Learn how the Government of Canada is responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action 6 to 12.
Based on data provided June 2023.
- Calls to action 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 are based on data provided April 2024.

6. We call upon the Government of Canada to repeal Section 43 of the Criminal Code of Canada.
What's happening?
The Government of Canada continues to support parenting education, including the development of publications that discourage physical punishment and physical discipline of children and provides parents with positive parenting skills. The Department of Justice Canada recently updated Criminal Law and Managing Children's Behaviour to explain the law and clarify that corporal punishment is not permitted in schools. It also indicates that many forms of physical punishment of children are not consistent with the guidelines set out by the Supreme Court of Canada in its 2004 decision on section 43 of the Criminal Code (Canadian Foundation for Children, Youth and the Law v. Canada (Attorney General)) and are considered crimes in Canada.
The revised content also includes links to several resources providing more information about the laws in Canada and parenting, such as those published in partnership with the Public Health Agency of Canada.
Next steps
The Government of Canada continues to explore how best to respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Call to Action 6 to repeal section 43 of the Criminal Code.
7. We call upon the federal government to develop with Aboriginal groups a joint strategy to eliminate educational and employment gaps between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canadians.
What's happening?
Education programming
Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) has supported Call to Action 7 through the implementation of a number of new investments and program adjustments to reduce educational and employment gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians.
Work continues within ESDC to advance Call to Action 7. ESDC is committed to work towards full implementation and will continue to take reconciliation into consideration in upcoming initiatives.
The Government of Canada has made investments in pre-school, head start, early learning and childcare as it is a crucial step in supporting children entering elementary school ready to learn. The Government of Canada has also taken steps toward closing education achievement gaps between First Nations and non-Indigenous Canadians for elementary and secondary education; and between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people for post-secondary education.
Elementary and secondary education
Between 2016 and 2018, Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) supported community-level engagement with First Nations and co-developed a transformed policy and funding approach for First Nations elementary and secondary education to better support the needs of students who live on reserves. These engagements were led by First Nations organizations and provided community members with the opportunity to share their views on how to improve First Nations student success.
Implemented as of April 1, 2019, with subsequent investments in 2021, 2022, and 2024 the co-developed framework:
- replaces a number of outdated proposal-based programs with improved access to predictable core funding through regional funding formulas
- provides base funding that is comparable to provincial systems across the country
- provides First Nations kindergarten to grade 12 schools with additional support for language and culture programming
- provides resources that support full-time kindergarten in First Nations schools for children ages 4 and 5
- provides supports for before and after school programming and menstrual products
- supports the development of regional education agreements to respond to the education goals and priorities set by participating First Nations communities have set
This transformed funding approach for elementary and secondary education has resulted in an 80% increase in education funding for First Nations on reserves from 2015 to 2016 and 2022 to 2023.
Additionally, since 2016 and as of December 31, 2023, ISC has invested $2.07 billion of targeted funds, excluding operating expenses, to support 310 school-related infrastructure projects, 180 of which are complete. These projects will result in the construction or renovation of 224 schools, 151 of which are complete, and benefit approximately 36,000 students:
- construction of 71 new schools, benefitting approximately 17,000 students, 48 of which are complete
- renovations or upgrades to 153 existing schools, benefitting approximately 19,000 students, 103 of which are complete
Post-secondary education
Indigenous Services Canada supports 3 distinctions-based strategies to provide financial assistance to eligible Indigenous students pursuing post-secondary education.
Pursuant to a comprehensive review of federal supports for Indigenous post-secondary education announced in 2019, the Government of Canada committed to work with the Assembly of First Nations, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and the Métis National Council to develop distinctions-based strategies to advance post-secondary education opportunities. These strategies incorporate student support, understanding of local needs and community-based programs and services to holistically support Indigenous students attaining a post-secondary credential.
As a result, beginning in 2019 to 2020, the government invested $125.5 million over 10 years and $21.8 million ongoing into the Inuit Post-Secondary Education Strategy. Canada also invested $362 million over 10 years and $40 million ongoing into the Métis Nation Post-Secondary Education Strategy. Both distinctions-based programs came into effect on April 1, 2020.
Budget 2019 proposed $320 million over 5 years to enhance the First Nations Post-Secondary Student Support Program, in addition to $7.5 million over 3 years for First Nations-led engagement on the development of First Nations regional post-secondary education models.
ISC also supports the implementation of the Post-Secondary Partnerships Program to provide funding to support First Nations post-secondary institutions. This funding also supports First Nations-led partnerships with post-secondary institutions to increase the availability of post-secondary education programs tailored to their cultural and educational needs.
Additionally, as a result of work with First Nations partners, ISC implemented First Nations Adult Secondary Education program, which enables First Nations and/or post-secondary institutions in the South to offer secondary upgrading and completion to eligible adult First Nations students. First Nations "South of 60" may also opt to invest Adult Education Investment funding through existing elementary and secondary education processes. In the North, the First Nations Adult Education Program supports eligible students to complete or upgrade their secondary education.
Along with these First Nations-led engagement activities, First Nations developed the 2021 First Nations Post-Secondary Education Policy Proposal through the Assembly of First Nations, outlining ways to implement their visions of post-secondary education in their respective communities, territories or regions.
Skills and Partnership Fund
The Skills and Partnership Fund is a project-based program that funds partnerships between Indigenous organizations and industry employers to provide skills training for Indigenous people linked to economic opportunities at the local, regional, and national level.
The most recent call for proposals took place from February to May 2022, seeking projects that will prepare and train Indigenous people for jobs that are demand driven, with a specific focus on 5 priority sectors:
- green economy
- information and communications technology
- infrastructure
- blue economy
- the Indigenous public sector
From this call, 32 proposals were successful. Agreements are in the process of being implemented.
Supports for Student Learning Program (SSLP)
The SSLP funds a range of youth-serving organizations to deliver programs (outside education systems) that help students from Indigenous and other underserved communities succeed in school, graduate high school and transition to and succeed in post-secondary education.
Through the SSLP, the Government of Canada continues to support Indspire, a national Indigenous registered charity that provides First Nations, Inuit and Métis with supports such as bursaries, scholarships, mentorship and career development programming. The SSLP also funds TakingItGlobal (Connected North) to increase connectivity and provide interactive virtual learning experiences and educational resources for First Nations, Inuit and Métis students who are primarily located in Northern and remote Indigenous communities. These 2 funded organizations engage and work directly with Indigenous groups and communities to provide targeted, culturally appropriate supports for youth.
