture. A proposed restructuring plan of the Elders Senate was also submitted for review.

This project helped enhance: leadership, planning and risk management, community involvement

Implementation of Strategic Plan

Council of Yukon First Nations, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Council of Yukon First Nations (CYFN) conducted implementation activities in their new strategic plan. These included discussions between the CYFN Grand Chief and all Yukon First Nations Chiefs, meetings with CYFN department directors/staff, situational analysis with Yukon First Nations Chiefs, and presentations to CYFN staff.

Governance capacity supported by this project : Community involvement, planning and risk management

Plan for Improving Community Governance

Daylu Dena Council, 2011-2012

Project Description: Members of the Daylu Dena Council, including leadership, staff, and citizens, developed a governance plan through the Professional and Institutional Development program. The plan included a set of goals and actions to improve governance and an assessment of community strengths and weaknesses.

This project helped enhance: Planning and risk management

Self-Government Community Workshop

Daylu Dena Council, 2012-2013

Project Description: The Daylu Dena Council hosted a two-day workshop as part of an ongoing initiative to engage community members in discussion regarding self-government and to reach a common understanding of governance. The workshop was led by a Sechelt Indian Band member who spoke about the band's experience with 25 years of self-government.

This project helped enhance: leadership, community involvement

Legislative Requirements Assessment and Action Plan

Kluane First Nation, 2011-2012

Project Description: The Kluane First Nation (KFN) Constitutional Committee researched the legislative models of other First Nation governments in order to determine best practices, draft a legislative protocol for KFN, and engage KFN citizens to gather feedback about the proposed protocol.

This project helped enhance: Law-making

Organizational Review

Kluane First Nation, 2012-2013

Project Description: The Kluane First Nation conducted an organizational review, and based on its findings, produced an organizational chart, a terms of reference document, and a draft governance policy template. A roles and responsibilities document was also created based on the Kluane First Nation Constitution.

This project helped enhance: planning and risk management, human resource management

Governance Manual

Kwanlin Dün First Nation, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) drafted a governance manual which outlines the structure and organization of the KDFN. The manual also describes the mandate of the government and its roles/responsibilities/accountabilities as well as those of the elected officials.

This project helped enhance: leadership

Implementation of Strategic Plan

Kwanlin Dün First Nation, 2012-2013

Project Description: The Kwanlin Dün First Nation used professional consulting services to develop and administer a practical, step-by-step strategic implementation plan for critical governance initiatives as outlined in the KDFN Strategic Plan 2012-2015. A detailed operational plan for the upcoming fiscal year was also developed.

This project helped enhance: planning and risk management, leadership

KDFN Strategic Plan

Kwanlin Dün First Nation, 2013-2014

Project Description: The Kwanlin Dün First Nation developed a 2014-2018 strategic plan, 2014-2015 implementation plan, and 2014-2015 business plan and budget. A performance management framework document was also drafted to identify key results and define measures of success.

This project helped enhance: planning and risk management, leadership, financial management

Lands and Resources Strategic Planning

Kwanlin Dün First Nation, 2013-2014

Project Description: The Kwanlin Dün First Nation conducted a capacity assessment to identify the main strategic issues faced by their Department of Land and Resources, as well as to define the Department's key results. The findings were used to develop a department-specific strategic plan.

This project helped enhance: planning and risk management

Community Governance Planning

Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation, 2011-2012

Project Description: Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation reviewed their governance structure, their existing strategic plan, and various policies in order to draft a list of short-and medium-term governance priorities. During a public meeting, the results were presented to citizens to gather feedback.

This project helped enhance: Planning and risk management

Community Wellness Strategic Planning

Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation held a planning session and Special General Assembly on the topic of community wellness using Professional and Institutional Development program funding. The sessions included a review of community wellness and existing social problems, a review of available services, and the development of long-term strategies to improve community wellness.

This project helped enhance: Planning and risk management

Governance Policy and Council Orientation Guide

First Nation of Na-cho Nyak Dun, 2010-2011

Project Description: The First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun developed a comprehensive governance policy and orientation guide to clarify the roles and responsibilities of Council. The guide covers four main areas:

  1. laws, regulations, and Council authority;
  2. the process by which its Constitution, legislation, and policy is created and amended;
  3. the balance of responsibility between government and community;
  4. strategic planning. A council orientation and governance guide was produced.

This project helped enhance: leadership

Strategic Planning and Governance Review

Ross River Dena Council, 2011-2012

Project Description: The Ross River Dena Council conducted two planning sessions and one community meeting to discuss community governance. A list of short- and medium-term governance priorities was developed and the AANDC Governance Capacity Planning Tool was completed.

This project helped enhance: Planning and risk management

Election Policy Planning

Ross River Dena Council, 2012-2013

Project Description: The Ross River Dena Council addressed a top priority of its citizens by completing a review of its election policy. The council hosted a public meeting and researched leadership selection codes prior to developing a practical and community-oriented draft elections code. An elections newsletter was also produced and distributed to share the changes with citizens.

This project helped enhance: leadership, planning and risk management

Policy Framework Review

Ross River Dena Council, 2013-2014

Project Description: The Ross River Dena Council compiled all band policies for a review and assessment of their policy framework. A draft policy review document was produced, and next steps were identified for ongoing governance and policy improvements.

This project helped enhance: planning and risk management, leadership

Community Visioning

Ta'an Kwächän Council, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Ta'an Kwächän Council conducted a workshop to develop a community vision and to consider how to achieve that vision. A planning team was formed, as a result of the workshop, to continue with the work and to develop a community plan for the Ta'an Kwächän Territory.

This project helped enhance: Planning and risk management

Leadership Handbook and Governance Overview

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2010-2011

Project Description: the Taku River Tlingit First Nation assessed its governance process. The project included:

  • the development of a leadership orientation package;
  • the review of governance records;
  • the review of the selection and compensation of leaders;
  • the review of mechanisms for conflict of interest, and
  • the review of roles and responsibilities.

A leadership handbook was produced.

This project helped enhance: Leadership and community involvement

Governance Review

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2011-2012

Project Description: In response to concerns over challenges in communication, the Taku River Tlingit First Nation (TRTFN) undertook a governance review. A 'vision for leadership' was developed, based on the TRTFN's Constitution, a sustainable and affordable governance model, and a code of conduct/conflict of interest policy for leadership.

This project helped enhance: Planning and risk management, leadership

Custom Election Code Review

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2013-2014

Project Description: The Taku River Tlingit First Nation conducted a review and revision of its custom election rules and regulations, with a primary focus on minimizing election costs in the event of unanticipated changes among elected officials.

This project helped enhance: leadership, planning and risk management

Department of Natural Resources Operations Manual

Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (VGFN) developed an operations manual for the VGFN Department of Natural Resources. By reviewing and analyzing foundational documents, legislation, and planning processes. The VGFN created procedures on internal communications, on committees, and on new staff positions. VGFN also researched consultation procedures used by other First Nations in Canada in order to choose an appropriate approach.

