2024 First Nations Managers' Forum: Togetherness and Reconnection

Learn about the 2024 First Nations Managers' Forum, register for the event, and access the agenda.
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The First Nations Managers' Forum is an annual meeting that provides First Nations Managers and Crown-Indigenous Relations Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC) staff the opportunity to connect and engage on community priorities through meaningful discussions, presentations and tailored learning opportunities. The 2024 Forum is set to host delegates from 14 Yukon First Nations and 3 British Columbia (B.C.) First Nations at the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre or virtually on May 1 and 2, 2024.
Goals for forum
- to inform Yukon and Northern B.C. First Nations of the programs, initiatives, supports and services offered by CIRNAC and Indigenous Services Canada through various units and directorates
- to reflect and share insight on annual successes as well as look for ways to improve relations and partnerships
- to have First Nation Leadership express their interests and needs as well as advocate for solutions by having a voice in decisions that impact and affect them
- to reaffirm CIRNAC's commitment to providing and advancing accessible supports for First Nations based on their priorities
- to receive feedback from First Nations on our relationship and engage on various topics that affect and inform CIRNAC's work
8:30 am to 9:00 am | Registration and Breakfast
Kwanlin/Longhouse |
9:00 am to 9:15 am | Welcome and Housekeeping Items
Kwanlin/Longhouse Opening Prayer: Elder Betsy Jackson, Ta’an Kwäch’än Council Welcome: Shawn O’Dell, Acting Director, Governance |
9:15 am to 9:30 am | Opening Remarks and Yukon Region Overview
Kwanlin/Longhouse Robin Bradasch, Regional Director General, Yukon Region |
9:30 am to 10:30 am | Session 1: Canada
Infrastructure Bank (CIB)
Kwanlin/Longhouse Hillary Thatcher, Managing Director of Investments |
10:30 am to 11:15 am | Wellness Break & Table Session
Kwanlin/Longhouse |
11:15 am to 12:00 pm | Session 2: Income Assistance Reform
Kwanlin/Longhouse Brys Stafford, Social Policy Advisor |
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm | Lunch and Networking Break
Kwanlin/Longhouse |
1:00 pm to 1:45 pm Concurrent Sessions |
Session 3: Emergency Preparedness
Geis Too'e/Elders' Lounge Join on Microsoft Teams Clayton Dyck, Emergency Management Coordinator |
Session 4: CHRT 41 Capital Assets for First Nation Child and Family Services
Shash Zeitigf/Classroom A Join on Zoom Jamie Boyd, Program Officer Andrew Ouellette, Program Officer, Jordan’s Principle, Northern Region |
Session 5: Renewal of Federal Consultation Guidelines, Consultation and Accommodation Unit, CIRNAC
Kwanlin/Longhouse Jenel Larocque, Manager, Partnerships-North Kirsten Miller, Manager, Strategic Policy and Partnerships |
1:45 pm to 2:45 pm | Session 6: Facilitated Session - What’s Working, What’s Not
Kwanlin/Longhouse Math’eiya Alatini, GSD Strategies |
2:45 pm to 3:00 pm | Wellness Break |
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm | Session 7: 10-Year Grant Kwanlin/Longhouse Davy Coyle, Director, New Fiscal Relationship Kevin Frigon, Relationship Manager, First Nations Financial Management Board |
4:00 pm to 4:10 pm | Day Wrap-Up Kwanlin/Longhouse |
4:10 pm to 5:00 pm | Optional Drop-In Session Shash Zeitigf/Classroom A Join on Zoom Aboriginal and Treaty Rights Information System Demonstration Catherine James, Analyst, Consultation Information Service |
8:30 am to 9:15 am | Breakfast and Table Session
Kwanlin/Longhouse |
9:15 am to 10:15 am | Session 8: Keynote Presentation – Community Wellness
Kwanlin/Longhouse Dr. Brenda Restoule, Chief Executive Officer, First Peoples Wellness Circle |
10:15 am to 10:30 am | Wellness Break |
10:30 am to 11:30 am | Session 9: CIRNAC's Residential Schools Missing Children Community Support Fund
Kwanlin/Longhouse Tina Wood, Program and Policy Officer |
11:30 am to 12:30 pm | Session 6 (continued):
Facilitated Session: What’s Working, What’s Not
Kwanlin/Longhouse Math’eiya Alatini, GSD Strategies |
12:30pm to 12:40 pm | Final Remarks and Closing
Kwanlin/Longhouse Shawn O’Dell, Acting Director, Governance Robin Bradasch, Regional Director General, Yukon Region Closing Prayer: Elder Margaret Mckay, Kwanlin Dün First Nation |
Forum speakers
Keynote speaker: Dr. Brenda Restoule, First Peoples Wellness Circle (FPWC)
Dr. Brenda M Restoule (Waub Zhe Kwens), is from Dokis First Nation (Ojibwa) and from the Eagle Clan. She is a registered clinical psychologist.
Dr. Restoule is the Chief Executive Officer of the FPWC; an Indigenous-led national organization dedicated to raising the profile of Indigenous mental wellness using Indigenous knowledge and evidence.
The primary work of FPWC is to implement the First Nation Mental Wellness Continuum Framework. Dr. Restoule is a co-chair of the Implementation Team and developing a network of supports for Mental Wellness Teams across the country.
Facilitated session lead: Math'eiya Alatini, GSD Strategies Inc.
Math’eiya is an experienced leader with a strong voice and diverse work history. She has a compelling and simple vision for the people of the Yukon: for people and businesses to thrive and to improve health and grow wealth now and in the future.
Math’eiya is from Burwash Landing and grew up traditionally and continues to incorporate the values and resourcefulness she gained as a child into her work. She holds a Degree in Commerce from the University of Victoria and has worked in several different industries, including tourism, construction, mining and Federal and local Governments.
Table sessions
The following offices will be on-site during the Forum to provide information and answer questions on various government programs and services.
- Child and Family Services/Education
- Implementation and Negotiation/Fiscal Policy
- Capital Projects and Infrastructure
- Environment
- Consultation and Accommodations Unit
- Client Services
- New Fiscal Relationship 10 Year Grant
- First Nations Financial Management Board
- CIRNAC's Residental Schools Missing Children Community Support Fund
- Canada Infrastructure Bank
- Department of Fisheries and Ocean (DFO)
- First Nations Health Authority
- Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor)
- First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
- Parks Canada
- Northern REACHE: Climate Change and Energy
Register for the forum
Forum location
Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre
Phone: (867) 456-5322
Email: info@kdcc.ca
1171 Front Street
Whitehorse Yukon
Canada Y1A 0G9
Contact us
Intergovernmental Affairs Office
First Nations Managers' Forum is an event organized by the Intergovernmental Affairs Office. For more information about this event or the work we do, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us on the team.
Phone: 867-667-3888
Toll-free: 1-800-661-0451
Elaine Taylor, Acting Manager and Lands Officer, Intergovernmental Affairs
Email: elaine.taylor2@rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca
Erica Bourdon, Intergovernmental Affairs Officer
Email: erica.bourdon@rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca
Ellen Preston, First Nations Governance Officer
Email: ellen.preston@rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca
Kyla Litke, Intergovernmental Affairs Officer
Email: kyla.litke@rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca
Cali Battersby, Intergovernmental Affairs Officer
Email: cali.battersby@rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca
Shawn O'Dell, Acting Director, Governance
Email: Shawn.odell@rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca