2011-2012 to 2014-2015 Implementation Report of the Nunavik Inuit Land Claims Agreement
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As required by Article 23.3.3 (e) of the Nunavik Inuit Land Claims Agreement (NILCA), the Implementation Committee (IC) is pleased to present its second report on the implementation of the Agreement.
Exceptionally, the IC has decided to combine two reporting periods (2011-2013 and 2013-2015) into one volume in order to cover this period in a timely manner.
This report provides readers with an overview of the Agreement, its funding and the various activities undertaken by the different bodies during this reporting period.
The Implementation Committee would like to take this opportunity to recognize the strong communication between the various stakeholders in the last few years, which has led to a successful implementation process. It is hoped that this precedent foreshadows continued good relations between the parties heading into the future.
The good working relationship between the Nunavik Institutions of Public Government (IPGs) and those from the surrounding treaty regions has also aided in a successful implementation process since 2011.
Natalie Neville
Appointed by the Government of Canada
Sam Silverstone
Appointed by the Makivik Corporation
William MacKay
Appointed by the Government of Nunavut
General Overview of NILCA
On December 1, 2006 Makivik Corporation, the Government of Nunavut (GN) and the Government of Canada signed the Nunavik Inuit Land Claims Agreement (NILCA). The agreement came into force on July 10, 2008 following the adoption by the Parliament of Canada of the Nunavik Inuit Land Claims Agreement Act (S.C. 2008, c.2). This Agreement is a treaty and is constitutionally protected within the meaning of section 25 of the Constitution Act of 1982.
The NILCA addresses the use and ownership of lands and resources in James Bay, Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait and Ungava Bay (known as the Nunavik Marine Region) as well as a portion of northern Labrador and an area offshore from Labrador
Pursuant to the NILCA, Nunavik Inuit own, either solely or jointly, a total of 7,530 islands which constitute an approximate area of 8,051 km squaredFootnote1.
Finally, the NILCA contains separate overlap agreements between Nunavik Inuit and Nunavut Inuit, the Crees of Eeyou Istchee, and Labrador Inuit.
Funding the Agreement
The Government of Canada is responsible for funding Institutions of Public Government (IPGs) and activities related to the implementation of the NILCA.
During the reporting period, the Department of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) transferred a total amount of $45,396,153 to the parties (signatories and IPGs) involved in the implementation of the NILCA. Payments were made on time according to final schedules and funds and were distributed as shown in the pie chart below.

Text description of the Overall Funding for Fiscal Years from 2011-2012 to 2014-2015
A summary of funding for fiscal years 2011-2012 to 2014-2015 for the implementation of the NILCA mandate.
- Grant to Makivik Corporation / Nunavik Inuit Trust (Article 16): $27,163,560
- Grant to Makivik Corporation / Nunavik Inuit Trust (Article 23): $1,420,943
- Grant to Government of Nunavut: $1,622,577
- Contributions to IPGs: $15,189,073
Implementing the Agreement
Implementation Committee
The NILCA (Article 23) provides for the establishment of an implementation committee responsible for overseeing, monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the Agreement, and making recommendations to the parties for future planning periods following the initial ten-year period. The Implementation Committee (IC) of the NILCA is composed of three senior officials, one from Canada, one from Nunavut, and one from Makivik Corporation.
Apart from the production of this report, the IC undertook several actions/activities during the reporting period, such as:
- Improved the funding agreement as the mechanism to transfer funds to the IPGs;
- Created a permanent Terms of Reference for the committee so that their responsibilities and procedures are clear;
- Began the process of the Implementation Plan renewal;
- Coordinated to ensure that issues that arise are properly reviewed and resolved, including creating working groups where necessary to study specific issues.
Government of Canada
As a signatory to the NILCA, the Government of Canada has implementation obligations under the provisions in the NILCA. Federal Departments/Organizations that are involved, on a regular basis, in the fulfillment of Canada’s obligations towards this Agreement are: Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, Parks Canada, Environment Canada, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada. These Departments play key roles in the day-to-day implementation activities of the NILCA, namely in terms of funding, coordinating and participating in meetings and/or IPGs, and sharing expertise on different issues raised by the implementation of the negotiated agreement.