This project helped enhance: leadership

Leadership Orientation Guide

Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, 2011-2012

Deliverables: Leadership orientation guide
Project Description: The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (VGFN) developed a comprehensive leadership orientation guide. Information in the guide outlines basic principles underlying good governance, priority-setting, the Vuntut Gwitchin Government Constitution, policies and procedures, and the structure of government. A leadership orientation guide was produced.

This project helped enhance: leadership

Governance Restructuring

White River First Nation, 2010-2011

Project Description: The White River First Nation (WRFN)carried out several initiatives aimed at defining a governance "Wellness Model" . This involved community discussions on issues such as education; drafting a governance manual and a community strategic plan as well as updating job descriptions to support the Wellness Governance Model. As part of the project, WRFN also created a comprehensive plan for the second phase of governance restructuring.

This project helped enhance: Membership, community involvement, planning and risk management, human resource management

Political Governance Development

White River First Nation, 2011-2012

Project Description: The White River First Nation (WRFN) provided training to a new Chief and Council, including a review of policies and guidelines and the division of responsibility and communication between staff and leadership. A new policy on the roles and responsibilities of Chief and Council was developed and approved. The project also included development of Terms of Reference for the Elders Council and for the Finance Committee, as well as a draft governance manual.

This project helped enhance: leadership

Administrative Policy Update

White River First Nation, 2013-2014

Project Description: Using the information collected in the Governance and Administration Capacity Assessment project, the White River First Nation created a revised administration policy and revised organizational chart, and updated other administrative policies. A website was developed to allow for public access to the 12 new or revised policies.

This project helped enhance: leadership, planning and risk management, basic administration

Governance and Administration Capacity Assessment

White River First Nation, 2013-2014

Project Description: The White River First Nation conducted an executive review and analysis of its governance policy to identify and prioritize the areas in greatest need of development. The assessment was reviewed by Chief and Council, and will be used for ongoing planning purposes.

This project helped enhance: leadership, planning and risk management

Information Management and Information Technology

Upgrading Office Technology – Ceridian Payroll and Human Resources Module Software

Teslin Tlingit Council, 2015-2016

Project Description: The Teslin Tlingit Council (TTC) upgraded its office technology by purchasing the Ceridian Payroll and Human Resources Modules. The upgrade will allow TTC to document authority processes by department and by position, build in TTC policies throughout the software, and provide training to operate the payroll and human resource system and apply it to all TTC staff.

This project helped enhance: Information Management and Information Technology, human resources

Information Technology Project

Southern Tutchone Tribal Council, 2015-2016

Project Description: The Southern Tutchone Tribal Council purchased a desktop computer, monitor, laptop, printer/fax machine and microphones for recording meeting minutes. This improved the administration, financial management, data collection and reporting of the Southern Tutchone Tribal Council.

This project helped enhance:Information Management and Information Technology, Basic Administration

Developing Statistical Capacity

Kwanlin Dun First Nation, 2015-2016

Project Description: The Kwanlin Dun First Nation (KDFN) assessed existing statistical and data management capacity and developed a strategy/implementation plan to enhance it, with a focus on the 26 key results articulated in their 2014-2018 Strategic Plan. This will allow the First Nation to assist its Departments, and Chief and Council, in making informed, data-based decisions.

This project helped enhance: Information Management and Information Technology, planning and risk management

Facility Management and Decision Tracking System

Champagne and Aishihik First Nation, 2014-2015

Project Description: Champagne and Aishihik First Nation (CAFN) addressed the need for comprehensive and accurate information management through the development of an integrated data management system. The system will be used to track decision-making data, project budgets and develop strategic plans, across CAFN's departments.

This project helped enhance: Information management, basic administration

Information Management and Information Technology

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2014-2015

Project Description: Taku River Tlingit First Nation (TRTFN) addressed a critical need to replace an outdated telephone system, through a new provider. This included purchasing 45 new telephones and providing staff with training to operate the new system.

This project helped enhance: Basic administration

Upgrade Office Technology – Microsoft Suite

Teslin Tlingit Council, 2014-2015

Project Description: Teslin Tlingit Council (TTC) upgraded its office technology by purchasing Microsoft Suite software. Microsoft Office License agreements were purchased for 100 of the organizations computers. The upgrade will allow TTC to maintain the compatibility of its software with existing accounting programs and records management systems.

This project helped enhance: Information management and information technology

Implementation of Records & Information Policy and Procedures

Little/Salmon Carmacks First Nation, 2014-2015

Project Description: The Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation (LSCFN) used Professional and Institutional Development program funding to purchase information management software, industrial shelving, fire-proof cabinets and two computers, in order to increase the capacity of its information management systems. As part of the project LSCFN was able to provide records management training to administrative staff and allocate funds for the preservation and digitization of original land claims maps.

This project helped enhance: Information management and information technology

IT Review

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Champagne and Aishihik First Nations (CAFN) conducted a comprehensive review of existing information technology infrastructure to support operations in its three offices. The review evaluated staffing and training requirements, contract support, and procedure development in addition to an assessment of the technical systems. The review resulted in a number of recommendations that will form the basis of future improvements to CAFN's IT system.

This project helped enhance: Information management and information technology

Archive program

Council of Yukon First Nations, 2011-2012

Project Description: The Council of Yukon First Nations conducted a thorough review of archival materials to determine which files had preservation value and required retention. Materials were consolidated in a single location.

This project helped enhance: Information management

IT Upgrade

Daylu Dena Council, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Daylu Dena Council (DDC) purchased new computers, software, server drives, backup power supply, and a scanner to improve the reliability and efficiency of its operations. The technology upgrade is also intended to lead to increased digitization of DDC reports and data.

This project helped enhance: Information management and information technology

IM/IT System Upgrade and Protocol Development

Kluane First Nation, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Kluane First Nation (KFN) organized its electronic records and undertook an assessment of existing hardware and software. KFN purchased a multi-function photocopier/scanner and document sharing software in order to process communications materials in a more efficient manner. KFN also developed a set of recommendations that outlines new file management procedures along with technical fixes for common problems

This project helped enhance: Information management, information technology and basic administration

Records Management Program Development

First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun, 2012-2013

Project Description: The First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun developed a roles-based records management policy and program. Guidelines were established for mail scanning and distribution, central file handling, and managing contribution agreements.

This project helped enhance: information management, basic administration

Information Management System Implementation and Training

Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation, 2012-2013

Project Description: The Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation purchased and implemented an information management system to organize its electronic records, and trained staff members on features of the new software and system.

This project helped enhance: information management and information technology

Records and Information Management (RIM) Program Implementation and Training

Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation, 2013-2014

Project Description: As part of an ongoing RIM project, the Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation developed a RIM policy and RIM program for paper and electronic documents, and also purchased a laptop and external hard drives. All staff attended a one-day RIM workshop and received online training.

