What's happening at Giant Mine? January and February 2023
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Engagement update
Annual Public Forum for the Giant Mine Remediation Project
The Giant Mine Remediation Project will be holding its annual public forum in-person at the Explorer Hotel on March 8 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Project officials will provide an update on:
- work completed to date
- Status of Environment Report
- socio-economic achievements
- work expected this upcoming field season
- work forecasted over the next 5 years
Light refreshments will be served.
Date: Wednesday March 8, 2023
Time: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Location: The Explorer Hotel, Yellowknife (Katimavik B)
For information about how you can attend virtually, or if you have questions about the event, call 867-669-2426 or visit Canada.ca/giantmineremediation
Take a virtual tour of the site!
The Giant Mine Remediation Project team invites Northwest Territories residents in the Yellowknife area to do a virtual reality tour of the site, which includes the engineers' vision of what it may look like after remediation.
Visit the Greenstone Building from 2 to 4 p.m. on March 8, 2023 to do the virtual tour.
Site update
Work notice: Use of propane noise cannons
To prepare for the upcoming field season, the Giant Mine Remediation Project will be deploying propane noise cannons to stop birds from nesting on site, especially around the townsite area. The Project is working with its Main Construction Manager, Parsons Inc., to determine the details of the cannon deployment, including:
- the number of cannons placed on site
- the locations of the cannons
- how often and what times cannons will deploy
Propane cannons create noise only andthey will not harm wildlife. Preventing birds from nesting near areas of active remediation will help ensure they and their nests are not harmed and that the project stay on schedule.
The project team expects work to begin early April. We will update our website over the next few months as scheduling is finalized. For more information or questions about this work on site, email the Project team.
Stay safe near the Giant Mine site
The Project teams continue to work hard to ensure the site is kept stable over the winter while planning for the implementation work that will start in summer 2023.
We remind land users that the Giant Mine site, including the townsite, is contaminated. For the public, access to the site is prohibited. Trespassing is not permitted at any time because of the health and safety risks. The project team monitors the site 24 hours a day, to ensure the security and protection of the public.
When enjoying activities outdoors, please:
- use caution when near the site
- respect property boundaries and posted warning signs
- stay off of the site itself
General updates
Team update: Employee spotlight

The project team is pleased to share that our colleague, Jeff Rosnawski, recently accepted an indeterminate position with the Environmental Protection and Waste Management Division, of the Government of Northwest Territories. Jeff is a valued member of the Project team, having first taken a term position with the GNWT in 2021. We greatly appreciate that he has agreed to continue his role as the Technical Specialist on the Project for the longer term.
Jeff was born and raised in Ndilǫ and Yellowknife and is a member of the Yellowknives Dene First Nation. He holds a Certified Engineering Technologist designation with the Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta, and has an academic background in mining engineering technology. We look forward to our continued work together as the remediation of the Giant Mine site progresses.
DJRM First Nations Contruction: Constructing lasting partnerships
In December 2022, Canadian Mining Journal featured an article submitted by DJRM First Nations Construction (DJRM), titled Constructing lasting partnerships: Team of Indigenous and non-Indigenous companies join forces on Giant mine remediation. DJRM works as a subcontractor with Parsons Inc. to conduct remediation work at site. DJRM is a majority-owned Indigenous joint venture that combines the expertise of Denesoline Corp., J&S Construction, RTL Construction and Milestone Environmental Contracting.
Contact us
Phone: 867-669-2426
Email: giantmine@rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca
Twitter: @GiantMine