Apart from funding, the Government of Canada participates actively in the implementation of the NILCA through an interdepartmental caucus. This Interdepartmental Caucus provides a structured forum to help ensure collaborative, consistent and effective fulfillment of implementation activities undertaken across different federal organizations. Generally, the Interdepartmental Caucus meets twice a year and these regular meetings often coincide with upcoming Implementation Committee meetings. These meetings allow members of federal departments with implementation responsibilities to discuss implementation-related matters, to propose that certain issues be referred to the Implementation Committee for further discussions and finally, to consult with Canada’s representative on the IC about committee business before IC meetings.
During the reporting period, the Government of Canada, via its departments/organizations, contributed to the effective implementation of the Agreement by undertaking several actions/activities including:
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
- Participated in the NILCA Implementation Committee to ensure proper and timely implementation of the NILCA;
- Funded and assisted in resolving funding and related matters for the IPGs;
- Participated jointly with other signatories in the implementation of the overlap arrangements contained in Articles 27, 28 and 29 of the NILCA;
- Monitored members’ appointments to the IPGs as well as members’ appointments to the Implementation Committee;
- Worked closely with their partners to collect nominations and processes all Ministerial appointments to the IPGs. Six appointments were made to the IPGs between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2015;
- Through the Nunavut Contaminated Sites Program, worked on remediating the Cape Dorset 2 site, located on Nottingham Island. Community consultations were held in Salluit and Ivujivik in January 2013 presenting the draft Remedial Action Plan, in order to seek input from residents on the plan.
Parks Canada
Torngat Mountains National Park of Canada
- Parks Canada is beginning a new management planning process with a final management plan due in December 2016. As part of this process, Parks Canada will be collaborating with the Cooperative Management Board (CMB) for Torngat Mountains National Park (TMNP) and will seek the views of Makivik. There will be a general consultation process that will solicit views from the public and key stakeholders.
- Due to a fire in the Pavilion for the Parc National Kuururjuaq in 2014, Parks Canada has secured interim office space in the Community Centre through a lease arrangement with the Northern Village of Kangiqsualujjuaq.
- Parks Canada continues to base its operations in the summer out of the Torngat Mountains Base Camp and Research Station located at Saglek outside the park but adjacent to the southern boundary.
- In addition, Parks Canada contracted 9 Nunavik Inuit cultural performers who also enriched the general visitor experience and in 2011 and 2014 provided special experiences and programming for the Students on Ice which was hosted by Parks Canada in the Torngat Mountains National Park. These elders and cultural performers worked with the Kangidluasuk Student Program which hosts Inuit youth from Nunavik and Nunatsiavut at Base Camp for 2-3 weeks. Seventeen Nunavik Inuit youth have participated in this program during this time. The connection between Inuit elders and youth in the Torngat Mountains has been showcased through poetry in 2 books: A Gift of Words (2013) and Their Working Hands, Their Golden Words – Inuit Elders to Inuit Youth (2014).
- Providing opportunities for polar bear safety training workshops in Kangiqsualujjuaq to help Nunavik Inuit qualify for employment as bear guards in the park.
- Collaborating with Nunavik Parks on ways to cooperate on communication and emergency response and to promote the Torngat Mountains National Park and the Parc National Kuururjuaq as one destination.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Community consultations to obtain detailed samples from Quaqtaq and Ivujivik community hunts (July) and inform on research activities and to outline research results (February 2012).
- Advice provided to Wildlife Board on acceptable harvest levels of beluga in the NMR.
- Tissue sampling program (collect skin sample and tooth from harvested beluga whales and other mammals) from all Nunavik communities supported.
- Genetic analyses of the samples obtained from Nunavik hunter tissue sampling program were analysed at the DFO genetics laboratory.
- Large programs that explored the ecology of beluga, and bowhead whales from the perspective of traditional knowledge were completed in 2013, and a study partially supported by the Nunavik Marine Region Wildlife Board (NMRWB) that examined walrus ecology from the perspective of Inuit Traditional Ecological Knowledge was initiated in 2013/2014 and completed in 2015.
- Deployment and recovery of hydrophones to monitor ship noise and marine mammal vocalizations in Hudson Strait. Presentation of results to National Marine Mammal Peer Review meeting.
- Presented several research results to partner entities.
Environment Canada
During the reporting period, Environment Canada (EC) worked closely with NILCA’s IPGs on the implementation of the wildlife management regime and the impact review process for proposed development projects in the Nunavik Marine Region as specified under the Agreement.
EC has collaborated actively in the work of the (NMRWB) by making EC’s expertise available to the NMRWB and by providing technical support for questions related to migratory birds and species at risk.