This project helped enhance: information management

Computer Training

Ross River Dena Council, 2009-2010

Project Description: Members of the Ross River Dena Council received computer training. The training covered the Windows operating system, Microsoft Office, Internet browsing, disk defragmentation, and financial software.

This project helped enhance: Information management, information technology and financial management

Website Development and Training

Ross River Dena Council, 2010-2011

Project Description: With the support of Professional and Institutional Development program funding, the Ross River Dena Council (RRDC) created a modern, professional website containing information about the community and resources for its members. The project also included training for RRDC members on the ongoing administration and updating of the website.

This project helped enhance: Community involvement, external relations, information management and information technology

IT Upgrade

Ta'an Kwächän Council, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Ta'an Kwächän Council completed an upgrade of information technology and office equipment, including procurement of a new computer, server, photocopier/scanner, and security cameras. Staff members were trained on the operation of new hardware.

This project helped enhance: Information management and information technology

Records and Archives Assessment

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2013-2014

Project Description: The Taku River Tlingit First Nation commissioned an assessment of its records and archives management, as well as paper and electronic record storage. A report was prepared containing recommendations for improving the storage and management of records and archives.

This project helped enhance: information management, basic administration

Records Management System

Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in assessed its current records management system. This included an analysis of existing file organization and equipment, development of a filing system for government documents, and the development of a set of policies and procedures. The project resulted in a Records Management Program Charter that outlines future steps.

This project helped enhance: Information management, information technology and basic administration

Leadership, Skills Development, and Team-Building

Yukon First Nations Emerging Leaders Gathering

Teslin Tlingit Council, 2014-2015

Project Description: Teslin Tlingit Council held a three-day gathering for Yukon First Nation youth providing workshops on land claims, self-government, career development and land-based cultural activities. The gathering was attended by 140 Yukon First Nations youth.

This project helped enhance: Leadership, community involvement

White River First Nation Leadership Training

White River First Nation, 2014-2015

Project Description: White River First Nation provided leadership training to a new Chief and Council, using curriculum developed in collaboration with Yukon College. Chief and Council members received training on the fundamentals of governance and public administration; roles and responsibilities of elected leaders; conflict resolution and capacity development; strategic planning and policy making, and the personal challenges of leadership.

This project helped enhance: Leadership

Governance Training/Administration

Carcross/Tagish First Nation, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Carcross/Tagish First Nation hosted a two-day training workshop for executive Council members and the Management Board. The training was geared towards leadership development, with a focus on strategic thinking and problem-solving, enhancing accountability, leading complex change, building performance measures, and understanding finances and budgets.

This project helped enhance: Decision-making, financial management and human resource management

Executive Development Program: Curriculum Development

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Champagne and Aishihik First Nations developed curriculum for courses in its executive development program. The courses were titled Accountability and Financial Management, Community and Economic Development, and Public Policy. The courses included content, outcomes, outlines, reading materials, assignments, and evaluation mechanisms.

This project helped enhance: leadership

Executive Director Administrative Management Training

Council of Yukon First Nations, 2011-2012

Project Description: The Council of Yukon First Nations hosted a two-day administrative management training session. The training focused on integrated strategic planning, performance management, and conflict resolution.

This project helped enhance: Leadership and human resource management

Leadership, Team-Building and Program-Planning Retreat

Daylu Dena Council, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Daylu Dena Council Management held a three-day workshop supported by the Professional and Institutional Development program funding. The workshop aimed at building capacity in the following areas: team building, program planning, and communication. Specific topics that were covered as part of the workshop included: conducting effective meetings; decision-making; the creation of action plans linked to goals in the strategic plan; conflict resolution; team strengths; streamlined and standardized communications; and a team wellness plan.

This project helped enhance: leadership

Understanding the Land Claim Agreements and Developing Implementation Work Plans

Kluane First Nation, 2011-2012

Project Description: The Kluane First Nation (KFN) staff participated in four training sessions on the KFN Final and Self-Government Agreements, and their associated Implementation Plans. The sessions included background on the history of land claim negotiations and were video-taped to allow future staff to take advantage of the training.

This project helped enhance: leadership

Electoral Officer Training

Kwanlin Dün First Nation, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) conducted a two-day workshop for electoral officers, in anticipation of an upcoming KDFN Chief and Council election. Training topics included the KDFN Constitution; ethics and professionalism; the conduct of elections and referenda; and staff roles and responsibilities.

This project helped enhance: Leadership and basic administration

Leadership Training

Kwanlin Dün First Nation, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) participated in a front-line leadership course which addressed conflict and performance management. The KDFN also participated in an additional workshop which addressed leadership and capacity building.

This project helped enhance: Human Resource management

First Nations Leadership Training

First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun, 2013-2014

Project Description: Three newly-elected officials from the First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun attended a five-day First Nations Leadership Training course at Yukon College. The course covered topics such as the fundamentals of governance, roles and responsibilities of Chief and Council, strategic planning and prioritizing, implementation of legislation and policy, and leadership development.

This project helped enhance: leadership, external relations, law-making, planning and risk management

Team-Building Workshop

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Taku River Tlingit First Nation participated in a workshop on psycho-social health and team-building. The workshop was aimed at identifying a culturally-relevant community vision, short-and long-term goals, and community capacity to meet goals.

This project helped enhance: leadership

Conflict Resolution Training: Dealing With Anger

Teslin Tlingit Council, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Teslin Tlingit Council participated in a workshop called "Dealing with Anger." The course focused on effective communication, using empathy, and being assertive.

This project helped enhance: Human Resource management

Leadership Skills

Teslin Tlingit Council, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Teslin Tlingit Council coordinated a series of courses designed to help skill development for people in leadership roles within the government – the Executive council, Management Board, and directors of departments. Courses included Leadership for Supervisors, Managing and Resolving Workplace Conflict, Mastery of Meetings, and Problem Solving and Decision Making.

This project helped enhance: leadership

Elders Council Roles and Responsibilities

Selkirk First Nation, 2012-2013

Project Description: As part of a long-term project of documenting important cultural knowledge, 26 Selkirk First Nation Elders attended a two-day workshop that set out to identify the traditional roles and responsibilities of Elders in Northern Tutchone culture, and discuss ways of incorporating them into the modern context. The workshop was captured on video and minutes were taken to share with those unable to attend. Workshop transcripts will be used to draft an Elders Council Roles and Responsibilities manual.

This project helped enhance: leadership, community involvement

First Nations Leadership Training

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2012-2013

Project Description: Three leaders from the Taku River Tlingit First Nation attended a five-day First Nations Leadership Training course at Yukon College. The course covered topics such as the fundamentals of governance, roles and responsibilities of Chief and Council, strategic planning and prioritizing, implementation of legislation and policy, and leadership development.

This project helped enhance: leadership, external relations, law-making, planning and risk management

Team-Building Retreat

White River First Nation, 2009-2010

Project Description: The White River First Nation staff and leadership went on a two-day retreat to focus on team-building, conflict resolution, stress management, and motivational skills.

This project helped enhance: Leadership and community involvement

Professional And Institutional Development Program Projects Organized By Year

Governance Training/Administration

Carcross/Tagish First Nation, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Carcross/Tagish First Nation hosted a two-day training workshop for executive Council members and the Management Board. The training was geared towards leadership development, with a focus on strategic thinking and problem-solving, enhancing accountability, leading complex change, building performance measures, and understanding finances and budgets.

This project helped enhance: Decision-making, financial management and human resource management

Executive Development Program: Curriculum Development

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Champagne and Aishihik First Nations developed curriculum for courses in its executive development program. The courses were titled Accountability and Financial Management, Community and Economic Development, and Public Policy. The courses included content, outcomes, outlines, reading materials, assignments, and evaluation mechanisms.
This project helped enhance: Leadership

Personnel Policy Review

Daylu Dena Council, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Daylu Dena Council overhauled its personnel policy. The new personnel policy is a wide-ranging document that covers roles and responsibilities, staffing processes, performance management, hours of work, pay, leave and termination. A portion of the Professional and Institutional Development program funds were also used to purchase computers.

This project helped enhance: Human resource management and basic administration

Leadership, Team-Building and Program-Planning Retreat

Daylu Dena Council, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Daylu Dena Council (DDC) Management held a three-day workshop supported by the Professional and Institutional Development program funding. The workshop aimed at building capacity in the following areas: team building, program planning, and communication. Specific topics that were covered as part of the workshop included: conducting effective meetings; decision-making; the creation of action plans linked to goals in the strategic plan; conflict resolution; team strengths; streamlined and standardized communications; and a team wellness plan.

This project helped enhance: leadership

Financial Software Upgrades and Training

Dease River First Nation, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Dease River First Nation used Professional and Institutional Development program funding to purchase financial software and obtained training for employees on the new software system.

This project helped enhance: Financial management

Governance Manual

Kwanlin Dün First Nation, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) drafted a governance manual which outlines the structure and organization of the KDFN. The manual also describes the mandate of the government and its roles/responsibilities/accountabilities as well as those of the elected officials.

This project helped enhance: leadership

Community Wellness Strategic Planning

Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation held a planning session and Special General Assembly on the topic of community wellness using Professional and Institutional Development program funding. The sessions included a review of community wellness and existing social problems, a review of available services, and the development of long-term strategies to improve community wellness.

This project helped enhance: Planning and risk management

Implementation of Intergovernmental Relations Accord

First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun, 2009-2010

Project Description: The First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun used Professional and Institutional Development program funds to support the priorities of its Intergovernmental Relations Accord, with a focus on health and social development.

This project helped enhance: External relations

Computer Training

Ross River Dena Council, 2009-2010

Project Description: Members of the Ross River Dena Council received computer training. The training covered the Windows operating system, Microsoft Office, Internet browsing, disk defragmentation, and financial software.

This project helped enhance: Information management, information technology and financial management

Financial Management Program

Ross River Dena Council, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Ross River Dena Council created a draft set of policies and procedures regarding financial management and participated in a financial management workshop with the support of Professional and Institutional Development program. This work covered policy, management/leadership, accountability and budget and strategic planning.

Governance Capacity supported by this project: Financial management

Accounting Software

Selkirk First Nation, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Selkirk First Nation used Professional and Institutional Development program funds to purchase Sage Accpac financial software and computing hardware upgrades.

This project helped enhance: Financial management

Community Visioning

Ta'an Kwächän Council, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Ta'an Kwächän Council conducted a workshop to develop a community vision and to consider how to achieve that vision. A planning team was formed, as a result of the workshop, to continue with the work and to develop a community plan for the Ta'an Kwächän Territory.

This project helped enhance: Planning and risk management

Human Resource Policy

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Taku River Tlingit First Nation used Professional and Institutional Development program funds to overhaul its human resource policies. The new policies covered standards of conduct, staffing, work environment, hours of work and leave, compensation, benefits, and termination. A benefits schedule and Human Resource policy were produced.

This project helped enhance: Human resource management

Team-Building Workshop

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Taku River Tlingit First Nation participated in a workshop on psycho-social health and team-building. The workshop was aimed at identifying a culturally-relevant community vision, short-and long-term goals, and community capacity to meet goals.

This project helped enhance: leadership

Labour Relations Workshop

Teslin Tlingit Council, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Teslin Tlingit Council hosted a one-day capacity development workshop for human resource specialists from Yukon First Nations governments. The topics included workplace discrimination and harassment, discipline and dismissal, conflicts of interest, and best practices in human resource management. The workshop also addressed how access to information and privacy legislation affects First Nation governments.

This project helped enhance: Human resource management

Trust Indenture

Tr'ondëk Hwëchin, 2009-2010

Project Description: Tr'ondëk Hwëchin developed a trust indenture that would give authority over their settlement dollars to an independent board of trustees, in order to ensure sound long-term investment.

This project helped enhance: Financial management

Department of Natural Resources Operations Manual

Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (VGFN) developed an operations manual for the VGFN Department of Natural Resources. By reviewing and analyzing foundational documents, legislation, and planning processes. The VGFN created procedures on internal communications, on committees, and on new staff positions. VGFN also researched consultation procedures used by other First Nations in Canada in order to choose an appropriate approach.

This project helped enhance: leadership

Human Resource Management Workshops

Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, 2009-2010

Project Description: The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation participated in two workshops with the support of Professional and Institutional Development program funding. The first, Strategic Planning and Work Plan Preparation, helped individual government departments to prepare budgets and goals. The second, Performance Management and Preparing Learning Plans, assisted supervisors to manage staff and provide a consistent approach to performance management government-wide.

This project helped enhance: Human Resource management

Team-Building Retreat

White River First Nation, 2009-2010

Project Description: The White River First Nation staff and leadership went on a two-day retreat to focus on team-building, conflict resolution, stress management, and motivational skills.

This project helped enhance: Leadership and community involvement

Implementing Traditional Governance: Policy Development Guide

Carcross/Tagish First Nation, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Carcross/Tagish First Nation (CTFN) designed a culturally-relevant policy development process and accompanying guide that incorporated CTFN philosophy and values. The CTFN also created a Policy Development Guide using Professional and Institutional Development program funding.

This project helped enhance: Planning and risk management

IT Review

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Champagne and Aishihik First Nations (CAFN) conducted a comprehensive review of existing information technology infrastructure to support operations in its three offices. The review evaluated staffing and training requirements, contract support, and procedure development in addition to an assessment of the technical systems. The review resulted in a number of recommendations that will form the basis of future improvements to CAFN's IT system.

This project helped enhance: Information management and information technology

Implementation of Strategic Plan

Council of Yukon First Nations, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Council of Yukon First Nations (CYFN) conducted implementation activities in their new strategic plan. These included discussions between the CYFN Grand Chief and all Yukon First Nations Chiefs, meetings with CYFN department directors/staff, situational analysis with Yukon First Nations Chiefs, and presentations to CYFN staff.

Governance capacity supported by this project : Community involvement, planning and risk management

Financial Training: Bookkeeper and Financial Clerk

Daylu Dena Council, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Daylu Dena Council received training on payroll, filing, account reconciliation, and audit preparation using Professional and Institutional Development program funding. DDC also participated in an introductory bookkeeping course and received training on accounts payable software.

This project helped enhance: Financial management

IT Upgrade

Daylu Dena Council, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Daylu Dena Council (DDC) purchased new computers, software, server drives, backup power supply, and a scanner to improve the reliability and efficiency of its operations. The technology upgrade is also intended to lead to increased digitization of DDC reports and data.

This project helped enhance: Information management and information technology

Governance Policy and Council Orientation Guide

First Nation of Na-cho Nyak Dun, 2010-2011

Project Description: The First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun developed a comprehensive governance policy and orientation guide to clarify the roles and responsibilities of Council. The guide covers four main areas:

  1. laws, regulations, and Council authority;
  2. the process by which its Constitution, legislation, and policy is created and amended;
  3. the balance of responsibility between government and community;
  4. strategic planning. A council orientation and governance guide was produced.

This project helped enhance: leadership

IM/IT System Upgrade and Protocol Development

Kluane First Nation, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Kluane First Nation (KFN) organized its electronic records and undertook an assessment of existing hardware and software. KFN purchased a multi-function photocopier/scanner and document sharing software in order to process communications materials in a more efficient manner. KFN also developed a set of recommendations that outlines new file management procedures along with technical fixes for common problems

This project helped enhance: Information management, information technology and basic administration

Electoral Officer Training

Kwanlin Dün First Nation, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) conducted a two-day workshop for electoral officers, in anticipation of an upcoming KDFN Chief and Council election. Training topics included the KDFN Constitution; ethics and professionalism; the conduct of elections and referenda; and staff roles and responsibilities.

This project helped enhance: Leadership and basic administration

Leadership Training

Kwanlin Dün First Nation, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) participated in a front-line leadership course which addressed conflict and performance management. The KDFN also participated in an additional workshop which addressed leadership and capacity building.

This project helped enhance: Human Resource management

Financial and Human Resource Policy Development

Liard First Nation, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Liard First Nation used Professional and Institutional Development program funds to advance its financial and human resource policies. LFN created a draft overtime policy, time-in-lieu policy, and performance management and discipline policy. The project also created new and revised job descriptions for several finance positions.

This project helped enhance: Financial management, human resource management, basic administration, and planning and risk management

Financial Administration Policies and Procedures

Ross River Dena Council, 2010-2011

Project Description: Using Professional and Institutional Development program funds, the Ross River Dena Council developed a draft set of financial administration policies and procedures to govern operational areas such as personnel, housing, education and governance. The policies and procedures outlined roles and responsibilities, financial organization and control systems, processes for accountability, and specific financial procedures for tasks such as contracting.

This project helped enhance: Planning and risk and financial management

Website Development and Training

Ross River Dena Council, 2010-2011

Project Description: With the support of Professional and Institutional Development program funding, the Ross River Dena Council (RRDC) created a modern, professional website containing information about the community and resources for its members. The project also included training for RRDC members on the ongoing administration and updating of the website.

This project helped enhance: Community involvement, external relations, information management and information technology

IT Upgrade

Ta'an Kwächän Council, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Ta'an Kwächän Council completed an upgrade of information technology and office equipment, including procurement of a new computer, server, photocopier/scanner, and security cameras. Staff members were trained on the operation of new hardware.

This project helped enhance: Information management and information technology

Leadership Handbook and Governance Overview

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2010-2011

Project Description: the Taku River Tlingit First Nation assessed its governance process. The project included:

  • the development of a leadership orientation package;
  • the review of governance records;
  • the review of the selection and compensation of leaders;
  • the review of mechanisms for conflict of interest, and
  • the review of roles and responsibilities.

A leadership handbook was produced.

This project helped enhance: Leadership and community involvement

Conflict Resolution Training: Dealing With Anger

Teslin Tlingit Council, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Teslin Tlingit Council participated in a workshop called "Dealing with Anger." The course focused on effective communication, using empathy, and being assertive.

This project helped enhance: Human Resource management

Records Management System

Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in assessed its current records management system. This included an analysis of existing file organization and equipment, development of a filing system for government documents, and the development of a set of policies and procedures. The project resulted in a Records Management Program Charter that outlines future steps.

This project helped enhance: Information management, information technology and basic administration

Human Resource Management: Job Description and Compensation Review

Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, 2010-2011

Project Description: The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation completed several projects related to human resource management with the assistance of Professional and Institutional Development program funds. VGFN reviewed and classified all job descriptions, prepared a compensation package comparison with other governments, and developed a new pay grid and pay options.

This project helped enhance: Human resource management

Governance Restructuring

White River First Nation, 2010-2011

Project Description: The White River First Nation (WRFN)carried out several initiatives aimed at defining a governance "Wellness Model" . This involved community discussions on issues such as education; drafting a governance manual and a community strategic plan as well as updating job descriptions to support the Wellness Governance Model. As part of the project, WRFN also created a comprehensive plan for the second phase of governance restructuring.

This project helped enhance: Membership, community involvement, planning and risk management, human resource management

Elders Senate Review

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, 2011-2012

Project Description: With the funding assistance of AANDC's Professional and Institutional Development program, the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations (CAFN) undertook a review of their Elders Senate and their governance role. The project also involved a comparative review of the Elders Councils of other Yukon First Nations, and resulted in a set of recommendations for the CAFN Elders Senate and Executive.

This project helped enhance: leadership

Archive program

Council of Yukon First Nations, 2011-2012

Project Description: The Council of Yukon First Nations conducted a thorough review of archival materials to determine which files had preservation value and required retention. Materials were consolidated in a single location.

This project helped enhance: Information management

Executive Director Administrative Management Training

Council of Yukon First Nations, 2011-2012

Project Description: The Council of Yukon First Nations hosted a two-day administrative management training session. The training focused on integrated strategic planning, performance management, and conflict resolution.

This project helped enhance: Leadership and human resource management

Plan for Improving Community Governance

Daylu Dena Council, 2011-2012

Project Description: Members of the Daylu Dena Council, including leadership, staff, and citizens, developed a governance plan through the Professional and Institutional Development program. The plan included a set of goals and actions to improve governance and an assessment of community strengths and weaknesses.

This project helped enhance: Planning and risk management

Legislative Requirements Assessment and Action Plan

Kluane First Nation, 2011-2012

Project Description: The Kluane First Nation (KFN) Constitutional Committee researched the legislative models of other First Nation governments in order to determine best practices, draft a legislative protocol for KFN, and engage KFN citizens to gather feedback about the proposed protocol.

This project helped enhance: Law-making

Understanding the Land Claim Agreements and Developing Implementation Work Plans

Kluane First Nation, 2011-2012

Project Description: The Kluane First Nation (KFN) staff participated in four training sessions on the KFN Final and Self-Government Agreements, and their associated Implementation Plans. The sessions included background on the history of land claim negotiations and were video-taped to allow future staff to take advantage of the training.

This project helped enhance: leadership

Community Governance Planning

Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation, 2011-2012

Project Description: Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation reviewed their governance structure, their existing strategic plan, and various policies in order to draft a list of short-and medium-term governance priorities. During a public meeting, the results were presented to citizens to gather feedback.

This project helped enhance: Planning and risk management

Funding Guidelines and Controls

Ross River Dena Council, 2011-2012

Project Description: The Ross River Dena Council drafted a series of policy statements on expenditure areas in need of guidelines, including AANDC-funded social programs, capital programs, and emergency travel. The policy statements outlined responsibilities and procedures for financial controls. The project also involved the development of financial management procedures for purchase orders and salary advances.

Governance capacity supported by this project: Financial management

Strategic Planning and Governance Review

Ross River Dena Council, 2011-2012

Project Description: The Ross River Dena Council conducted two planning sessions and one community meeting to discuss community governance. A list of short- and medium-term governance priorities was developed and the AANDC Governance Capacity Planning Tool was completed.

This project helped enhance: Planning and risk management

Governance Review

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2011-2012

Project Description: In response to concerns over challenges in communication, the Taku River Tlingit First Nation (TRTFN) undertook a governance review. A 'vision for leadership' was developed, based on the TRTFN's Constitution, a sustainable and affordable governance model, and a code of conduct/conflict of interest policy for leadership.

This project helped enhance: Planning and risk management, leadership

Leadership Orientation Guide

Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, 2011-2012

Deliverables: Leadership orientation guide
Project Description: The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (VGFN) developed a comprehensive leadership orientation guide. Information in the guide outlines basic principles underlying good governance, priority-setting, the Vuntut Gwitchin Government Constitution, policies and procedures, and the structure of government. A leadership orientation guide was produced.

This project helped enhance: leadership

Political Governance Development

White River First Nation, 2011-2012

Project Description: The White River First Nation (WRFN) provided training to a new Chief and Council, including a review of policies and guidelines and the division of responsibility and communication between staff and leadership. A new policy on the roles and responsibilities of Chief and Council was developed and approved. The project also included development of Terms of Reference for the Elders Council and for the Finance Committee, as well as a draft governance manual.

This project helped enhance: leadership

Self-Government Community Workshop

Daylu Dena Council, 2012-2013

Project Description: The Daylu Dena Council hosted a two-day workshop as part of an ongoing initiative to engage community members in discussion regarding self-government and to reach a common understanding of governance. The workshop was led by a Sechelt Indian Band member who spoke about the band's experience with 25 years of self-government.

This project helped enhance: leadership, community involvement

Finance Training

Dease River First Nation, 2012-2013

Project Description: The Dease River First Nation Chief, Council, and administrators received training to strengthen their comprehension of bookkeeping practices, account management, and financial processes such as audit preparation.

This project helped enhance: financial management, basic administration

Records Management Program Development

First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun, 2012-2013

Project Description: The First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun developed a roles-based records management policy and program. Guidelines were established for mail scanning and distribution, central file handling, and managing contribution agreements.

This project helped enhance: information management, basic administration

Organizational Review

Kluane First Nation, 2012-2013

Project Description: The Kluane First Nation conducted an organizational review, and based on its findings, produced an organizational chart, a terms of reference document, and a draft governance policy template. A roles and responsibilities document was also created based on the Kluane First Nation Constitution.

This project helped enhance: planning and risk management, human resource management

Implementation of Strategic Plan

Kwanlin Dün First Nation, 2012-2013

Project Description: The Kwanlin Dün First Nation used professional consulting services to develop and administer a practical, step-by-step strategic implementation plan for critical governance initiatives as outlined in the KDFN Strategic Plan 2012-2015. A detailed operational plan for the upcoming fiscal year was also developed.

This project helped enhance: planning and risk management, leadership

Review of Administrative Structure

Liard First Nation, 2012-2013

Project Description: The Liard First Nation conducted a review of its administrative structure, resulting in the development of detailed job descriptions for all governance office employees, as well as standardized individual employee development plans and employee evaluations. Organizational software was purchased, and an organizational chart was designed and implemented. The First Nation then hosted an open house to educate community members on governmental roles and responsibilities.

This project helped enhance: leadership, human resource management

Training and Team-Building Retreat

Liard First Nation, 2012-2013

Project Description: The Liard First Nation hosted a three-day workshop and team-building retreat for all staff members on workforce and career development, as well as lateral violence and conflict resolution. Chief, Council, and managers attended an additional two days of training on leadership and financial awareness.

This project helped enhance: human resource management, leadership

Information Management System Implementation and Training

Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation, 2012-2013

Project Description: The Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation purchased and implemented an information management system to organize its electronic records, and trained staff members on features of the new software and system.

This project helped enhance: information management and information technology

Election Policy Planning

Ross River Dena Council, 2012-2013

Project Description: The Ross River Dena Council addressed a top priority of its citizens by completing a review of its election policy. The council hosted a public meeting and researched leadership selection codes prior to developing a practical and community-oriented draft elections code. An elections newsletter was also produced and distributed to share the changes with citizens.

This project helped enhance: leadership, planning and risk management

Elders Council Roles and Responsibilities

Selkirk First Nation, 2012-2013

Project Description: As part of a long-term project of documenting important cultural knowledge, 26 Selkirk First Nation Elders attended a two-day workshop that set out to identify the traditional roles and responsibilities of Elders in Northern Tutchone culture, and discuss ways of incorporating them into the modern context. The workshop was captured on video and minutes were taken to share with those unable to attend. Workshop transcripts will be used to draft an Elders Council Roles and Responsibilities manual.

This project helped enhance: leadership, community involvement

Financial Consulting

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2012-2013

Project Description: The Taku River Tlingit First Nation worked with a financial consultant to review accounting policies and procedures and complete fiscal year-end reporting. A Financial Management Transformation Report was also developed to outline financial objectives.

This project helped enhance: financial management

First Nations Leadership Training

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2012-2013

Project Description: Three leaders from the Taku River Tlingit First Nation attended a five-day First Nations Leadership Training course at Yukon College. The course covered topics such as the fundamentals of governance, roles and responsibilities of Chief and Council, strategic planning and prioritizing, implementation of legislation and policy, and leadership development.