Other recipients the SSLP has funded to provide targeted supports to Indigenous learners include:
- the British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society
- the National Association of Friendship Centres
- Ulnooweg Development Group Inc
- Musqueam Indian Band
Canada Student Financial Assistance (CSFA) Program
The CSFA Program provides all eligible students seeking to pursue post-secondary education with access to non-repayable grants and needs-based loans free from interest, in addition to repayment assistance for borrowers with financial difficulty.
The CSFA Program has targeted measures for Indigenous students:
- to minimize their financial burdens and support their participation in Post secondary education (PSE), students who self-identify as Indigenous are exempt from providing a fixed student contribution
- to ensure that Indigenous students are not penalized from receiving additional sources of funding, support provided through the following distinctions-based ISC programs is not considered when assessing a student's financial need:
- funding provided by the Post-Secondary Student Support Program (PSSSP) to eligible First Nation students (as of 2017 to 2018)
- new funding provided by the Métis Nation PSE Strategy to eligible Métis students (as of 2019 to 2020)
- new funding provided by the Inuit PSE Strategy to eligible Inuit students (as of 2020 to 2021)
Canada Education Savings Program (CESP)
The CESP administers 2 federal education savings incentives, the Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG) and the Canada Learning Bond (CLB), which are paid into the Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) for eligible children and youth. The money saved in an RESP can be used to pay for education-related expenses associated with full-time and part-time studies.
The CESG provides a matching contribution available for those who contribute to an RESP, regardless of family income. The CLB provides money to the RESP for an eligible child from a family experiencing low income with no requirement for personal contributions.
In 2022, ESDC funded community-based organizations across the country through the CLB Pilot Project, Phase II, to increase awareness and take-up of the CLB. Eight projects focused on Indigenous populations in whole or in part. Among the funded projects, activities include:
- supporting families through the CLB enrolment process
- information sessions
- outreach and development of promotional materials
- financial literacy training to Indigenous families and youth
Earlier projects funded in Phase I of the Pilot Initiative produced tools and resources targeted to Indigenous families and youth.
Outbound student mobility supports - Global Skills Opportunity (GSO)
The GSO provides Canadian post-secondary students with study and work opportunities abroad to help them develop skills and build international networks.
Increasing access for equity-deserving students is a core program objective, ultimately helping to address systemic gaps in achieving positive learning and employment outcomes. Indigenous students, low-income students and students with a disability are eligible to receive additional financial support up to $10,000 per student. This would be relative to a $5,000 maximum for other eligible students and non-financial supports, including tailored wraparound supports, in order to address barriers to participation in study and work abroad.
Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (YESS) Program
The YESS is a horizontal Government of Canada initiative led by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and delivered in partnership with 11 other federal departments, agencies, and Crown corporations. The strategy aims to provide youth, aged 15 to 30 years old facing barriers to employment with opportunities. In particular, programming focuses on youth facing multiple barriers to employment by providing the opportunity to gain work experience and develop the skills they need to find and keep quality jobs.
The Strategy includes the YESS Program, which offers a flexible approach to employment and skills development services, including enhanced supports that are tailored to the individual needs of youth. It also includes Canada Summer Jobs, which supports employers to create jobs for youth in not-for-profit, public and private sectors, with an emphasis on supporting small businesses.
Some YESS federal partners offer programming exclusively for Indigenous youth. These programs include the First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy, led by Indigenous Services Canada, and the Housing Internship for Indigenous Youth Program, led by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
The ESDC led YESS Program also supports community-based youth organizations by prioritizing Indigenous-led youth employment organizations. Support for Indigenous youth is also reflected in the Canada Summer Jobs national priorities.
The Student Work Placement Program (SWPP)
The Student Work Placement Program (SWPP) supports the creation of work-integrated learning opportunities for students of all ages enrolled in any post-secondary education program in Canada. The Program provides wage subsidies to employers who offer paid work experience to post-secondary students and supports the creation of shorter high-intensity work-integrated learning activities.
To encourage employers to offer work placements for students who have historically lacked access to these opportunities, the program offers a higher wage subsidy of 70% of the student's wages, up to a maximum of $7,000 for work-integrated learning placements offered to students from under-represented groups, including:
- women in science, technology, engineering mathematics
- Indigenous students
- persons with disabilities
- newcomers
- visible minorities
Launched as a 4 year pilot with a target of 10,000 STEM and business work-integrated learning opportunities in 2017 to 2018, the program has grown to support a target of over 40,000 work-integrated learning opportunities for post-secondary students in various fields of study each year. To date, over 190,000 work-integrated learning opportunities have been supported across Canada, 42% for students from under-represented groups.
The program is scheduled to end March 31, 2026.
Canadian Apprenticeship Strategy
The Canadian Apprenticeship Strategy aims to support a trades workforce that is skilled, inclusive, certified and productive. It provides funding to help pre-apprentices, apprentices, and tradespeople, including Indigenous people, succeed in skilled trades careers and to help employers, unions, and other organizations participate in apprenticeship.
The Canadian Apprenticeship Strategy offers a suite of apprenticeship supports such as the Union Training and Innovation Program, the Skilled Trades Awareness and Readiness Initiative, the Apprenticeship Grants, the Apprenticeship Service, and the Women in the Skilled Trades Initiative.
The Skills for Success Program
The Skills for Success program funds organizations to:
- deliver foundational and transferable skills training
- develop assessment tools, training resources and research
- to test, replicate and scale up innovative approaches
This investment helps individuals:
- develop strong skills
- become more resilient to labour market changes
- have better employment outcomes
so they can participate, adapt and thrive in learning, work and life.
Training initiatives also:
- complement provincial and territorial programming
- support the development of new approaches that address skills gaps
- contribute to training and service delivery that is more responsive to worker and employer needs
The program also supports the labour market integration of underrepresented groups, including Indigenous Canadians.
Recognizing that Indigenous people in Canada face some of the most challenging labour market barriers to employment, in 2022-2023, the Skills for Success program has provided project funding to 20 organizations to support skills and employment training for underrepresented groups, including the Indigenous population. Of these, 6 projects were designed to respond exclusively to the specific needs of Indigenous people.
Recent budget investments
Budget 2023 announced $197.7 million in 2024 to 2025 for the Student Work Placement Program (SWPP) to continue to create work-integrated learning opportunities.
Budget 2024 proposes to provide $207.6 million in 2025 to 2026 to Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) for the SWPP.
The 2022 Fall Economic Statement announced an additional $802.1 million over 3 years starting in 2023 to 2024 for the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy program. This includes $100.2 million to continue supporting work placements for First Nations youth through the Income Assistance-First Nations Youth Employment Strategy Pilot.
Budget 2024 also announced $197.7351.2 million in funding for the YESS in 2025 to 2026 to create 90,000 youth job placements and employment support opportunities. Funds are also being allocated in 2024 to 2025 to continue support for the Student Work Placement program to create quality work-integrated learning opportunities. This funding includes:
- $150.7 million for the YESS program in 2025 to 2026
- $200.5 million for Canada Summer Jobs in 2025 to 2026
Elementary and secondary education
Budget 2024 proposes new investments in First Nations K-to-12 education programming and infrastructure, including:
- $649.4 million over 2 years, starting in 2024 to 2025, for elementary and secondary education on reserves
- $545.1 million over 3 years, starting in 2024 to 2025, for K-to-12 infrastructure to build and renovate safe and healthy learning environments for First Nations students
In addition, Budget 2024 proposes $1 billion over 5 years to create a National School Food Program, which will include investments for First Nations, Inuit and Metis communities, as well as self-governing and modern treaty partners.
Through Budget 2022, the Government of Canada invested $310.6 million over 5 years to support better students outcomes through a regional education agreement with the Québec First Nation Education Council (FNEC). FNEC's regional education agreement, developed for 22 Québec communities, not only reflects self-determination principles but is also based on over 10 years of work on the part of FNEC and its member communities to design and develop an education funding model that is responsive to the specific needs and priorities of the communities' students. The agreement will provide a total of approximately $1.1 billion over 5 years for communities to implement education programs that will support the academic success of First Nations students.
The investments in Budgets 2024 and 2022 build on funding announcements in Budget 2021 in which the Government of Canada continued to take steps to close the education gap between First Nations peoples and non-Indigenous Canadians. Budget 2021 invested $1.7 billion over 5 years, and $300 million ongoing, in funding and initiatives that respond to the needs of First Nations elementary and secondary students on reserve, including the following:
- $726 million over 5 years, and $188 million ongoing, to enhance funding for the co-developed framework for elementary and secondary education in critical areas, such as student transportation, ensuring that funding for First Nations schools on reserves remains predictable from year to year and increasing First Nations control over First Nations education by concluding more regional education agreements
- $515 million over 5 years, and $112 million ongoing, to support before- and after-school programming for First Nations children on reserves, which was announced as part of the Canada-wide Early Learning and Childcare System
- $350 million over 5 years to expand access to adult education for First Nations students living on reserves, as well as in Yukon and the Northwest Territories. In the spirit of First Nations having control over First Nations education, funding for adult education is flexible and First Nations are able to use it to develop their own adult education programs to support students looking to complete or upgrade their secondary education on reserves and support First Nations students looking to access out-of-community adult education programs
- $112 million in 2021 to 2022, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to support First Nations-led community measures allowing children on reserves to continue to attend school safely
Post-secondary education
Building on investments in 2019, Budget 2024 proposes to increase support for First Nations post-secondary students by:
- investing $242.7 million over 3 years, starting in 2024 to 2025, to increase access to post-secondary education for First Nations students through the Post-Secondary Student Support Program
The federal government will continue to support Inuit and Métis Nation post-secondary education through their Post-Secondary Education Strategies funded in Budget 2019, which invested $487.5 million over 10 years, and $61.8 million ongoing.
Recent progress
In 2022, ESDC funded community-based organizations across the country through the Canada Learning Bond (CLB) Pilot Project, Phase II, to increase awareness and take-up of the CLB. Eight projects focused on Indigenous populations. These projects ended in March 2024. An assessment of the pilot initiatives is expected in fall 2024.
In addition to the annual funding allocation to Indspire, ESDC provided the organization with an additional $6 million in 2024, which will allow Indspire to offer scholarships and bursaries to 2,400 Indigenous students across Canada.
From 2017 to 2023, 3,100 work-integrated learning opportunities were supported for self-identified Indigenous post-secondary students though the SWPP.
In 2022 to 2023, Indigenous youth represented approximately 18% of youth served through the ESDC-led YESS program, below the departmental target of 20%. Both Indigenous Services Canada and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation offer YESS programming that is exclusive to Indigenous youth.
EDSC also offers the annual Canada Summer Jobs program as part of YESS. Indigenous youth represent 4% of Canada Summer Jobs participants during the 2022 to 2023 fiscal year, which is slightly below the departmental target of 7%.
ESDC launched an open call for proposals for the YESS Program from October 4 to November 22, 2023. This call for proposals will allocate more than $300 million over 4 years starting in 2024 to 2025. Support for Indigenous youth and Indigenous-led organizations continues to be a priority for the YESS Program.
The Canada Summer Jobs programs continues to prioritize support for Indigenous youth through National Priorities. Summer jobs will be posted to the job bank website starting in late April 2024.
Elementary and secondary education
Through the new funding approach, the Government of Canada and interested First Nations partners are developing regional education agreements that respond to the unique needs and priorities of First Nations communities. This approach recognizes that First Nations are best placed to make decisions on their priorities or where they see the greatest need, and aligns with the principle of First Nations having control over First Nations education.
As of April 2024, 10 regional education agreements have been signed with First Nations partners under the Education Transformation policy co-developed framework. Discussions are also underway with approximately 50 First Nations and First Nations education organizations to advance education agreements across the country.
Post-secondary education
First Nations-led engagement to support the development of First Nations regional post-secondary education models will conclude in 2024 to 2025. This engagement aimed to enable a transition from the current suite of First Nations post-secondary education programming to holistic approaches and systems that are directed by First Nations and even more responsive to local post-secondary education priorities and needs.
Next steps
From April 2022 to March 2023, more than 28,000 Indigenous learners were served through the Supports for Students Learning Program, including 7,522 through Indspire.
As of March 31, 2024, approximately 8,858 students had participated in a Global Skills Opportunity funded study or work abroad experience since Fall 2021, with 74% of students identifying as Indigenous (12%), low-income (64%), or as a student with a disability (18%).
The Student Work Placement program has moved forward with implementation of the Budget 2023 announcement and work-integrated earning opportunities are available until March 2025.
ESDC’s review process of the unprecedented number of YESS program applications is ongoing and is anticipated to be completed in 2024. Once funding decisions are made, all applicants will be notified.
Elementary and secondary education
First Nations or mandated First Nations education organizations continue to express interest in developing and renewing of regional education agreements with ISC, which will continue to support First Nations control over First Nations education and a pathway to service transfer.
Post-secondary education
In fiscal year 2024 to 2025 the department will continue to implement co-developed distinctions-based post-secondary education strategies for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation recipients. In addition, Indigenous Services Canada will support the implementation of First Nations-led regional post-secondary education models that further advance First Nations control over First Nations education.
What's happening?
The Government of Canada is also taking meaningful steps towards enhancing education, labour market participation and economic success of Indigenous people in Canada. Indigenous Services Canada's First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy is a component of the Government of Canada's Youth Employment and Skills Strategy, led by Employment and Social Development Canada.
The First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy supports initiatives that provide First Nations and Inuit students and youth aged 15 to 30 with work experience, information about career options and opportunities to develop skills to help them gain employment and develop their careers. ISC delivers 2 programs under the First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy: the First Nations and Inuit Summer Work Experience Program and the First Nations and Inuit Skills Link Program.
In addition to the First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy, the Income Assistance-First Nations Youth Employment Strategy pilot, a partnership between the First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment and the Income Assistance program, was launched in 2021 following investments received through the 2020 Fall Economic Staement.
This pilot aims to strengthen the working relationship between the First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy and the Income Assistance programs to provide support up to 2,000 First Nations youth between the ages of 18 and 30 years to achieve self-sufficiency and transition to the workforce or return to school, reducing long term dependency on Income Assistance.
This pilot aims to ensure that youth who do not have enough income to cover their basic needs receive the help they need to gain employment and develop their careers. It supports up to 2,000 First Nations youth aged 18 to 30 who receive income assistance from ISC to achieve self-sufficiency and transition to the workforce or return to school, reducing long-term dependency on income assistance. In addition, Employment and Social Development Canada's Indigenous labour market programming plays a key role to support the growth of Indigenous communities and foster lifelong learning, skills development and training. Federal support for Indigenous labour market programming has a long history, starting with the Pathways to Success program in 1991 to 1996 to the current Indigenous Skills and Employment Training (ISET) program, launched in 2019.
The ISET program is a co-developed, distinctions-based labour market program designed to support First Nations, Inuit, Métis, urban and non-affiliated Indigenous peoples to improve their skills and work towards their long-term career goals.
The program funds a network of more than 115 Indigenous service delivery organizations with more than 650 points of service to provide Indigenous peoples with training and supports to improve their skills and secure employment.
As announced in the 2018 Budget, an investment of $2 billion over 5 years in the ISET program and $408.2 million per year thereafter will contribute to a reduction in the employment and skills gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.
The program supports a holistic approach to service delivery that encompasses a wide range of labour market activities including locally designed programs in support of each distinctions-based labour market strategy. Indigenous service delivery organizations may provide:
- employment-related and career development assistance
- wrap-around services such as living expenses
- financial assistance to support individuals in getting skills for employment
- tuition or living expense costs
- business coaching and mentorship
- disability-related supports
The 2020 Fall Economic Statement announced a $144.2 million one-year investment for the ISET program in 2021 to 2022 to support COVID-19 recovery efforts by increasing training and supports for clients facing the most barriers. The additional investments under the ISET program enabled Indigenous organizations to focus programming on client needs, providing the wrap-around supports and expanded activities to improve the outcomes of Indigenous youth, persons with disabilities and out of territory or urban clients in post-pandemic recovery. From this envelope, $35.3 million in funding was targeting Indigenous youth.
Complementing the foundational supports provided through the highly successful ISET program, the Skills and Partnership Fund (SPF) is a project-based program that funds partnerships between Indigenous organizations and industry employers to provide skills training for Indigenous peoples linked to economic opportunities at the local, regional and national level.
By increasing access to training that is demand-driven, SPF plays a key role in directly linking Indigenous peoples to specific jobs and improving their employment outcomes. SPF has the flexibility to adjust to Indigenous and government priorities, as well as address emerging economic opportunities.
SPF aims to reduce the skills and employment gaps that exist between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples and increase Indigenous participation in the labour market by ensuring Indigenous participants have improved skills and employment opportunities.
With an ongoing investment of $50 million per year, SPF focuses on training Indigenous peoples for industry-identified, specific jobs that align with emerging labour market needs and government priorities.
Recent budget investments
Budget 2024 announced $150.7 million in 2025 to 2026 for the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy to provide youth with job placements and employment supports to youth.
The 2022 Fall Economic Statement provided $802.1 million over 3 years, starting in 2022 to 2023, for the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy. This included $301.4 million over 2 years, starting in 2023 to 2024, through the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy Program, to provide wraparound supports and job placements to young people facing employment barriers, with $54 million provided to the First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy.
$100.2 million over 3 years, starting in 2022 to 2023, was also provided to continue supporting work placements and training for First Nations youth through the Income Assistance-First Nations Youth Employment Strategy pilot. Budget 2021 announced $109.3 million for 2022 to 2023 for the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy to better meet the needs of vulnerable youth facing multiple barriers to employment, from which $28.8 million was allocated to ISC to implement through the First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy.
Recent progress
In 2016 and 2017, Employment and Social Development Canada engaged with key Indigenous partners and organizations across the country to review and renew the Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy. Following this engagement, Employment and Social Development Canada and Indigenous partners co-developed the implementation of the Indigenous Skills and Employment Training (ISET) program.
Launched in 2019, the ISET program built upon the success of the previous Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy, introducing several engagement identified enhancements. These include:
- the distinctions-based framework
- greater stability of funding with 10-year agreements
- improved flexibility
- reduced administrative burden
- strengthened supports for information gathering
- stronger links to other programs
Indigenous service delivery organizations, some of which have been in place for over 20 years, continue to ensure that communities have access to skills and employment training designed and delivered by Indigenous-led organizations.
In January 2021, Employment and Social Development Canada launched a national engagement process gathering input from Indigenous partners, industry, educational institutions, provincial and territorial governments and other federal departments to inform the development of a future policy approach for the Skills and Partnership Fund.
Informed by what was learned from the nearly 200 engagement participants, a What We Learned report was published in February 2022, and the Minister approved a new phased policy approach for SPF.
As a first step, the results and feedback from the engagement process informed the most recent SPF CFP launched in 2022, which included:
- specific focus on five priority sectors (Green Economy, Information and Communications Technology, Infrastructure, Blue Economy, Indigenous Public Sector)
- consideration for sustainability of projects when ESDC funding ends
- focus on employer cultural awareness and competencies
As subsequent phases, resulting from the 2021 engagement, work will also continue internally and with partners to develop additional policy options for the medium and long term.
Each year, the First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy supports more than 600 First Nations and Inuit communities to design and implement projects that provide skills development and employment opportunities to Indigenous youth.
For the first year of the pilot, as of December 1, 2021, 1,474 First Nations youth participated in the Income Assistance First Nations Youth Employment Strategy. Since 2021, the Income Assistance First Nations Youth Employment Strategy pilot has provided funding to over 103 First Nations communities and Indigenous organizations for mentored work placements and on-the-job training for First Nations youth who receive Income Assistance from ISC.
Next Steps
ISC will continue to deliver education and skills development programs under the broader Youth Employment and Skills Strategy, which is led by Employment and Social Development Canada. This program promotes access to skills, work experience and information about career options to help First Nations and Inuit youth gain employment. Indigenous Services Canada will continue to work with Employment and Social Development Canada to ensure employment supports for Indigenous youth, including ongoing work to modernize and expand the program’s current terms and conditions.
The Federal Pathway to Address Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People outlined the work the federal government will take toward ensuring Indigenous women and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people are represented and included in the public service workforce, including in senior positions, through targeted efforts such as amending the Public Service Employment Act to affirm the importance of a diverse and inclusive workforce and avoid biases and barriers in hiring.
The Government of Canada will explore options to support Indigenous governments and organizations in their rematriation efforts, including supporting them in their efforts to increase the representation of women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people in their leadership.
Federal efforts will focus on increasing education, training and economic opportunities for Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people.
Through initiatives such as the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy, which includes the First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy, the Indigenous Skills and Employment Training program, the Women's Employment Readiness Pilot and the Women Entrepreneurship Strategy, the Government of Canada will enhance and expand support for Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people.
The Federal Pathway to address Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people, released in June 2021, also affirms that measures to address socio-economic barriers to education, training and employment are a Government of Canada priority.
This will contribute to:
- enhancing access to child care
- information about career options
- the opportunity to develop skills
- participating in the economy
- overcoming the multiple barriers to employment
Notably, through these initiatives, women entrepreneurs will have greater access to financing, mentorship and training.
The Government of Canada also commits to enhancing federal initiatives to support Indigenous service providers, Indigenous entrepreneurs, Indigenous businesses and commercial entities.
8. We call upon the federal government to eliminate the discrepancy in federal education funding for First Nations children being educated on reserves and those First Nations children being educated off reserves.
What's happening?
Elementary and Secondary Education
Between 2016 and 2018, Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) supported community-level engagement with First Nations partners and co-developed a transformed policy and funding approach for First Nations elementary and secondary education to better support the needs of students who reside on reserve. These engagements were led by First Nations organizations, and provided community members with the opportunity to share their views on how to improve First Nations student success.
Implemented as of April 1, 2019, with investments in 2021, 2022 and 2024, the co-developed framework:
- replaces a number of outdated proposal-based programs with improved access to predictable core funding through regional funding formulas
- provides base funding that is comparable to provincial systems across the country
- provides First Nations kindergarten to grade 12 schools with additional support for language and culture programming
- provides resources that support full-time kindergarten in First Nations schools for children ages 4 and 5
- provides supports for before and after school programing and menstrual products
- supports the development of regional education agreements to respond to the education goals and priorities set by participating First Nations communities
This transformed funding approach for elementary and secondary education has resulted in a 80% funding increase between 2015 to 2016 and 2022 to 2023 in education funding for First Nations on reserve.
Additionally, since 2016 and as of December 31, 2023, ISC has invested $2.07 billion of targeted funds, excluding operating expenses, to support 301 school-related infrastructure projects, 180 of which are complete. These projects will result in the construction or renovation of 224 schools, benefitting approximately 36,000 students, 151 of which are complete. Additionally:
- Construction of 71 new schools, benefiting approximately 17,000 students, 48 of which are complete
- Renovations or upgrades to 153 existing schools, benefiting approximately 19,000 students, 103 of which are complete
Recent budget investments
Budget 2024 proposes new investments in First Nations' elementary and secondary education programming and infrastructure, including:
- $649.4 million over 2 years, starting in 2024 to 2025, for elementary and secondary education on reserve
- $545.1 million over 3 years, starting in 2024 to 2025, for K-12 infrastructure to build and renovate safe and healthy learning environments for First Nations students
In addition, Budget 2024 proposes to provide $1 billion over 5 years to create a National School Food Program, which will include investments for First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities, as well as self-governing and Modern Treaty Partners.
Through Budget 2022, the Government of Canada invested $310.6 million over 5 years to better support elementary and secondary student outcomes through a regional education agreement with the Quebec First Nations Education Council (FNEC). FNEC's regional education agreement, developed for 22 Quebec communities, not only reflects self-determination principles but is also based on over 10 years of work on the part of FNEC and its member communities to design and develop an education funding model that is responsive to the specific needs and priorities of the communities' students. The agreement will provide a total envelope of approximately $1.1 billion over 5 years for these communities to implement education programs that will support the academic success of First Nations students.
The investments in Budgets 2024 and 2022 build on funding announcements in Budget 2021 in which the Government of Canada continued to take steps to close the education gap between First Nations peoples and non-Indigenous Canadians. Budget 2021 invested $1.7 billion over 5 years, and $300 million ongoing in funding and initiatives that respond to the needs of First Nations elementary and secondary students on reserve. This included:
- $726 million over 5 years, and $188 million ongoing, to enhance funding for the co-developed framework for elementary and secondary education in critical areas such as:
- student transportation
- ensuring funding for First Nations schools on reserve remains predictable from year to year
- increasing First Nations control over First Nations education by concluding more regional education agreements
- $515 million over 5 years, and $112 million ongoing, to support before and after-school programming for First Nations children on reserve which was announced as part of the Canada-wide Early Learning and Childcare System
- $350 million over 5 years to expand access to adult education for First Nations students living on reserve, as well as in Yukon and Northwest Territories. In the spirit of First Nations control of First Nations education, funding for adult education is flexible and First Nations can use it to develop their own adult education programs to support students looking to complete or upgrade their secondary education on reserve as well as support First Nations students wanting to access out-of-community adult education programs
- $112 million in 2021 to 2022, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, supporting First Nations-led community measures so children on reserve could continue to attend school safely
Recent progress
Through the new funding approach, the Government of Canada and interested First Nations partners are developing regional education agreements that respond to the unique needs and priorities of First Nations communities. This approach recognizes that First Nations are best placed to make decisions on their priorities or where they see the greatest need and aligns with the principle of First Nations control of First Nations education.
As of April 2024, 10 regional education agreements have been signed with First Nations partners. Discussions are also underway with approximately 50 First Nations and First Nations education organizations to advance education agreements across the country.
Next steps
First Nations or mandated First Nation education organizations continue to express interest in the development and renewal of regional education agreements with ISC, which will continue to support First Nations control of First Nations education and a pathway to service transfer.
9. We call upon the federal government to prepare and publish annual reports comparing funding for the education of First Nations children on and off reserves, as well as educational and income attainments of Aboriginal peoples in Canada compared with non-Aboriginal people.
What's happening?
Indigenous Services Canada regularly publishes information on educational attainment gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Canada. The Department's 2023 Annual Report to Parliament includes information on the proportion of the population with a university degree, and on educational attainment gaps among those 25 to 64 years of age with at least a high school education. Additional information, including about program funding, is available through Indigenous Services Canada's annual Departmental Results Report and Departmental Plan.
Recent progress
An overview of expenditures between the 2020 to 2021 and 2022 to 2023 fiscal years can be found within the 2022 to 2023 Departmental Results Report, and details on transfer payments programs of $5 million or more:
10. We call on the federal government to draft new Aboriginal education legislation with the full participation and informed consent of Aboriginal peoples. The new legislation would include a commitment to sufficient funding and would incorporate the following principles:
- Providing sufficient funding to close identified educational achievement gaps within one generation.
- Improving education attainment levels and success rates.
- Developing culturally appropriate curricula.
- Protecting the right to Aboriginal languages, including the teaching of Aboriginal languages as credit courses.
- Enabling parental and community responsibility, control, and accountability, similar to what parents enjoy in public school systems.
- Enabling parents to fully participate in the education of their children.
- Respecting and honouring Treaty relationships.
What's happening?
The Government of Canada continues to work with Indigenous partners on education-related priorities.
Between 2016 and 2018, Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) supported community-level engagement with First Nations and co-developed a transformed policy and funding approach for First Nations elementary and secondary education to better support the needs of students who reside on reserve.
These engagements were led by First Nations organizations and provided community members with the opportunity to share their views on how to improve First Nations student success.
Implemented as of April 1, 2019, with subsequent investments in 2021, 2022 and 2024, the co-developed framework:
- replaces a number of outdated proposal-based programs with improved access to predictable core funding through regional funding formulas
- provides base funding that is comparable to provincial systems across the country
- provides First Nations kindergarten to grade 12 schools with additional support for language and culture programming
- provides resources that support full-time kindergarten in First Nations schools for children ages 4 and 5
- provides supports for before and after school programing and menstrual products
- supports the development of regional education agreements to respond to the education goals and priorities set by participating First Nations communities
This transformed funding approach for elementary and secondary education has resulted in a 80% increase between 2015 to 2016 and 2022 to 2023 in education funding for First Nations on reserve.
Recent budget investments
Elementary and secondary education
Budget 2024 proposes new investments in First Nations' kindergarten to grade 12 education programming and infrastructure, including:
- $649.4 million over 2 years, starting in 2024 to 2025, for elementary and secondary education on reserve
- $545.1 million over three years, starting in 2024 to 2025, for K-12 infrastructure to build and renovate safe and healthy learning environments for First Nations students
In addition, Budget 2024 proposes to provide $1 billion over 5 years to create a National School Food Program, which will include investments for First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities, as well as self-governing and modern treaty partners.
Through Budget 2022, the Government of Canada invested $310.6 million over 5 years to better support elementary and secondary student outcomes through a Regional Education Agreement with the Quebec First Nations Education Council (FNEC). FNEC's Regional Education Agreement, developed for 22 Quebec communities, not only reflects self-determination principles but is also based on over 10 years of work on the part of FNEC and its member communities to design and develop an education funding model that is responsive to the specific needs and priorities of the communities' students, such as culturally appropriate curricula. The agreement will provide a total envelope of approximately $1.1 billion over 5 years for these communities to implement education programs that will support the academic success of First Nations students.
The investments in Budgets 2024 and 2022 build on funding announcements in Budget 2021 in which the Government of Canada continued to take steps to close the education gap between First Nations peoples and non-Indigenous Canadians. Budget 2021 invested $1.7 billion over 5 years, and $300 million ongoing in funding and initiatives that respond to the needs of First Nations elementary and secondary students on reserve. This included:
- $726 million over 5 years, and $188 million ongoing, to enhance funding for the co-developed framework for elementary and secondary education in critical areas, such as:
- student transportation
- ensuring funding for First Nations schools on reserve remains predictable from year to year
- increasing First Nations control over First Nations education by concluding more regional education agreements
- $515 million over 5 years, and $112 million ongoing, to support before and after-school programming for First Nations children on reserve which was announced as part of the Canada-wide Early Learning and Childcare System
- $350 million over 5 years to expand access to adult education for First Nations students living on reserve, as well as in Yukon and Northwest Territories. In the spirit of First Nations control of First Nations education, funding for adult education is flexible and First Nations are able to use it to develop their own adult education programs to support students looking to complete or upgrade their secondary education on reserve as well as support First Nations students wanting to access out-of-community adult education programs
- $112 million in 2021 to 2022, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, supporting First Nations-led community measures so children on reserve could continue to attend school safely
Recent progress
Through the new funding approach, the Government of Canada and interested First Nations partners are developing regional education agreements that respond to the unique needs and priorities of First Nations communities. This approach recognizes that First Nations are best placed to make decisions on their priorities or where they see the greatest need and aligns with the principle of First Nations control of First Nations education.
As of April 2024, 10 regional education agreements have been signed with First Nations partners. Discussions are also underway with approximately 50 First Nations and First Nations education organizations to advance education agreements across the country.
Next steps
First Nations or mandated First Nation education organizations continue to express interest in the development and renewal of regional education agreements with ISC which will continue to support First Nations control of First Nations education and a pathway to service transfer.
ISC will continue to work through established Permanent Bilateral Mechanisms with First Nations, Inuit and the Métis Nation to identify education joint priorities, co-develop policy, program and service options, as well as monitor progress honouring commitments to Call To Action 10.
The work of all 3 of these tables has included education as a priority area, and legislative options for education may be discussed in the future should Indigenous partners identify legislation as a priority.
11. We call upon the federal government to provide adequate funding to end the backlog of First Nations students seeking a post-secondary education.
What's happening?
The Government of Canada has taken steps towards closing education achievement gaps between First Nations and non-Indigenous people for post-secondary education.
Additionally, as a result of work with First Nations partners, Indigenous Services Canada has started implementing the Budget 2021 investment in adult education in the amount of $350 million over 5 years to expand access to adult education for First Nations students living on reserve, as well as in Yukon and Northwest Territories. The First Nations Adult Secondary Education enables First Nations and/or post-secondary institutions in the South to offer secondary upgrading and completion to eligible adult First Nations students. First Nations "South of 60" may also opt to flow Adult Education Investment funding through the existing elementary and secondary education processes. In the North, the First Nations Adult Education Program supports eligible students to complete or upgrade their secondary education.
Indigenous post-secondary education
Indigenous Services Canada supports 3 distinctions-based strategies to provide financial assistance to eligible Indigenous students pursuing post-secondary education.
In accordance with a comprehensive review of federal supports for Indigenous post-secondary education announced in 2019, the Government of Canada committed to work with the Assembly of First Nations, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and the Métis National Council to develop distinctions-based strategies to advance post-secondary education.
These strategies incorporate student support, understanding of local needs and community-based programs and services to holistically support Indigenous students to attain a post-secondary credentials.
First Nations Post-Secondary Education Strategy
Budget 2019 provided $320 million over 5 years to enhance the First Nations Post-Secondary Student Support Program, in addition to $7.5 million over 3 years to support First Nations-led engagement on the development of First Nations regional post-secondary education models. These models are intended to enable First Nations to transition from the current suite of post-secondary programs to holistic approaches that are responsive to First Nations local priorities and needs. The Budget 2019 funding ends in 2023 to 2024 with new funding from Budget 2024 being proposed for the Post-Secondary Student Support Program.
ISC also supports the implementation of the Post-Secondary Partnerships Program by providing funding to support First Nations post-secondary institutions, and to support First Nations-led partnerships with post-secondary institutions to increase the availability of post-secondary education programs tailored to their cultural and educational needs.
Indigenous skills and employment training
Employment and Social Development Canada's Indigenous labour market programming plays a key role to support the growth of Indigenous communities and fosters lifelong learning, skills development and training.
Indigenous Services Canada has been a partner department in the delivery of Employment and Social Development Canada's Youth Employment and Skills Strategy since 1997 through the First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy.
The First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy supports initiatives to provide First Nations and Inuit students and youth ages 15 to 30 years old with work experience, information about career options and opportunities to develop skills to help gain employment and develop careers. Indigenous Services Canada delivers 2 programs under the First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy: the First Nations and Inuit Summer Work Experience Program for students and the First Nations and Inuit Skills Link Program.
Additionally, ISC supports the Income Assistance-First Nations Youth Employment Strategy Pilot. A partnership between the First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy and the Income Assistance program, this Pilot aims to ensure that youth who do not have enough income to cover their basic needs receive the help they need to gain employment and develop careers; it supports up to 2,000 First Nations youth between the ages of 18 and 30 years in receipt of ISC's Income Assistance achieve self-sufficiency and transition to the workforce or return to school, reducing long-term dependency on Income Assistance.
Federal support for Indigenous labour market programming has a long history, starting with the Pathways to Success program in 1991 to 1996 to the current Indigenous Skills and Employment Training (ISET) program launched in 2019. The ISET program is a co-developed, distinctions-based labour market program designed to support First Nations, Inuit, Métis and urban or non-affiliated Indigenous peoples to improve their skills and work towards their long-term career goals.
The program funds a network of over 110 Indigenous service delivery organizations with over 650 points of service to provide Indigenous peoples with training and supports to improve their skills and secure employment.
As announced in the 2018 Budget, an investment of $2 billion over 5 years in the ISET program, and $408.2 million per year thereafter, will contribute to a reduction in the employment and skills gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.
The program supports a holistic approach to service delivery that encompasses a wide range of labour market activities including locally designed programs in support of each distinctions-based labour market strategy. Indigenous service delivery organizations may provide:
- employment-related and career development assistance
- wrap-around services such as living expenses
- financial assistance to support individuals in getting skills for employment
- tuition or living expense costs
- business coaching and mentorship
- disability-related supports
The 2020 Fall Economic Statement announced a $144.2 million one-year investment for the ISET program in 2021 to 2022 to support COVID-19 recovery efforts by increasing training and supports for clients facing the most barriers through the ISET program. The additional investments under the ISET program will enable Indigenous organizations to focus programming on client needs, providing the wrap-around supports and expanded activities to improve the outcomes of Indigenous youth, persons with disabilities and out of territory or urban clients in post-pandemic recovery. From this envelope, $35.3 million in funding will directly support Indigenous youth.
Complementing the foundational supports provided through the ISET program, the Skills and Partnership Fund (SPF) is a project-based program that funds partnerships between Indigenous organizations and industry employers to provide skills training for Indigenous peoples linked to economic opportunities at the local, regional and national level.
By increasing access to training that is demand-driven, the SPF plays a key role in directly linking Indigenous peoples to specific jobs and improving their employment outcomes. SPF has the flexibility to adjust to government priorities and address emerging economic opportunities.
SPF aims to reduce the skills and employment gaps that exist between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples and increase Indigenous participation in the labour market by ensuring Indigenous participants have improved skills and employment opportunities. With an ongoing investment of $50 million per year, SPF focuses on training Indigenous peoples for industry-identified, specific jobs that align with emerging labour market needs and government priorities.
Recent budget investments
Budget 2024 proposes to increase support for First Nations post-secondary students:
- $242.7 million over 3 years, starting in 2024 to 2025, to increase access to post-secondary education for First Nations students through the Post-Secondary Student Support Program.
Budget 2024 announced $150.7 million in 2025 to 2026 for the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy to provide job placements and employment supports to youth.
In addition, the 2022 Fall Economic Statement provided $802.1 million over 3 years, starting in 2022 to 2023, for Employment and Social Development Canada's Youth Employment and Skills Strategy. This included $301.4 million over 2 years, starting in 2023 to 2024, through the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy Program, to provide wrap-around supports and job placements to young people facing employment barriers, with $54 million provided to the First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy.
$100.2 million over 3 years, starting in 2022 to 2023, was also provided to continue supporting work placements for First Nations youth through the Income Assistance-First Nations Youth Employment Strategy pilot.
Recent progress
The Government of Canada is committed to working collaboratively with Indigenous partners in transforming the way the department approaches the review and implementation of policy and program reform.
First Nations-led engagement to support the development of First Nations regional post-secondary education models will conclude in 2024 to 2025. This engagement is intended to enable a transition from the current suite of First Nations post-secondary education programming to holistic approaches and systems that are directed by First Nations and even more responsive to local post-secondary education priorities and needs.
In 2016 and 2017, Employment and Social Development Canada engaged with key Indigenous partners and organizations across the country to review and renew the Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy. Following this engagement, Employment and Social Development Canada and Indigenous partners co-developed the implementation of the ISET program.
The program built upon the success of the previous Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy, introducing several engagement identified enhancements.
These include:
- the distinctions-based framework
- greater stability of funding with 10-year agreements
- improved flexibility
- reduced administrative burden
- strengthened supports for information gathering
- stronger links to other programs
Indigenous service delivery organizations, some of which have been in place for over 20 years, continue to ensure that communities have access to skills and employment training designed and delivered by Indigenous-led organizations.
In January 2021, Employment and Social Development Canada launched a national engagement process gathering input from Indigenous partners, industry, educational institutions, provincial and territorial governments and other federal departments to inform the development of a future policy approach for the Skills and Partnership Fund.
