Wisdom Mural - one with nature, one together

The completed Wisdom Mural in Ottawa.

Claudia Salguero is a Colombian-Canadian muralist and multi-disciplinary artist who now lives in Ottawa. In 2020 and 2021, she brought together Indigenous Knowledge Keepers from the Algonquin, Inuit, Métis, Afro-Caribbean, Latin American, Asian, African, and Australasia cultures to create the Wisdom Mural, a tribute to Mother Earth.

Select the images below to learn more about the inspirational message behind this colourful artwork.

Muralist and multi-disciplinary Artist Claudia Salguero on a rooftop overlooking the building that has her mural painted on its side
Diagram explaining the different parts of the Wisdom Mural
Group of Wisdom Mural Indigenous and community volunteers holding sunflowers, which are featured in the mural
Grandmother Francine Pryer holding a hand drum
Volunteers wearing surgical face masks painting a mural panel
Volunteers wearing surgical face masks painting a mural panel
Dr. Rongo H. Wetere
Several small groups of volunteers working on mural panels in a studio
Jaime Baquero
Close-up of the Wisdom Mural
Knowledge Keeper from Iraq, artist Mowafak Alrasam painting the sunflower
Men on a crane installing mural panels to the side of the building
Side view of 1365 Bank Street in Ottawa, with mural visible

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