More specifically, EC worked with the NMRWB on:
- The development of the Peregrine Falcon Management Plan and the Recovery Strategy for the Red Knot;
- The presentation to the NMRWB of avifauna monitoring in the Nunavik marine and coastal region;
- The preparation of the implementation of the 2nd Quebec Breeding Bird Atlas in Nunavik.
EC also kept the NMRWB informed of its decisions and activities concerning Polar Bear management in Canada and in the NMR concerning, in particular:
- The development of the Polar Bear Management Plan;
- The implementation of Total Allowable Take by Inuit in the NMR, and;
- Polar Bear population management in Canada and internationally.
Since 2014, EC is also involved in the formulation of the Land Use Plan at the invitation of the Nunavik Marine Region Planning Commission.
Government of Nunavut
The GN has several implementation obligations under the NILCA, many of which are on an as needed basis, for example, activities associated with nominating members to NILCA IPGs, new consultation requirements, and potential travel and translation costs related to obligations. Legal obligations include land titles registration, surveys and the potential for dispute resolution costs. Environmental obligations include licensing, harvesting related information collection, enforcement of wildlife legislation, general environmental monitoring and land use planning where it overlaps and affects both jurisdictions, enforcement of development project certificates and related activities, and activities associated with the future appropriate permanent wildlife and land and water management regimes for the Areas of Equal Use and Occupancy between the NLCA and the NILCA. Finally, there are other obligations related to places names, archaeological and ethnographic resources and legislation, resource royalty related activities (calculations, proposals, legislation, etc).
Department of Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs
EIA holds the transboundary claims files and works to coordinate and monitor implementation of the NILCA by government departments.
- Costs related to implementation management include ongoing membership on the Implementation Committee and related activities.
Department of Environment
Protected Areas:
Article 11 of the NILCA assigns the Department of Environment the responsibility for the establishment of a Protected Area Impact and Benefit Agreement and joint management committee for territorial parks and other areas of particular significance for ecological, cultural, archaeological, research or similar reasons under shared jurisdiction or solely under the jurisdiction of the territorial government.
- No Protected Areas are currently planned for the NMR Settlement Area; therefore no activities have been undertaken during the reporting period.
Land and Resources:
With the jurisdictional responsibility to protect the land and people of the territory, the GN has a very real and tangible interest in the outcome of Land Use Planning (Article 6) and the Development Impact (Article 7) process.
- The GN Department of the Environment makes appointments for the GN representative to the NMRPC and the NMRIRB (Nunavik Marine Region Impact Review Board) ongoing, including involvement in the chair appointment process for each IPGs.
- The GN Minister and GN departments will be involved in the development of, review and implementation and monitoring of future land use plan.
- The GN Minister and GN departments are also involved in screening, reviewing, monitoring, decisions and amendments of development project proposals.
- The GN will also work with its partners to develop a general environmental monitoring plan for the NMR.
Wildlife Management Division:
Under the NILCA, the responsibility for management of terrestrial species is shared between the GN Department of Environment, the NMRWB, and the Local Nunavimmi Umajutvijiit Katajuaqatigininga (LNUKs)/ Regional Nunavimmi Umajutvijiit Katajuaqatigininga (RNUKs). These organizations work collectively and independently on their respective responsibilities as outlined in the NILCA. In the GN, responsibility for wildlife management initiatives falls to the Wildlife Division of the Department of Environment. This division participates in the decision process by bringing the Department’s management recommendations forward to the NMRWB. The division is responsible for licensing, information collection (harvesting, sampling, etc.), enforcement of wildlife legislation and wildlife monitoring. The GN Department of Environment may also seek advice from the NMRWB on wildlife management issues. The GN Environment Minister can refer matters to the NMRWB where appropriate.
- The Wildlife Division has increased contact, most recently on legislation and regulations, and will be building on that relationship.
- The Department of the Environment makes appointments for the GN representative to the NMRWB ongoing, including jointly appointing the chair.
Department of Justice
Legal obligations include land titles registration, surveys and the potential for dispute resolution costs.
- The Legal and Constitutional Law Division provided legal advice to other GN departments about their NILCA obligations during the period in question.
- The Legislative Drafting Division assisted government departments and agencies in developing regulations and legislation that are consistent with the NILCA.
- The Land Titles Office administers the Land Titles Act (Nunavut) and provides guaranteed titles under a modern legal regime.