This project helped enhance: leadership, external relations, law-making, planning and risk management

Government Recruitment Manual

Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, 2012-2013

Project Description: The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation conducted a thorough assessment of its staffing processes and recruitment materials, including interview questions, orientation manual, and other recruitment-related templates. A government recruitment manual containing policies and procedures, as well as standardized forms, was developed.

This project helped enhance: human resource management

Staffing Process Review

White River First Nation, 2012-2013

Project Description: The White River First Nation conducted a review of its interview and hiring processes. New staffing guidelines and procedures were created, including an interview protocol, assessment criteria, candidate screening result form, and screening board report.

This project helped enhance: human resource management

Elders Senate Review

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, 2013-2014

Project Description: The Champagne and Aishihik First Nations formed an Elders Executive Committee to conduct a review of the Elders Senate. The committee developed a draft memorandum of understanding for review by Chief and Council that formally defines the role of the Elders Senate in providing oversight and guidance to the government in matters affecting tradition and culture. A proposed restructuring plan of the Elders Senate was also submitted for review.

This project helped enhance: leadership, planning and risk management, community involvement

HR Software and Financial Training

Daylu Dena Council, 2013-2014

Project Description: The Daylu Dena Council purchased Halogen human resource management software, as well as AFOA Canada membership to access web-based financial officer training.

This project helped enhance: financial management, human resource management

Email System and Financial Officer Training

Dease River First Nation, 2013-2014

Project Description: The Dease River First Nation purchased email software licenses and set up staff email accounts. Financial officers were also granted AFOA Canada membership to increase capacity for accurate financial reporting.

This project helped enhance: basic administration, financial management, information technology

First Nations Leadership Training

First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun, 2013-2014

Project Description: Three newly-elected officials from the First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun attended a five-day First Nations Leadership Training course at Yukon College. The course covered topics such as the fundamentals of governance, roles and responsibilities of Chief and Council, strategic planning and prioritizing, implementation of legislation and policy, and leadership development.

This project helped enhance: leadership, external relations, law-making, planning and risk management

KDFN Strategic Plan

Kwanlin Dün First Nation, 2013-2014

Project Description: The Kwanlin Dün First Nation developed a 2014-2018 strategic plan, 2014-2015 implementation plan, and 2014-2015 business plan and budget. A performance management framework document was also drafted to identify key results and define measures of success.

This project helped enhance: planning and risk management, leadership, financial management

Lands and Resources Strategic Planning

Kwanlin Dün First Nation, 2013-2014

Project Description: The Kwanlin Dün First Nation conducted a capacity assessment to identify the main strategic issues faced by their Department of Land and Resources, as well as to define the Department's key results. The findings were used to develop a department-specific strategic plan.

This project helped enhance: planning and risk management

Records and Information Management (RIM) Program Implementation and Training

Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation, 2013-2014

Project Description: As part of an ongoing RIM project, the Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation developed a RIM policy and RIM program for paper and electronic documents, and also purchased a laptop and external hard drives. All staff attended a one-day RIM workshop and received online training.

This project helped enhance: information management

Policy Framework Review

Ross River Dena Council, 2013-2014

Project Description: The Ross River Dena Council compiled all band policies for a review and assessment of their policy framework. A draft policy review document was produced, and next steps were identified for ongoing governance and policy improvements.

This project helped enhance: planning and risk management, leadership

Custom Election Code Review

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2013-2014

Project Description: The Taku River Tlingit First Nation conducted a review and revision of its custom election rules and regulations, with a primary focus on minimizing election costs in the event of unanticipated changes among elected officials.

This project helped enhance: leadership, planning and risk management

Human Resources and First Nations Leadership Trainings

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2013-2014

Project Description: The Taku River Tlingit First Nation hosted a two-day human resources workshop for staff on the Canada Labour Code and Canadian Human Rights Act, as well as best practices for staffing processes. In addition, a newly-appointed director attended a five-day First Nations Leadership Training course at Yukon College. The course covered topics such as the fundamentals of governance, roles and responsibilities of Chief and Council, strategic planning and prioritizing, implementation of legislation and policy, and leadership development.

This project helped enhance: human resource management, leadership, external relations, law-making, planning and risk management

Records and Archives Assessment

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2013-2014

Project Description: The Taku River Tlingit First Nation commissioned an assessment of its records and archives management, as well as paper and electronic record storage. A report was prepared containing recommendations for improving the storage and management of records and archives.

This project helped enhance: information management, basic administration

Accounting Software Upgrades

Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in, 2013-2014

Project Description: Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in purchased and installed new Sage Accpac accounting software, and trained users on how to navigate the system and produce financial reports.

This project helped enhance: financial management

Administrative Policy Update

White River First Nation, 2013-2014

Project Description: Using the information collected in the Governance and Administration Capacity Assessment project, the White River First Nation created a revised administration policy and revised organizational chart, and updated other administrative policies. A website was developed to allow for public access to the 12 new or revised policies.

This project helped enhance: leadership, planning and risk management, basic administration

Governance and Administration Capacity Assessment

White River First Nation, 2013-2014

Project Description: The White River First Nation conducted an executive review and analysis of its governance policy to identify and prioritize the areas in greatest need of development. The assessment was reviewed by Chief and Council, and will be used for ongoing planning purposes.

This project helped enhance: leadership, planning and risk management

Implementation of Records & Information Policy and Procedures

Little/Salmon Carmacks First Nation, 2014-2015

Project Description: The Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation (LSCFN) used Professional and Institutional Development program funding to purchase information management software, industrial shelving, fire-proof cabinets and two computers, in order to increase the capacity of its information management systems. As part of the project LSCFN was able to provide records management training to administrative staff and allocate funds for the preservation and digitization of original land claims maps.

This project helped enhance: Information management and information technology

Establishment of a Qualified Working Group

First Nation of Na-cho Nyak Dun, 2014-2015

Project Description: The First Nation of Na-cho Nyak Dun (FNNND) addressed a top priority of its citizens by establishing a working group to draft a law that will guide the structure, composition and jurisdiction of a body that will hear citizen appeals of administrative decisions regarding FNNND programs and services.

This project helped enhance: Leadership, community involvement, law-making

Job Descriptions and Classifications

Selkirk First Nation, 2014-2015

Project Description: Selkirk First Nation conducted a review and revision of job descriptions and classifications in order to reduce the duplication of duties, identify required skill sets, and provide a tool that can be used to identify future training needs.

This project helped enhance: Human resource management and basic administration

Northern Tutchone Code of Ethics and Conduct

Selkirk First Nation, 2014-2015

Project Description: Selkirk First Nation (SFN) developed a framework for the Northern Tutchone Hudee Huk'i Hadtse'dan (Code of Ethics) to become a fundamental governance document that will assist SFN leaders in decision making based on traditional principles of the Northern Tutchone.

This project helped enhance: Community involvement, leadership

Upgrade Office Technology – Microsoft Suite

Teslin Tlingit Council, 2014-2015

Project Description: Teslin Tlingit Council (TTC) upgraded its office technology by purchasing Microsoft Suite software. Microsoft Office License agreements were purchased for 100 of the organizations computers. The upgrade will allow TTC to maintain the compatibility of its software with existing accounting programs and records management systems.

This project helped enhance: Information management and information technology

Development of Crisis Emergency and Business Continuity Response Plan

Kwanlin Dün First Nation, 2014-2015

Project Description: Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) developed government risk management plans to address its emergency response capabilities. The plans will ensure that KDFN can minimize the risk to citizens and maintain critical government services in the event of an emergency.

This project helped enhance: Planning and risk management

Protocol Agreement Taku River First Nation and Atlin Tlingit Economic Limited Partnership (ATLEP)

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2014-2015

Project Description: The Taku River Tlingit First Nation (TRTFN) amended an outdated Protocol Agreement with the Atlin Tlingit Economic Limited Partnership (ATELP). The updated agreement will improve the working relationship between TRTFN and ATELP, for the betterment of TRTFN citizens. As part of the agreement a rental agreement was established for ATELP to utilize offices at TRTFN's Como Lake facilities.

This project helped enhance: Community involvement, leadership, external relations

Information Management and Information Technology

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2014-2015

Project Description: Taku River Tlingit First Nation (TRTFN) addressed a critical need to replace an outdated telephone system, through a new provider. This included purchasing 45 new telephones and providing staff with training to operate the new system.

This project helped enhance: Basic administration

Comprehensive Community Planning (CCP) – Phase 1

Taku River Tlingit First Nation, 2014-2015

Project Description: The Taku River Tlingit First Nation (TRTFN) initiated a community based planning initiative to address the need for the creation of an inclusive and culturally-grounded Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP). The TRTFN formed a local planning team, undertook a review of previous planning initiatives, delivered a two-day planning workshop for citizens and council members, and developed the community's 'vision and process strategies' in preparation for Phase 2 of the CCP process.

This project helped enhance: Community involvement, leadership, planning

White River First Nation Leadership Training

White River First Nation, 2014-2015

Project Description: White River First Nation provided leadership training to a new Chief and Council, using curriculum developed in collaboration with Yukon College. Chief and Council members received training on the fundamentals of governance and public administration; roles and responsibilities of elected leaders; conflict resolution and capacity development; strategic planning and policy making, and the personal challenges of leadership.

This project helped enhance: Leadership

Human Resources and Information Management Technology

Daylu Dena Council, 2014-2015

Project Description: Daylu Dena Council (DDC) updated its Human Resource and Information Management policies and technology. DDC consulted with staff, council, elders and professional consultants to develop a comprehensive Human Resource policy. As part of the project, DDC also updated computers and software, and provided Human Resource training to staff.

This project helped enhance:Human Resource management and basic administration

Proposal Development

Ross River Dena Council, 2014-2015

Project Description: Ross River Dena Council (RRDC) contracted a professional consulting firm to complete the second phase of RRDC's proposal development project, and produced a detailed draft of a new policy book.

This project helped enhance: Planning, leadership, community involvement

Yukon First Nations Emerging Leaders Gathering

Teslin Tlingit Council, 2014-2015

Project Description: Teslin Tlingit Council held a three-day gathering for Yukon First Nation youth providing workshops on land claims, self-government, career development and land-based cultural activities. The gathering was attended by 140 Yukon First Nations youth.

This project helped enhance: Leadership, community involvement

Facility Management and Decision Tracking System

Champagne and Aishihik First Nation, 2014-2015

Project Description: Champagne and Aishihik First Nation (CAFN) addressed the need for comprehensive and accurate information management through the development of an integrated data management system. The system will be used to track decision-making data, project budgets and develop strategic plans, across CAFN's departments.

This project helped enhance: Information management, basic administration

Development of a Strategic Plan, Functional Analysis and Supporting Policies for the Kwanlin Dün Community Services Department

Kwanlin Dün First Nation, 2014-2015

Project Description: Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) conducted a comprehensive review of its Community Services Department to identify ways to improve the delivery of services to its citizens. As part of the project KDFN consulted with community members to develop a strategic plan for the department and conducted a review of the management of its housing stock.

This project helped enhance: Community involvement, planning

Yukon and Northern BC first nations and representative organizations directory

Carcross/Tagish First Nation
Box 130
Carcross, Yukon Y0B 1B0
Phone: (867) 821-4251
Toll Free: 1 (855) 686-4251
Fax: (867) 821-4802

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations
#1 Allen Place
PO Box 5310
Haines Junction, YT Y0B 1L0
Phone: (867) 634-4200
Fax: (867) 634-2108

Council of Yukon First Nations
2166 2nd Avenue
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 4P1
Phone: (867) 393-9200
Fax: (867) 668-6577

Daylu Dena Council
PO Box 10
Lower Post, BC V0C 1W0
Phone: (250) 779-3161

First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun
PO Box 220
Mayo, YT Y0B 1M0
Phone: (867) 996-2265
Fax: (867) 996-2267

Dease River First Nation
Box 79
Good Hope Lake, BC V0C 2Z0
Phone: (250) 239-3000
Fax: (250) 239-3003

Kluane First Nation
Box 20
Burwash Landing, YT Y0B 1V0
Phone: (867) 841-4274
Toll Free: 1 (866) 558-5587
Fax: (867) 841-5900

Kwanlin Dün First Nation
35 McIntyre Drive
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5A5
Phone: (867) 633-7800
Fax: (867) 668-5057

Liard First Nation
Box 328
Watson Lake, YT Y0A 1C0
Phone: (867) 536-5200
Fax: (867) 536-7264

Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation
Box 135
Carmacks, YT Y0B 1C0
Phone: (867) 863-5576
Fax: (867) 863-5710

Ross River Dena Council
General Delivery
Ross River, YT Y0B 1S0
Phone: (867) 969-2277
Fax: (867)  969-2405

Selkirk First Nation
Box 40
Pelly Crossing, YT Y0B 1P0
Phone: (867) 537-3331
Fax: (867) 537-3902

Ta'an Kwätchän First Nation
117 Industrial Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2T8
Phone: (867) 668-3613
Fax: (867) 667-4295

Taku River Tlingit First Nation
PO Box 132
Atlin, BC V0W 1A0
Phone: (250) 651-7900
Fax: (250) 651-7909

Teslin Tlingit Council
Box 133
Teslin, YT Y0A 1B0
Phone: (867) 390-2532
Fax: (867) 390-2204

Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in
PO Box 599
Dawson City, YT Y0B 1G0
Phone: (867) 993-7100
Toll Free: 1 (877) 993-3400
Fax: (867)  993-6553

Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation
Box 94
Old Crow, YT Y0B 1N0
Phone: (867) 966-3261
Fax: (867) 966-3800

White River First Nation
Box 2
Beaver Creek, YT Y0B 1A0
Phone: (867) 862-7802
Fax: (867) 862-7806

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