Climate change preparedness in the north program projects 2018 to 2019

Choose a region:

Partner Community and region Project title and description Program contribution
Government of Yukon, Department of Environment Yukon Networking and Capacity Building – Staff Position

Funding to staff an outreach and administrative coordinator in the Government of Yukon to help the territorial government build capacity related to climate change adaptation in the territory.
Government of Yukon, Department of Environment
  • Old Crow
  • Dawson
  • Elsa
  • Keno
  • Mayo
  • Ross River
  • Beaver Creek
  • Destruction Bay
  • Burwash
Permafrost Study on Yukon Government Buildings

Funding to determine the potential risk and damage to vulnerable Yukon government structures and community buildings built on permafrost in Old Crow, Dawson, Elsa, Keno, Mayo, Ross River, Beaver Creek, Destruction Bay, and Burwash. It puts into place a building specific action plan to both mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change in Yukon.
Government of Yukon, Department of Environment Yukon Linking a Changing Climate with a Changing Traditional Diet – Maintaining Our Nutrient Intake in Yukon

Funding to assess existing case studies and data, undertake new research in multiple Yukon communities to develop a clearer picture of the relationship between climate change, traditional foods, and Yukoner’s diets, as well as social and economic impacts that affect the culture and health of First Nations and communities.
Government of Yukon, Department of Environment Yukon Predicting the Effects of Climate Change on Winter Ticks (Dermacentor Albipictus) and their Hosts in Yukon, Canada

Funding to develop an ecological model that predicts what the survival rate and distribution of winter ticks will be in a changing climate. The research team is collaborating with community members to conduct surveillance in 5 areas and examine hunter-collected hides to determine tick locations.
Government of Yukon, Department of Environment Yukon Yukon Climate Change Needs Assessment

Funding to support a group of climate change champions from Yukon communities to gather information on climate change needs and priorities and use the information to generate recommendations for future adaptation projects in Yukon.
Government of Yukon, Department of Environment Yukon Engaging Yukoners in Adaptation: Yukon Adaptation Forum

Funding to support a forum to share information about projects and tools, identify gaps and initiatives in adaptation research, facilitate networking among new and experienced adaptation practitioners and communities, and raise the profile and general awareness of climate change issues.
Government of Yukon, Department of Environment Yukon Developing a One-Government Approach to Climate Risk Assessment and Response

Funding to research and assess climate hazards, conduct assessments, and risk profiles of vulnerabilities for the Yukon government, and work collaboratively with at-risk departments to develop and implement climate risk reduction measures.
Government of Yukon, Department of Environment Yukon Mapping and Assessing Climate-related Landcover Change in Important Wildlife Areas of Yukon

Funding to support a detection analysis, which identifies where climate change is occurring most intensely. Observed changes are correlated with natural variables (for example vegetation, topography, hydrography, geology, precipitation, and temperature) to assess vulnerability and predict future changes.
Government of Yukon, Department of Environment Kluane First Nation Kluane Watershed Salmon Climate Change Adaptation

Funding to support gathering essential baseline information about how Kluane Lake Region is fluctuating and where chum salmon are most likely to spawn in the Kluane River, based on thermal maps and water quality results.
Government of Yukon, Department of Environment Yukoners at large, more specifically the traditional territory of the Tr’odëk H’wëch’in and Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Permafrost Vulnerability Mapping: Dempster Highway Kilometers 65-200

Funding to characterize permafrost conditions underneath 135 km Dempster Highway through field investigations and ground temperature monitoring. A vulnerability map and a user-friendly synthesis is also publicly available.
Government of Yukon, Department of Environment Yukon Monitoring and Planning for Health Impacts of Extreme Weather Events and Wildfires

Funding to support the creation of a working group to develop a tool for ongoing monitoring and surveillance of acute and chronic health impacts from climate change. The goal is to incorporate health impacts into the current emergency plan.
Government of Yukon, Department of Environment Greater Whitehorse Greater Whitehorse Permafrost Characterization, Monitoring and Climate Change Analysis

Funding to support the collaboration of Yukon Geological Survey, Government of Yukon, and Yukon College to characterize permafrost in the Whitehorse Region by linking areas of known permafrost with areas of similar surficial geology and aspect.
Government of Yukon, Department of Environment Yukon Tracking Changes in Yukon's Forests Using Long-Term Monitoring Plots

Funding to build upon the established tree growth and yield monitoring program in southern Yukon, and identifies areas in the northern-most extent of the Boreal Cordillera that may be affected by climate change in addition to other factors affecting northern forests.
Government of Yukon, Department of Environment Yukon Predicting Forest Fire Risk Across Yukon Under a Changing Climate