- Pursuant to Article 20 of NILCA, the GN and Makivik Corporation share title in all archaeological specimens discovered in the Nunavik Marine Region after July 2008. The GN retains title in all specimens recovered prior to July 2008. In 2014, the Avataq Cultural Institute, which has been designated by Makivik as its repository for archaeological specimens, requested that all specimens from the Nunavik Marine Region be transferred to it. The Department of Justice assisted the GN in entering into an amended agreement with Avataq respecting this transfer.
Department of Culture and Heritage
- The Department of Culture and Heritage worked with the Inuit of Nunavik to implement Article 20 (Archaeology) and 21 (Ethnographic Resources and Archival Records), including the drafting of a Place Names Policy.
2011-2012 | 2012-2013 | 2013-2014 | 2014-2015 | |
Grant to Government of Nunavut | $392,609 | $392,013 | $415,745 | $422,210 |
Makivik Corporation
During the reporting period, Makivik Corporation undertook a number of activities respecting the NILCA and the NILCA Implementation Plan in addition to participating in meetings of the NILCA Implementation Committee to work with the other parties to ensure the effective and timely implementation of the various provisions of NILCA. Makivik, through its appointed members, also participated in the Torngat Mountains National Park Cooperative Management Board (2 members and support staff) pursuant to Article 4 of the Nunavik Inuit Parks Impacts and Benefits Agreement (PIBA) for the Torngat Mountains National Park.
Makivik Corporation is in charge of monitoring and supervising the entry and access provisions of Article 12 of NILCA and oversees any access or land use requests from government or private sector. Makivik is also in the process of researching and establishing Inuit place names for the Nunavik Marine Region. In this regard, Makivik has undertaken the following actions/activities during this period:
Entry and Access:
- Makivik reviews and processes 5 to 10 entry and access applications per year;
- About 50% of the entry and access applications are from Government and 50% of the applications are from non-government entities / private companies (tourism operators for example).
Land Administration:
- Makivik developed an online entry and access application that allows users to apply for entry and access via an online application form;
- The system automatically generates the entry and access permit as well as a release of liability waiver that proponents must sign;
- Future development will involve the processing of land use licenses / leases along with payment of fees (if required). Scheduled to be up on the web in 2016.
Place Names:
- Place names in the offshore region, both traditional island names as well as feature names (cliffs, bays, etc.) have been compiled in a database and will be submitted to the Geographic Names Board of Canada (GNBC Nunavut region);
- After data collection / interviews and verification, names were assembled with supporting documentation into a geodatabase;
- The GNBC requires various other attributes in the digital geodatabase prior to submission to the toponymist and a funding submission to the GN Department of Language, Culture, and Youth (CLEY) will be submitted in early 2016 to continue the work on the geodatabase prior to submission.
Makivik provided investment and administrative advice to the Nunavik Inuit Trust. In addition, Makivik has been responsible for ensuring application of the priority provisions respecting contracts and employment under Article 13 of NILCA.
With respect to the three overlap arrangements between Nunavik Inuit and other Aboriginal groups contained in the NILCA, Makivik continues to participate in the implementation of these overlap arrangements as contained in Articles 27 (Nunavut), 28 (Crees) and 29 (Labrador Inuit) of the NILCA and ensures that Nunavik Inuit maintain participation through representation on the respective management boards of these overlap arrangements.
During this period, Makivik undertook extensive discussions with Canada regarding the proposed federal Funding Arrangement template and mutually acceptable amendments were made which adequately respect the provisions of NILCA, while at the same time assuring the necessary transparency and accountability for implementation funding of the three institutions of public government created by virtue of the NILCA; the NMRWB, the NMRPC, and the NMRIRB.
Makivik also tracked and reviewed the progress of the major use and occupancy mapping project undertaken by the NMRPC. In this regard, Makivik assisted the Implementation Committee in ensuring adequate funding was provided to the NMPRC to complete this use and occupancy mapping project in accordance with the projected deadlines for delivery of this work.
Makivik generally provides assistance and advice, as requested, to the three management institutions created by the NILCA. In addition, Makivik has raised with Canada and Nunavut its concern over various provisions of the Nunavut Wildlife Act and new Nunavut Wildlife Regulations due to potential conflicts of certain provisions of this statute and regulations with various wildlife provisions of the NILCA. In this regard, Makivik will participate in a working group established by Nunavut to review this legislation and regulations in order to avoid conflicts with the NILCA.
