Amendments to Eeyou Marine Region Land Claims Agreement, 2022
Amending Agreement No. 1
- The CREES OF EEYOU ISTCHEE, as represented by the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)
- AND:
- The GOVERNMENT OF CANADA, as represented by the Minister of Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations
WHEREAS the Agreement between the Crees of Eeyou Istchee and Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada concerning the Eeyou Marine ("Agreement") was signed on July 7, 2010;
WHEREAS the Agreement may be amended from time to time with the consent of the parties thereto; and
WHEREAS the Crees of Eeyou Istchee and the Government of Canada wish to amend the Agreement in the manner set forth hereafter;
- Schedule 5-1 of the Agreement is repealed and replaced by the new Schedule 5-1 appended hereto.
- Schedule 5-1B of the Agreement is repealed and replaced by the new Schedule 5-1B appended hereto.
- Article 5.8.7 of the Agreement is repealed and replaced by the new Article 5.8.7 appended hereto.
- This Amending Agreement shall come into force on the date an order of the Governor in Council is made, following a resolution of the board of directors of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) on September 17, 2019.
Mandy Gull Masty
Grand Chief of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)
Honourable Marc Miller, PC, MP
Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations
In accordance with this Agreement, the Cree/Inuit Offshore Overlap Agreement, appended as Schedule 30-1, and the Nunavut Settlement Area (NSA) as defined in the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement, the EMR Cree Zone, as illustrated in Schedule 5-1A, includes all the Marine Areas, islands, Lands and Water and Seawater within the following boundary:
- Commencing at the Ontario-Québec boundary, as defined in An Act respecting the north-western, northern and north-eastern boundaries of the province of Québec, Can. 61, Vict. c. 3, near Chiyask Bay at approximate 51°27'40" N latitude and approximate 79°31'05'' W longitude;
- thence northwesterly following the geodesic line to the intersection of 51°47'00" N latitude and 80°00'00" W longitude, southwest of Charlton Island;
- thence northwesterly following the geodesic line to the intersection of 52°45'00" N latitude and 80°30'00" W longitude, east of Akimiski Island;
- thence northwesterly following the geodesic line to a point at the intersection of 54°30' N latitude and 81°20' W longitude, northwest of Bear Island, being a point coincident with point 4 described in Schedule 1, Geographic Coordinates of the Cree/Inuit Offshore Overlapping Interests Area, of the Cree/Inuit Offshore Overlap Agreement appended as Schedule 30-1;
- thence northeasterly following the geodesic line to a point at the intersection of 55°00' N latitude and 81°00' W longitude, east of Cape Henrietta Maria, Ontario, being a point coincident with the NSA as defined in the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement, for greater certainty being also point 5 of Schedule 1 of the Cree/Inuit Offshore Overlap Agreement appended as Schedule 30-1;
- thence east, coincident with the NSA, following 55°00' N latitude to a point at the intersection with 80°00' W longitude, northwest of Long Island, being point 3 of Schedule 2 of the Cree/Inuit Offshore Overlap Agreement appended as Schedule 30-1;
- thence south along 80°00' W longitude to the intersection of 54°46' N latitude, southwest of Long Island, being point 2 of Schedule 2 of the Cree/Inuit Offshore Overlap Agreement appended as Schedule 30-1;
- thence southeasterly, as illustrated on Schedule 2b of the Cree/Inuit Offshore Overlap Agreement appended as Schedule 30-1, following the geodesic line to a point on the boundary of Québec at the northwestern tip of Cape Jones (locally known as Aahaashaakaach Akuminaan Aanaayaach / Tikiraujaaraaluk) northeast of Pointe Louis XIV at approximate 54°38'55" N latitude and approximate 79°45'00" W longitude, being point 1 of Schedule 2 of the Cree/Inuit Offshore Overlap Agreement;
thence generally southerly following the boundary of Québec to the point of commencement.
Subject to Chapter 5 and in accordance with Schedule 30-1, all EMR Cree Zone Lands are Cree Lands, less the following:
- Grass Island (locally known as Aamishkushiiunikaach) of which the centre is located at approximately 53°47'50" N latitude and 79°06'40" W longitude; and
- the Lands bounded within the following coordinates:
- 53°50'06" N Latitude and 79°07'59" W Longitude;
- 53°50'13" N Latitude and 79°04'11" W Longitude;
- 53°49'46" N Latitude and 79°04'27" W Longitude;
- 53°49'40" N Latitude and 79°05'00" W Longitude;
- 53°49'25" N Latitude and 79°05'35" W Longitude;
- 53°49'31" N Latitude and 79°07'20" W Longitude;
- 53°49'49" N Latitude and 79°08'00" W Longitude;
For greater certainty, included within the bounded area are the following named islands:
- Governor Island:
- the centre of which is located at approximately 53°49'45" N latitude and 79°06'00" W longitude (locally known as Uchimaauminishtikw);
- Sam Island:
- the centre of which is located at approximately 53°50'00" N Latitude and 79°06'00" W Longitude; and
- Seal Islands:
- the centre of which is located at approximately 53°49'45" N latitude and 79°07'30" W longitude (locally known as Aahchikuminishtikw).
- [repealed];
- [repealed];
- North Twin Island, of which the centre is located at approximately 53°18'36" N latitude and 80°00'00" W longitude;
- South Twin Island Crown parcel, subject to survey and as illustrated on Schedule 5-1b, is approximated by the following:
- Commencing at the Ordinary High Water Mark at approximate 53°07'24" N latitude and 79°49'26" W longitude;
- thence southwesterly, to a height of land, at approximate 53°07'06" N latitude and 79°51'03" W longitude;
- thence southwesterly, to a height of land, at approximate 53°06'56" N latitude and 79°52'13" W longitude;
- thence southwesterly to the Ordinary High Water Mark at approximate 53°05'28" N latitude and 79°55'03" W longitude;
- thence, generally northerly and southerly following the Ordinary High Water Mark to the point of commencement.
Where topographic descriptions conflict with geographic coordinates, the topographic descriptions reflect the intention of the Parties, and shall prevail. When the maps attached conflict with the geographic coordinates or topographic descriptions, the geographic coordinates or topographic descriptions reflect the intent of the Parties and shall prevail. All coordinates are in reference to North American Datum 1927 (NAD 27), except for coordinates set out in F above and those illustrated on Schedule 5-1B that are in reference to NAD 83.

- 5.8.7
- Government completed the clean-up of Contaminated Sites on Bear Island, and the GDO requested that Canada designate Bear Island and Grey Goose Island as Cree Lands, in exchange for a transfer of a portion of South Twin Island by the GDO to Canada. That portion of South Twin Island is Crown Land. Canada and the GDO agreed to these land exchanges on September 15, 2020 and Schedules 5-1 and 5-1B were amended on June 2, 2022.