Funding to support the development of predictive maps and models of fire risk probability across Yukon under current and anticipated climatic conditions. Models identify where fire probability should increase in the future, and the intensity of these fires.
Government of Yukon, Department of Environment 13 Yukon communities, Inuvik, Northwest Territories Public Engagement on Climate Change, Energy and Green Economy Strategy for Yukon

Funding to support 13 public engagement meetings in Yukon communities and the transboundary community of Inuvik in Northwest Territories in order to gather community input in developing a Yukon-wide climate change, clean energy and green economy strategy.
Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research Yukon Mobilizing Knowledge for Developing Indigenous Community Champions for Climate Change Adaptation in Yukon

Funding to support Indigenous community youth champions in leading climate change adaptation within their own communities. It supports the community youth champions' travel to trainings and their community assessment work, as well as the production of a DVD.
Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research Yukon Research Assistant – Youth Champion Network Support

Funding to support gathering and training Yukon First Nations youth on climate change and leadership skills for gathering and mobilizing new and existing knowledge, from global, local and Indigenous perspectives, for climate change adaptation in the Yukon
Yukon College for Yukon Research Centre Jean Marie River First Nation Permafrost Mapping and Food Security Vulnerability Assessment in Jean Marie River First Nation

Funding to support the Yukon Research Center in collaboration with Jean Marie River First Nation to expand permafrost vulnerability assessments and to create vulnerability maps, including 2 key and currently unmapped traditional harvest areas.
Yukon College for Yukon Research Centre Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Mapping Permafrost in Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Traditional Territory - Climate Change Impacts on Landscapes, Hydrology and Traditional Activities

Funding to assess the vulnerability of Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation’s traditional lands to geological hazards related to permafrost degradation and hydrological changes induced by climate change, as well as the potential impacts on traditional activities.
Champagne Aishihik First Nation Champagne Aishihik First Nation Mapping out Traditional Land Use and How it Is Changing with Climate Change

Funding to facilitate the production of engagement materials intended to facilitate each citizen’s connection with their ancestors, land, language, and culture, and deepen their understanding of how climate change can potentially impede or foster their return to the land. Communication and promotion of this project's activities takes places with citizens as Dän Kwändąy Ghā Kwänji K’e: Reconnecting with their Ancestors.
First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun, Mayo Region Water Budget and Water Resource Management Strategy

Funding to establish a long-term water assessment, and budget as well as water resource management plan in response to climate change for the Mayo Region. This project, in collaboration with community members, identifies high priority study areas and has resulted result in the creation of an informative decision-making tool for assessing future project activities.
Taku River Tlinglit First Nation Taku River Tlinglit First Nation Taku River Tlingit First Nation On Reserve Fuel Management to Reduce Wildfire Threat (Fire Smart)

Funding to build upon previous wildfire adaptation plans and measures by reducing the wildfire hazard around homes and community infrastructure. With the assistance of a registered professional forester, the community develops the prescription to do the on-Reserve treatments as well as crew training and supervision of the fuel management treatments.
Taku River Tlinglit First Nation Taku River Tlinglit First Nation Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments and Adaptation Strategy

Funding to combine Indigenous knowledge research (for example land-user observations) with an analysis of scientific climate information to assess the impacts of climate change on important traditional resources. Hazard maps, education and outreach strategies, and preparedness and adaptation measures has been developed.
City of Whitehorse Whitehorse City of Whitehorse Wildfire Risk Reduction Strategy and Preliminary Fuel Abatement

Funding to help reduce the risk of wildfire. The effect of climate change, especially increased temperature and increased evapotranspiration, has been to heighten the risk of wildfire within the City of Whitehorse.
Kwanlin Dun First Nation Kwanlin Dun First Nation How We Walk The Land and Water – Climate Change Considerations and Analyses

Funding to support the analysis and planning of climate change within Southern Lakes region by integrating the mapped areas of climate resilience as well as the predictions of wildlife habitat based on a changing climate and future spring snow distributions.
Takhu Atlen Conservancy Taku River Tlingit First Nation Taku River Tlingit First Nation Climate Change Preparedness Program

Funding to build on the previous vulnerability assessment by identifying community-supported climate change adaptation strategies, accessing the feasibility of community identified adaptation strategies and developing details proposal for implementation of several key strategies.
Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in First Nation Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in First Nation Teaching and Working Farm – 4-Seasons Greenhouse

Funding to create a first-of-its-kind 4-season greenhouse farm for increasing the local growing season of fresh produce from 5 months to up to 12 months and creating a year-round teaching and working venue for their citizens and the broader community.
Carcross / Tagish First Nation Carcross / Tagish First Nation CTFN Food Security Adaptation Project: Garden – Farm Next Steps

Funding to support a combination of community garden-farm projects to address the loss of and access to traditional foods: completion of greenhouse retrofit, building 4-season barn, expansion of livestock, training and teaching citizens through workshops, completion of programming for the community focused on the revitalization of traditional knowledge of medicines and foods.
Council of Yukon First Nations Yukon Yukon Climate Change Community Liaison Position

Funding to staff a climate change community liaison position to help communities in the region identify and put forward proposals that respond to the impacts of climate change by using adaptation measures.
Northwest Territories
Partner Community and region Project title and description Program contribution
Government of Northwest Territories, Environment and Natural Resources Northwest Territories Networking and Capacity Building – Staff Position

Funding to support the staffing of a climate change position within the territorial government for the purpose of building climate change adaptation capacity in the territory.
Government of Northwest Territories, Environment and Natural Resources Northwest Territories Cross-Cutting Projects: Satellite Imagery Tasking and Data Processing

Funding to support the use of geospatial services, including RADARSAT satellite tasking and data processing, by the Government of Northwest Territories. The data can then be used by other projects to create products such as permafrost maps which serve to enhance a communities’ ability to make municipal planning decisions.
Government of Northwest Territories, Environment and Natural Resources Northwest Territories Prototyping the Development of Permafrost Map Products from InSAR Displacement Imagery

Funding to develop pilot permafrost mapping products that can be utilized to inform adaptation decision making. Permafrost map products are developed by the Government of Northwest Territories’ Center for Geomatics from the archived InSAR imagery developed during the first 5 years of the project (2012-2016).
Government of Northwest Territories, Environment and Natural Resources Northwest Territories Developing a Business Case for Flood Plain Mapping In and Around Northwest Territories Communities

Funding to develop a business case for flood plain mapping in and around Northwest Territories communities and provide governments, as well as regulatory and land use planning boards with technical information on flood risk and severity. It also provides the opportunity to create comprehensive flood plain mapping that meets current and emerging requirements.
Government of Northwest Territories, Environment and Natural Resources Northwest Territories Pile Foundations Inventory Assessment

Funding to ensure the structural integrity of the asset, the safety of building occupants, and continuation of program delivery. An in-depth investigation of all wooden pile foundations for Government of the Northwest Territories’ buildings within the Beaufort Delta and Sahtu regions is conducted to determine necessary remedial work.
Government of Northwest Territories, Environment and Natural Resources Northwest Territories Inventory and Risk Assessment of Historic Caribou and Sheep Fences in the Northwest Territories

Funding to complete inventory of archaeological sites, inventory and risk assessment on the caribou and sheep fences that are at the greatest risk of impact from climate change.
Government of Northwest Territories, Environment and Natural Resources Northwest Territories Baseline Information, Risk Assessment, and Planning for Arthropod-Borne Zoonoses Within the Northwest Territories in a One Health Framework

Funding to create a summary of baseline information for arthropod-borne diseases in the Northwest Territories. It conducts a risk assessment on the likelihood of introduction of arthropod-borne zoonoses in the Northwest Territories and identifies priority surveillance plans. As well, it develops educational materials for the public on the subject.
Government of Northwest Territories, Environment and Natural Resources Northwest Territories Northwest Territories Emergency Management Plan Implementation

Funding to ensure a prompt and coordinated response by the Government of the Northwest Territories and its partners to territorial emergencies affecting all or parts of the Territory. The implementation of the Emergency Plan focuses on training exercises and activities to achieve an interim operational capability to manage emergencies.
Government of Northwest Territories, Environment and Natural Resources Northwest Territories Developing Methods and Permafrost Terrain Maps for the Zone of Discontinuous Permafrost in the Northwest Territories

Funding to develop a thermokarst terrain classification system for Northwest Territories and produce fine-scale thermokarst land system maps for the study area. It develops field and fine-scale mapping activities, methodologies and spatial data sets that inform infrastructure and forest management climate change adaptation decision making.
Government of Northwest Territories, Environment and Natural Resources Northwest Territories Emergency Evacuation Plans

Funding to establish an emergency evacuation plan for each major territorial health related facility. It provides completed tabletop exercises using the plan developed for each facility, and a list of adaptable facilities to be identified as cleaner air shelters and information on changes required to develop capacity.
Government of Northwest Territories, Environment and Natural Resources Northwest Territories Community Engagement in the Design of the Management of the Conservation Network

Funding to provide an understanding of how to best engage with communities to encourage discussion and feedback, and for logistical support in setting up various forms of engagement. It also solicits perspectives, opinions, and concerns about the design of monitoring biodiversity for resiliency to climate change within protected areas.
Government of Northwest Territories, Environment and Natural Resources Northwest Territories Community Wildland Fire Protection

Funding to develop a new methodology for community wildfire risk assessments using the community of Fort Good Hope as a case study and creates an updated community wildfire protection plan for Fort Good Hope.
Government of Northwest Territories, Environment and Natural Resources Northwest Territories Fire Smarting of Parks

Funding to help reduce the risk of fire impacts to the public and infrastructure by taking an inventory of fire smarting brush and wood removal needs, completing a Northwest Territory Parks fire hazard and risk assessment, and conducting fire smarting of territorial parks.
Northwest Territories Association of Communities Northwest Territories 2018 Climate Change Forum and Charrette

Funding to host a Climate Change Forum and Charrette, bringing together communities and various climate change partners, including Indigenous, territorial and federal governments, organizations, researchers, funders, and non-governmental organizations to work in developing a community-centered territory-wide strategic and collaborative approach to adaptation.
Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk (Partner 2) Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk Tuktoyaktuk Coastal Erosion

Funding to increase public safety and reduce future erosion damage through the identification of coastal erosion hazards, as well as the movement of houses from the areas experiencing erosion. The Government of Northwest Territories and the Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk are implementing a suite of potential measures, which are identified in the Tuktoyaktuk costal erosion mitigation plan in order to reduce the impacts of costal erosion in the community of Tuktoyaktuk.
Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk The Acceleration of Coastal Change: Assessment, Education, and Knowledge Transfer Towards Climate Change Adaptation in Tuktoyaktuk

Funding to support climate change scientists in engaging with Tuktoyaktuk community members and disseminate scientific knowledge on coastal dynamic processes impacting the community, ultimately increasing the climate change preparedness of all members.
Tuktoyaktuk Community Corporation Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk Improving Coastal Safety and Security in a Changing Ice Environment

Funding to respond to the impacts of deteriorating sea ice conditions which greatly affect the community. The project provides additional information to help manage growing boat traffic and resulting impacts on water quality, and to help residents work safely on ice or water within about 8 km of Tuktoyaktuk. Additionally, it supports community members gathering information about ice conditions for a related initiative - Tuktoyaktuk Community Climate Resilience project.
Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Inuvialuit Settlement Region Comprehensive Approach to Mitigate Climate Driven Changes in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region

Funding to provide a comprehensive approach to address scientific gaps and develop models that informs climate change adaptation strategies for communities in the Beaufort Sea and Mackenzie Delta. It also enables researchers and decision-makers to assess storm surge and thawing permafrost hazards in the community of Tuktoyaktuk, and support the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation in growing its capacity in coastal management and climate change adaptation
Rat River Development Corporation Hamlet of Fort McPherson Bank Stability Evaluation and Mainstreaming Climate Change Efforts in the Hamlet of Fort McPherson

Funding to assess the risk of slope stabilization, helps to develop an understanding of what potential steps might be taken to potentially lower that risk, and to review land use plan. It also results in obtaining further knowledge of how climate change and permafrost are impacting housing and community buildings.
Aurora College Northwest Territories Online Digital Hazard Maps of Landslides Along the Caribou Hills, The East Channel of the Mackenzie River, Inuvik

Funding to develop hazard maps and climate change adaptation strategies in order to inform communities of the danger related to the unstable slopes of the Caribou Hills. It also provides information to decision makers to support the development and implementation of policies that mitigate the impacts of climate driven changes.
Liidlii Kue First Nation Village of Fort Simpson Liidlii Kue First Nation Climate Change Adaptation Indigenous Knowledge and Land Use Impact Study

Funding to document where and how the community has experienced the impacts of climate change, then develop the internal capacity to conduct Indigenous ecological knowledge and land use impact research to ultimately implement climate change adaptation strategies.
Town of Fort Smith Town of Fort Smith Town of Fort Smith Slope Stabilization

Funding to focus on the preparation of engineering plans, creation of a remediation design and construction plan in order to ensure that the Town of Fort Smith has safe river banks.
Hamlet of Ulukhaktok Hamlet of Ulukhaktok Tooniktoyok

Funding to facilitate the generation, documentation, and two-way sharing of observations, experiences and knowledge of changing climatic conditions and the costs of hunting among hunters, researchers and decision makers. It enhances the safety and success of hunters, and provides information for decision making to adapt to changing climatic conditions.
Hamlet of Ulukhaktok Hamlet of Ulukhaktok Emergency Preparedness in a Changing Climate

Funding to support Hamlet of Ulukhaktok’s emergency preparedness response to adapt to the increase of extreme weather conditions caused by climate change. The response includes an update of emergency planning documents, training for the community and equipment.
K’atl'odeeche First Nation K’atl'odeeche First Nation K'atl'odeeche First Nation Cultural Infrastructure Protection and Floodplain Mitigation Plan

Funding to identify the immediate mitigation measures required to stabilize the riverbank, where the erosion has impacted the stability of the riverbank and poses a threat to the community arbor where ceremonial cultural activities are held.
Community Government of Behchokǫ̀ Behchokǫ̀ Behchokǫ̀ Cemetery Flooding Remediation

Funding to investigate the increasing occurrences in flooding of the Behchokǫ Cemetery and to develop remediation options aimed at rectifying the problem.
Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated Yellowknife Building Youth Climate Adaptation Capacity

Funding to provide 3 Sahtu youth the opportunity to build leadership and technical skills, and work with researchers and community members. The project adds value to scientific research being undertaken by NASA’s Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment program by supporting Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated’s efforts to have traditional knowledge and regional priorities included in upcoming research plans.
Town of Hay River Town of Hay River Aspen Heights Subdivision Geotechnical

Funding to incorporate climate change considerations, such as permafrost degradation risk and frost protection, in new infrastructure projects through a geotechnical investigation of an area designated for development as a residential subdivision.
Ka’a’gee Tu First Nation Ka’a’gee Tu First Nation Northern Agriculture Futures (Part 1)

Funding to address barriers to the production of local food in a number of communities across the South Slave and Dehcho regions. The project identifies areas for present and future agricultural development, and uses pilot-scale food growing projects to build local capacity and develop agricultural best management practices specific to a community’s soil types. It also contributes to policy development and knowledge sharing with other communities in the Northwest Territories.
Northern Youth Leadership Mackenzie River Climate Change and Self- Government Camp

Funding to develop a climate change curriculum with scientists, researchers and Indigenous knowledge holders along the Mackenzie River. The curriculum delivers climate change impacts and adaptation teachings to Northwest Territories’ youth.
Aurora Research Institute Inuvik Applied Northern Permafrost Information Hub

Funding to establish a northern permafrost information hub for the western Canadian Arctic at the Western Arctic Research Centre in Inuvik. The hub creates a collaborative network of Northerners, practitioners, permafrost knowledge generators, including traditional knowledge holders, and the permafrost research community to support the transfer of knowledge needed to improve the regions ability to adapt to climate change.
Aqqiumavvik Society Nunavut Nunavut Survey For Weather Water and Ice Info And Services - Project Proposal

Funding to understand Inuit communities use of accessibility for WWIC information and services and involves developing a survey that can be facilitated systematically across all four regions of Inuit Nunangat.
Partner Community and region Project title and description Program contribution
Government of Nunavut, Department of Environment Nunavut Networking and Capacity Building – Staff Position

Funding to staff an outreach and administrative coordinator in the Government of Nunavut to help the territorial government build capacity related to climate change adaptation in the territory.
Government of Nunavut, Department of Environment Nunavut Minimizing Climate Change Risks for the Sea Ice-Based Tourism Industry in Nunavut

Funding to support SmartICE technology in collecting sea-ice data and analyzing it along with additional information, such as data from land-based weather stations, to allow safe travel for Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit. This project establishes SmartICE Tourism in Arctic Bay to help outfitters be proactive by identifying and implementing adaptive actions to help mitigate the effects of climate change.
Government of Nunavut, Department of Environment Nunavut Identifying and Implementing Adaptation Measures for River Erosion in Kugluk Territorial Park

Funding to assess the land movement, anticipated rates of erosion and ground failure in the Park. It allows to plan better in terms of alternate routes for all-terrain vehicles and boardwalk sections of the trail.
Government of Nunavut, Department of Environment Nunavut Developing a Nunavut-Wide Youth Advisory Committee on Climate Change to Increase Adaptive Capacity and Climate Resilience

Funding to build youth capacity and resilience to climate change impacts, create opportunities for youth-elder knowledge exchange, and create a committee of youth available to advise on the Government of Nunavut's Climate Change Secretariat programs, projects, and policies, ensuring youth input on products.
Nunavut Housing Corporation Nunavut Geotechnical Investigations (Arviat and Cambridge Bay)

Funding to conduct ground and soil evaluations prior to the construction of infrastructure, and provides appropriate recommendations for detailed foundation design based on the soil evaluation.
Nunavut Housing Corporation Nunavut Additional Geotechnical Investigations (Sanikiluaq, Coral Harbour, Chesterfield Inlet, Kimmirut, Whale Cove, Iqaluit)

Funding to conduct ground and soil evaluations prior to the construction of infrastructure, and provides appropriate recommendations for detailed foundation design based on the soil evaluation.
City of Iqaluit Nunavut Drinking Water Management Strategy

Funding to develop a water loss strategy, make amendments to city standards that leads to lower water use, identify water system operating methods that can be optimized, and result in the documentation, rationalization, and control of intended water losses under municipal control.
City of Iqaluit Nunavut Master Drainage Plan

Funding to assess climate change impacts on the existing system and any future upgrades, identify new drainage measures, programs, and repairs that improve conveyance of storm water throughout the city, and provide an asset management model framework paired with a recommended multi-year implementation plan.
City of Iqaluit Iqaluit Reservoir Response to Water Crisis

Funding to implement measures based on historical and projected water use data that ensure sufficient water supply in the City of Iqaluit’s Lake Geraldine reservoir to satisfy the City’s water intake during the 9 months winter.
Nunavut Research Institute Nunavut Nunavut Water Resources Assessment

Funding to determine current and projected use of freshwater, including both municipal and non-municipal components. The project examines Inuit values and relationships with water, including how these are impacted by environmental change and identifies risk and vulnerability regarding water-related health and well-being issues.
Hamlet of Arviat Arviat Community Drainage Plan

Funding to develop a community drainage plan in the Hamlet of Arviat in response to increasing flooding and drainage issues as the result of climate change.
Aqqiumavvik Society Arviat Arviat Young Hunters Program

Funding to expand on the current Young Hunters Program to train youth and develop their skills and expertise in building strong evidence around climate indicators, engaging the community, using social media and information sharing techniques to promote consensus around a sustainable plan.
Aqqiumavvik Society All Nunavut communities Understanding Nunavut Inuit Community uses and needs for weather, water, ice and climate information for adaptation services

Funding to better understand the relevance, areas of improvement and role that information and services can play in supporting climate change adaptation, emergency response, and travel safety decisions in Nunavut communities.
SmartICE Sea Ice Monitoring and Information Incorporated Pangnirtung, Qikiqtarjuaq Building Sustainable Winter Fisheries for Nunavut Communities under a Changing Climate

Funding to assess vulnerabilities and risks based on a combination of remote sensing and Inuit knowledge. From there develop an archaeology module that will form part of the Inuinnait Knowledge Bank and use the resulting analysis for adaptation planning. By recording Inuinnait knowledge on climate change and terrain instability impacts, it provides an opportunity for Inuinnait youth to be employed in the field and benefit from the knowledge transfer from being engaged with Elders and professional archaeologists.
Inuinnait / Kitikmeot Heritage Society Kitikmeot Combining Community Based Monitoring and Remote Sensing for Adaptation Planning in Bathurst Inlet, Nunavut: A Vulnerability and Risk Assessment

Funding to assess vulnerabilities and risks based on a combination of remote sensing and Inuit knowledge. From there develop an archaeology module that will form part of the Inuinnait Knowledge Bank and use the resulting analysis for adaptation planning. By recording Inuinnait knowledge on climate change and terrain instability impacts, it provides an opportunity for Inuinnait youth to be employed in the field and benefit from the knowledge transfer from being engaged with Elders and professional archaeologists.
Hamlet of Hall Beach Hamlet of Hall Beach Installation of Culverts

Funding to install culverts that will prevent further flooding due to climate change.
Dalhousie University All Nunavut communities Water Security for Northern Peoples

Funding to determine the current and projected use of freshwater as well as to examine Inuit values and relationships with water. It also identifies water-related health vulnerabilities and risks as well as well-being issues with respect to environmental changes in order to generate collaboratively adaptation options for communities.
Partner Community and region Project title and description Program contribution
Makivik Corporation and Kativik Regional Government Nunavik On-the-land Emergency Communication

Funding to work with communities to develop local systems and strategies to allow for better communication in the event of on-the-land emergencies. Satellite messaging devices is provided to local hunter support programs, which can then lend out the devices to harvesters.
Makivik Corporation and Kativik Regional Government Nunavik Municipal Workers Climate Change Adaptation Training

Funding to offer training to municipal workers regarding best-practices in minimizing the effects of climate change on community infrastructure.
Makivik Corporation and Kativik Regional Government Nunavik Hazard Mapping-Identification of Unstable Areas

Funding to identify and map unstable areas within communities and the surrounding areas, focusing on shifts that may impact infrastructure and often-used trails and paths.
Makivik Corporation and Kativik Regional Government Nunavik Maintenance and Enhancement of Char Streams

Funding to maintain clear and reliable passage for char species in the face of changing water levels and southern animal species migrating further North.
Makivik Corporation and Kativik Regional Government Nunavik Polar Bear and Black Bear Deterrents

Funding to provide knowledge, skills, and tools to deter bears from coming close to communities. Strategies employed may include providing bear bangers and other similar equipment through local Hunter Support Programs, setting up bear barrels outside of communities to entice bears away from populated areas, and the hiring of bear patrollers during particularly active periods.
Makivik Corporation and Kativik Regional Government Nunavik Harvested Food Safety

Funding to provide strategies and resources to communities, including local hunters, fisherman, and trappers associations for the safe handling of country foods. The Northern Village of Quaqtaq is going to document the harvest and proper butchering of walrus, and the proper preparation of Igunaq (fermented walrus meat) in the face of a changing climate.
Makivik Corporation and Kativik Regional Government Nunavik Real-Time Communication of Weather and Environmental Conditions

Funding to improve and disseminate up-to-date information on weather and environmental conditions to community members.
Makivik Corporation and Kativik Regional Government Nunavik Inter-Generational Transfer of Knowledge

Funding to work with Unaaq Men’s Association of Inukjuak to help develop and support the transfer of knowledge related to land, weather, and related skills between Elders and younger generations. Unaaq coordinates excursions with Elders and knowledgeable hunters.
Makivik Corporation and Kativik Regional Government Salluit New expansion area in Salluit – Salluit-4 Development Plan

Funding to support the development of the Comprehensive Development Plan for the new expansion area in Salluit, which will take into consideration natural constraints resulting from climate change. With no space left to develop and no granular material to waste, Salluit has no choice but to begin development in their final expansion area with a focus on adaptation.
Makivik Corporation and Kativik Regional Government Tasiujaq Tasiujaq Arena – Permarfrost thawing mitigation

Funding to reduce the permafrost thawing impacts by applying appropriate adaptation measures around the arena building such as reducing the quantity of water reaching the arena, managing run-off water surrounding the area and evacuating the water coming from the building (overflow; condensation; etc.).
Makivik Corporation and Kativik Regional Government Nunavik Very High Frequency Marine Radio Strategy

Funding to support the implementation of emergency response planning in Nunavik region with no cellphone coverage. Very high frequency marine radio are proven effective at enabling communication across large sections of the surrounding hunting territories, which is seen as important with changing weather patterns and extreme weather events.
Partner Community and region Project title and description Program contribution
Nunatsiavut Government Nunatsiavut Initial Engagement Meeting for the Development of Nunatsiavut Food Security

Funding to set objectives for the strategy, appoints a steering committee for strategy development, and discusses a plan for community engagement in strategy development. This strategy is created in concert with the Nunatsiavut Climate Change Strategy as well as the National Inuit Food Security Strategy.
Nunatsiavut Government Nunatsiavut Nunatsiavut Climate Change Adaptation: Going Off, Growing Strong

Funding to implement The Going Off, Growing Strong Program, which is a youth outreach program that enhances youth mental health by supporting social-cultural connections while improving food security in a changing environment.
Nunatsiavut Government Nunatsiavut Nunatsiavut Climate Change Adaptation: Knowledge Exchange Hide Workshop

Funding to support the Knowledge Exchange Hide Workshop, which facilitates knowledge and skills exchange between First Nation Knowledge Holders from the Northwest Territories and Labrador Inuit.
Nunatsiavut Government Nunatsiavut High Efficiency Stoves

Funding to support the purchase of high efficiency wood stoves in response to impeded access to land from climate change impacts. As part of a large scale implementation plan involving the Nunatsiavut Government and other partners.
Nunatsiavut Government Nunatsiavut Nunatsiavut Climate Change Adaptation: Infrastructure Assessment

Funding to conduct infrastructure assessment on an existing building belonging to Nunatsiavut Government’s Department of Health to determine any potential impacts of climate change to the building and any modifications that might be needed as a result.
Nunatsiavut Government Nain Instructing Ocean Literacy Through Kayak Training Camps

Funding to build knowledge of ocean water and weather by understanding the accessibility to traditional food in the face of climate change, the land as Inuit ancestors; the use of the environment within the context of a changing climate and changing environmental conditions.
Nunatsiavut Government Nunatsiavut Community – Based Hazard Mapping of Polynyas and Ice Features

Funding to conduct ice-hazard monitoring of all 5 communities within the Nunatsiavut region and Upper Lake Melville region by collecting spatial data, completing hazards maps, engaging community to communicate the gathered knowledge. Information, including maps, about polynyas throughout the seasons is provided to the kayak revival program.
Nunatsiavut Government Nunatsiavut Ptarmigan Migration and Breeding Areas: Understanding and Forming Strategies in a Changing Climate

Funding to understand the observed hunting pressure shifts away from caribou and fish to the ptarmigan for which data are critical and where effective management is lacking. By understanding landscape impacts on ptarmigan, it could give an indication into ways that Labrador Inuit can continue to adapt hunting strategies to ensure access to ptarmigan.
Partner Community and region Project title and description Program contribution
NunatuKavut Community Council NunatuKavut Preparing for Climate Change in NunatuKavut through the Use of Indigenous Knowledge / Our Voices

Funding to support an engagement workshop to understand, prepare, and adapt to the impacts of climate change, initiate dialogue within communities to gather and share indigenous knowledge, and identify priorities for the region. These objectives are accomplished through the development and implementation of a survey and workshop.
NunatuKavut Community Council NunatuKavut Climate Change Specialist

Funding to support the staffing of a climate change support and coordination officer in the NunatuKavut Community Council. This position assists the Council to build internal capacity related to climate change adaptation in the territory.
Eeyou Istchee James Bay Territory
Partner Community and region Project title and description Program contribution
Cree Nation Government All Eeyou Istchee communities and Nunavik Food Security in Eeyou Istchee and Nunavik

Funding to integrate existing knowledge and co-create knowledge to better anticipate the impacts of climate change on traditional food security in northern Quebec and to enhance community adaptive capacity in maintaining the integrity of their local food systems under climate change.
Cree Nation of Nemaska Cree Nation of Nemaska Cree Nation of Nemaska Climate Change Adaptation Plan

Funding to develop climate change adaptation plans: one focused on the infrastructures and a broader one at a community level. A preliminary step to the adaptation planning would be to assess the vulnerability of the community and its infrastructures to current and future climate change using the Engineers Canada Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Committee tool.
Partner Community and region Project title and description Program contribution
Government of Nunavut, Department of Environment North Pan-Northern Workshop on Permafrost Thaw Vulnerability Mapping and Decision Making for Community Resilience

Funding to support a workshop on sharing different mapping methodologies and best practices, and to better understand how end users from different jurisdictions are using their maps to inform decision making regarding infrastructure.
Yukon College North Review of Climate Change Adaptation in the Canadian North: Identifying Common Themes, Actions, and Opportunities to Improve Access to Adaptation Knowledge

Funding to support compilation and analysis of northern climate change adaptation publications, identification of common themes and potential knowledge gaps, review of online database tools, and evaluation of success factors for the effective sharing of adaptation knowledge in the North.
Ecology North North Northern Housing Forum 2018 / Infrastructure Standardization Initiative Training

Funding to support the participation of Indigenous and northern organizations and peoples at the 4-day Northern Housing Forum and the Northern Infrastructure Standardization Initiative Training session.
Yukon College North Coordinating Lead Author – North Regional Chapter of National Assessment

Funding for the coordination of the northern regional chapter of Natural Resources Canada's Canada in a Changing Climate: National Knowledge Assessment. This includes coordination of contributions, establishing writing guidelines, editing of material and advising on communication of information to a Northern audience.
Students on Ice Foundation North Students on Ice Adaptation – Specific Education Program Part I

Funding to develop a greater awareness of climate change adaptation in Canada’s North through an adaptation specific education program, creating adaptation focused videos in the North, increasing capacity for arctic youth participation on Students on Ice arctic expeditions, and providing support for alumni community projects related to climate change adaptation.
Students on Ice Foundation North Students on Ice Adaptation-Specific Education Program Part II

Funding to develop a greater awareness of climate change adaptation in Canada’s North. The initiative supports the adaptation-specific education program, translation of adaptation-focused videos in the North into French, and increasing capacity for arctic youth participation on Students on Ice arctic expeditions.
SmartICE Sea Ice Monitoring and Information Incorporated Northwest Territories SmartICE Freshwater

Funding to support SmartICE technology for improving safe travel on sea ice. The project adapts that technology to a freshwater environment to improve travel for both communities and local businesses across the Arctic interior.
ArcticNet North Supporting Northern Participation to ArcticNet 2018

Funding to support Northerner participation at the Arctic Change 2018 Conference with the goal of building research capacity in northern Canada, engaging northern Canadian youth in science, and increasing the presence of northern voices and perspectives in arctic research.
ArcticNet Nunavik Web-based Portal for Knowledge Sharing in Support of the Sustainable Development of Nunavik (IRIS Portal)

Funding to develop web-based portal for the Integrated Regional Impact Study’s (IRIS’s) findings. This pilot project focuses on Nunavik and allows academic, regional, provincial and federal stakeholders to more readily access information and make decisions based on regional priorities.
Carleton University Nunavut Landfast Sea Ice Breakup Prediction in a Changing Climate

Funding to assess particular landfast ice dynamics for the purpose of developing a user-friendly sea ice breakup prediction model. The investigation combines archived satellite imagery, in situ environmental data and local Indigenous knowledge to inform patterns, timing and mechanisms of landfast ice breakup in recent years. The resulting model enables safer travel over sea ice for community members.
Students on Ice North Students on Ice Adaptation-Specific Education Program Part II

Funding to develop a greater awareness of climate change adaptation in Canada’s North by continuing to support the adaptation-specific education program, translation of adaptation-focused videos in the North into French, and increasing capacity for Arctic youth participation on SOI Arctic expeditions.

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