Makivik has also begun to participate during this period in discussions with the other Implementation Committee parties concerning the next ten-year period of the Implementation Plan, as contemplated by Article 23 (Implementation) of the NILCA. This process will probably extend over a two-year period leading up to the actual commencement of the next ten-year period.
2011-2012 | 2012-2013 | 2013-2014 | 2014-2015 | |
Grant to Makivik Corporation / Nunavik Inuit Trust (Article 16) | $6,790,890 | $6,790,890 | $6,790,890 | $6,790,890 |
Grant to Makivik Corporation / Nunavik Inuit Trust (Article 23) | $1,420,943Footnote4 | S.O. | S.O. | S.O. |
Institutions of Public Government
Nunavik Marine Region Wildlife Board
The NMRWB is an Institution of Public Government created under Chapter 5 of the NILCA.
During the reporting period, the NMRWB has undertaken several activities related to its mandate. Such activities have included:
- The NMRWB held its first public hearing regarding establishing a Total Allowable Take (TAT) and Non-Quota Limitations (NQL) for Southern Hudson Bay polar bear within the Nunavik Marine Region (NMR) (held February 2014);
- NMRWB staff held workshops in each Nunavik community with relevant organizations and individuals (LNUKs and key hunters) regarding beluga management. Based on these consultations and the best available information from Nunavik Inuit knowledge and scientific studies, the NMRWB decided on a new beluga management system, including TAT for Eastern Hudson Bay beluga and NQLs, which was accepted by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) Minister in the summer of 2014;
- In collaboration with researchers from Trent University, the NMRWB is conducting a Nunavik Inuit Knowledge of polar bears study to inform the Board’s public hearings regarding polar bears;
- The NMRWB established a TAT, and NQLs, and approved a management plan for 2013-16, for narwhal in the NMR. In 2014 Makivik and DFO proposed a flex-quota system for narwhal, which was approved by the NMRWB;
- Following a request from the RNUK to hunt bowhead whales in the NMR, in 2014 the NMRWB established a TAT for bowhead whales that was accepted and implemented by the DFO Minister;
- The NMRWB approved access to the NMR for wildlife research projects, primarily for migratory bird studies on the offshore islands, as well as beluga, fish and shrimp surveys;
- The NMRWB collaborated with the Nunavut Wildlife Management Board to establish a Total Allowable Take / Total Allowable Harvest for the two species of shrimp fished in the NMR and Nunavut Settlement Area;
- The NMRWB approved research funding for projects proposed in the NMR that best reflect the board’s mandate. Between 2011-2015, the board supported eight projects. Research funded included; surveys for ringed seal and SHB polar bear, research on polar bear predation of Common eiders and Inuit knowledge of walrus, monitoring of invasive species, survey of subsistence harvest of migratory birds, Inuit participation in the Quebec Breeding Bird Atlas, and community based monitoring of the sea ice, wildlife entrapments and oceanography. Two of these projects did not proceed as anticipated - the polar bear survey and survey of Inuit subsistence harvesting of migratory birds - and therefore did not end up expending the allocated funding;
- Completed the first website of the NMRWB, in the summer of 2012 and currently working an improved version for launch in 2016.
2011-2012 | 2012-2013 | 2013-2014 | 2014-2015 | |
NMRWB | $2,564,571 | $2,617,581 | $2,682,284 | $2,700,128 |
Nunavik Marine Region Planning Commission
The NMRPC is an Institution of Public Government created under Chapter 6 of the NILCA.
During the reporting period, the NMRPC has undertaken several activities related to its mandate. Such activities have included:
- Discussed and mandated a chairperson to finalize the arrangements for the production of a website for the NMRPC. The website is to include resolutions of meetings, public notices and decisions, among including a series of maps related to the Nunavik Marine Region. The website went live in early 2013;
- A Data Gap Analysis of current information available for the Nunavik Marine Region (NMR). The analysis led to the proposal of the Nunavik-wide Use and Occupancy Mapping exercise;
- The Nunavik-wide Use and Occupancy Mapping Exercise was undertaken in five Phases:
- Phase I oversaw the development of the communications strategy and the completion of research design, methodology testing and two single-community pilot map surveys (Tasiujaq and Aupaluk);
- Phase II oversaw the completion of the interview sessions on the Ungava Coast (Kangiqsualujjuaq, Kuujjuaq, Kangirsuk, Quaqtaq, Kangiqsujuaq, and Salluit);
- Phase III oversaw the completion of the Verification Tour for the Ungava Coast which included returning to the communities of Kangiqsualujjuaq, Kuujjuaq, Tasiujaq, Aupaluk, Quaqtaq, Kangirsuk, Kangiqsujuaq, and Salluit with completed map biographies to hand-back and verify the data-collection for each community;
- Phase IV oversaw the completion of the interview sessions on the Hudson Coast as well as Montreal residents from Nunavik. The communities interviewed included Ivujivik, Akulivik, Umiujaq, Puvirnituq, Inukjuak, Kuujjuaraapik and Chisasibi;
- Phase V is the Verification and Hand-back Tour for the Hudson Coast (Ivujivik, Akulivik, Umiujaq, Puvirnituq, Inukjuak, Kuujjuaraapik, Chisasibi) and is currently scheduled for completion in March 2016;
- Important additional funding was granted during the reporting period to assist in completion of the project.
