Reporting on the Calls for Justice

Federal Progress on the Calls for Justice

Shared responsibility of the National Inquiry's 231 Calls for Justice
Text alternative for Shared responsibility of the National Inquiry's 231 Calls for Justice

Since 2021, work has been done to advance progress on the Calls for Justice, of which 29 call upon the federal government exclusively; 186 call upon the federal government, provincial, and territorial governments collectively; 6 call upon provincial and territorial governments exclusively; and 10 call upon non-governmental actors.

The National Inquiry's 231 Calls for Justice offer a powerful vision to end violence against Indigenous women, girls, Two Spirit and lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, transgender and intersex (2SLGBTQI+) people, inspiring action across governments and partners.

The Federal Pathway

Of the 231 Calls for Justice, 215 call on the federal government, and we have supported a further 5 in the course of our work in ending the crisis. The Federal Pathway is the Government of Canada's plan to respond to these calls with progress updates being shared each June via the Federal Pathway Annual Progress Report.

Since the launch of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, the Government of Canada has made efforts to advance around three quarters of the federal work outlined in the Calls for Justice.

Some of this work requires sustained efforts over many years and, in some cases, several generations. While significant steps have been taken, the journey towards lasting, transformative change is ongoing.

Discover how these actions are creating real change by using the interactive tool below to sort the progress of the Federal Pathway. Sort the Calls by status, theme, or federal department, and learn more about both the systemic changes and immediate improvements being made to create a safer country, for every Indigenous woman, girl, and 2SLGBTQI+ person in Canada.

Canada has to date taken concrete action on about half of the Calls for Justice.

Data is current as of June 2024 and will be updated in June 2025.


Actioned Footnote 1


Pending Footnote 2



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