Transitioning towards clean energy in Grise Fiord, Nunavut

Grise Fiord, Nunavut

Grise Fiord, Nunavut is Canada’s most Northern hamlet, home to approximately 140 residents.

Many Northern and Arctic communities are almost entirely reliant on diesel to heat and light their homes and businesses. In October 2022, Canada’s most Northern hamlet, Grise Fiord, Nunavut flipped the switch on a new 10 kilowatt (kW) solar power installation with support from Canada’s Northern REACHE Program, marking a pivotal and proud moment for the community as it transitions toward a clean energy future. Here’s their story.

Aerial view of the community of Grise Fiord, Nunavut with mountains in the back, buildings in the middle and icy coastal water in front.
Wide aerial view of ice covered Arctic Ocean with mountains in the distance.
Polar bear paw print in the snow.
Small freight red and white plane on the ice with a mountain in the background.
Blue clear sky with a Large diesel oil tank and two smaller oil tanks on snow covered ground.
Selfie of Klaus Dohring wearing an orange construction coat with the community of Grise Fiord in the background.
Michael Schneider working on installing solar panel on side of a buidling.
Mr. Schneider and Christian Christiensen in front of a solar panel turning and smiling at the camera.
Solar panel electric panel.
Wide shot of community hall with solar panels on the side and oil tanks in the distance beside mountains.
Mayor Meeka Kiguktak sitting in front of a poster with various coloured stripes.
A close up of the foundation of a building on land that is eroding away.
Wide shot of the finished solar panels on the side of the Community Hall.
Canadian flag on a pole on a frozen landscape.
To the left, the sun is rising from behind a mountain and the lit hamlet of Grise Fiord, Nunavut is in the distance.

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