- A Data Compilation Initiative to give an overview of the available datasets for the land-use activities of the NMRPC was undertaken and completed. It will form the basis of the Land-Use Plan currently in development for the NMR;
- The preliminary stages of the Marine Protected Areas Project were undertaken.
- The preliminary stages of the development of engagement procedures for Overlap Agreements with Adjacent Jurisdictions;
- The Land-Use Plan for the NMR is currently in its formulation stages.
2011-2012 | 2012-2013 | 2013-2014 | 2014-2015 | |
NMRPC | $513,880 | $524,502 | $654,258Footnote7 | $1,141,042Footnote8 |
Nunavik Marine Region Impact Review Board
The NMRIRB is an Institution of Public Government created under Chapter 7 of the NILCA.
During the reporting period, the NMRIRB has undertaken several activities related to its mandate. Such activities have included:
- Discussed and mandated a chairperson to finalize the arrangements for the production of a website for the NMRIRB. The website is to include resolutions of meetings, public notices and decisions, among including a series of maps related to the Nunavik Marine Region. The website went live in early 2013;
- The development of the internal Impact Review Process with clear-cut timelines and coordination procedures for cross-jurisdictional activities;
- The Screening and Review of multiple projects and activities that have had the potential to impact the NMR. These include projects and activities such as:
- The Baffinland Mary River Iron Mine Project;
- The Canadian Royalties Nunavik Nickel Project;
- The Oceanic Iron Ore Hopes Advance Bay Project;
- The Arctic Fiber Submarine Cable Project;
- Research and exploration activities as well as tourist ventures.
- The development of coordination strategies with the RNUKs and LNUKs with regard to project monitoring in the NMR;
- The creation of a Cumulative Impacts Assessment Tool for interactive engagement with regard to potential and current development projects in the NMR. Additional funding was granted to help complete this project.
2011-2012 | 2012-2013 | 2013-2014 | 2014-2015 | |
NMRIRB | $354,540 | $361,868 | $720,339Footnote10 | $373,280 |
Web Links
Nunavik Inuit Land Claims Agreement
Nunavik Inuit Land Claims Agreement – Implementation Plan
Nunavik Marine Region Wildlife Board
Annex A: Summary of FundingFootnote11
2011-2012 | 2012-2013 | 2013-2014 | 2014-2015 | ||
Grant to Makivik Corporation / Nunavik Inuit Trust (Article 16) | $6,790,890 | $6,790,890 | $6,790,890 | $6,790,890 | |
Grant to Makivik Corporation / Nunavik Inuit Trust (Article 23) | $1,420,943 | S.O. | S.O. | S.O. | |
Grant to Government of Nunavut | $392,609 | $392,013 | $415,745 | $422,210 | |
Contributions to IPGs | NMRWB | $2,564,571 | $2,617,581 | $2,682,284 | $2,700,128 |
NMRIRB | $354,540 | $361,868 | $720,339Footnote12 | $373,280 | |
NMRPC | $513,880 | $524,502 | $654,258Footnote13 | $1,141,042Footnote14 |
Annex B: Overview of NILCA Area

Text description of the Map Projection: Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area, NAD 27
The Nunavik Marine Region, as illustrated on this overview map, includes marine areas, islands, lands and waters in James Bay, Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait and Ungava Bay, as well as a portion of northern Labrador and an offshore area adjacent to Labrador.
Schedule 3-3: Nunavik Marine Region (NMR) Overview
Map Projection: Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area, NAD 27
This is not an authoritative map. It has been prepared for illustrative purpose only. Schedule 3-2 metes and bounds are the authoritative source.