This engagement will inform how the fund can advance federal priorities, support Indigenous peoples to engage in both economic and community opportunities, particularly in the context of COVID-19 economic recovery.
The modernizing of this fund looks to effectively target emerging and priority sectors and explore opportunities with Indigenous-industry partnerships aligned to overarching Indigenous community and government priorities and be more responsive to an evolving labour market context.
Following the completion of this engagement, a "What We Learned" summary report will be developed and shared publicly. A new approach for future SPF investments will be communicated early in the new calendar year.
Next steps
In fiscal year 2024 to 2025, the department will continue to implement co-developed distinctions-based post-secondary education strategies for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation recipients. In addition, ISC will support the implementation of First Nations-led regional post-secondary education models through its work with partners.
12. We call upon the federal, provincial, territorial, and Aboriginal governments to develop culturally appropriate early childhood education programs for Aboriginal families.
What's happening?
Budget 2021 invested $795 million for community managed prevention and early intervention supports. The Federal Pathway to Address Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People, released in June 2021, also affirms measures will be taken to support Indigenous-led education and awareness activities for Indigenous children, youth and families, and to improve and expand support and services to Indigenous children, families and communities based on their unique histories, cultures and circumstances. The implementation of several initiatives under the Federal Pathway is underway with Indigenous partners, including the launch of the Support for the Wellbeing of Families and Survivors of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People Contribution Program, which funds projects that provide assistance and services for the healing journeys of individual Indigenous family members and survivors who have missing or lost loved ones due to violence against Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people.
In addition, Canada has made, and continues to make, many important reforms to the First Nations Child and Family Services Program, since the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal's finding of discrimination in 2016.
Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) is working with partners to reform the FNCFS program and reduce the number of Indigenous children in care and to improve the well-being of children and their families. The FNCFS program began offering the Community Well-Being and Jurisdiction Initiatives in 2018, which is a unique funding stream that is directly accessible by First Nations to expand the availability of prevention and well-being initiatives that are responsive to community needs, and to support First Nations in developing and implementing jurisdictional models. Eligible activities under this funding stream can include developing and implementing culturally appropriate parenting programming.
In addition, reform of the FNCFS program includes fully implementing the orders of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal by:
- funding the actual costs of First Nations child and family services agencies in areas such as prevention
- working to make the system child centered, community directed and focused on prevention and early intervention
Reform efforts within the Child and Family Services Reform Sector also include transitioning toward Indigenous peoples' exercise of partial or full jurisdiction over the development and delivery of child and family services.
In addition, the Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families (the Act) that came into force on January 1, 2020, affirms the rights of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples to exercise jurisdiction over child and family services and establishes national principles, such as the best interests of the child, cultural continuity and substantive equality. Under the Act, the order of priority for the placement of an Indigenous child prioritizes the family and community and aims to shift the programming focus to prevention and early intervention to help Indigenous children stay with their families and communities.
As a continuation of engagement and dialogue with Indigenous partners, Provinces, and Territories on the Act, the department has established distinctions-based governance engagement mechanisms related to the Act. These community, regional and national-level engagements are venues for parties to highlight issues and make recommendations to governments relating to the effective implementation of the Act, such as:
- coordination of information sharing
- principles related to determining funding amounts
- principles related to coordination of multiple family and community ties
- oversight and evaluation
- a data strategy
- in-take systems, responsibility and coordination
- liability
- substantive equality
The principles and minimum standards established under the Act are designed to benefit all Indigenous children and families regardless of whether Indigenous communities or groups decide to exercise jurisdiction over child and family services under the Act.
Existing and on-going investments in full-day, 2-year, kindergarten programs for First Nations children attending First Nations-administered schools on reserve have also contributed to the landscape of quality First Nations early learning programs. In 2023 to 2024, of the 524 First Nations-administered education programs on reserve funded through the elementary and secondary education program, 315 delivered half-day or full-day kindergarten programs for children aged 4 years, and 339 delivered half-day or full-day kindergarten programs for children aged 5 years.
Operating since 1995, the Aboriginal Head Start in Urban and Northern Communities (AHSUNC) program is a high-quality, culturally-appropriate early childhood development program run by Indigenous community organizations serving First Nations, Inuit and Métis children and their families living off-reserve, reaching over 4,000 children at 134 sites. Guided by the co-developed Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework, which commits to collaborating through real partnerships with Indigenous peoples to offer Indigenous-led early learning programming for children and their families, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) allocates $29.1 million annually in legacy program funding, as well as $122.9 million in IELCC funding over 5 years (2022 to 2023 to 2026 to 2027), with $23.2 million ongoing annually and a 3% escalator beginning in 2027 to 2028, through the AHSUNC program.
In addition, PHAC supports complementary programming through the Community Action Program for Children (CAPC) and the Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP), which provides a total of $80.6 million per year to community organizations to develop and deliver culturally-appropriate, heath promotion programming for pregnant individuals, children (aged 0 to 6) and their parents/caregivers who face health inequities and other barriers to health, including Indigenous populations who live off reserve.
PHAC also develops resources and serves a national coordination role for the Nobody's Perfect Parenting Program, which aims to provide education and support on child health and development, parenting and coping skills to parents of children (aged 0 to 6) who face health inequity barriers, including Indigenous parents.
Recent budget investments
Early learning and child care (ELCC) services are critical to providing a solid foundation for children's future success. For Indigenous children, access to culturally appropriate, high quality, inclusive, flexible and affordable early learning and child care supports a strong sense of identity and establishes a foundation for their health, wellness and future success.
Budget 2021 announced an investment of $2.5 billion over the next 5 years and $542 million per year ongoing in Indigenous ELCC, that will:
- ensure that more Indigenous families have access to high-quality, culturally appropriate programming
- build Indigenous governance capacity
- allow providers to offer more flexible and full-time hours of care and to build, train and retain a skilled workforce
- support before and after-school care for First Nations children on reserve
- allow for repairs and renovations of existing Indigenous ELCC centres, and construction and maintenance of new centres
Additionally, to ensure these vital programs continue to grow along with the communities they serve, program funding will increase by 3% each year starting in 2027 to 2028.
Budget 2021 funding is guided by a co-developed Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework, released in 2018 and endorsed by the Assembly of First Nations, the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, and the Métis National Council. Funding is directed towards the ELCC priorities identified by First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Nation partners through Indigenous-led decision-making processes. Early priorities have included strengthening the quality of community-based culturally appropriate programming, with investments reaching over 35,000 children at approximately:
- 463 child care sites in First Nations and Inuit communities
- 341 Aboriginal Head Start programs on reserve
- 134 Aboriginal Head Start programs in urban and northern communities
This funding builds on Budget 2017 investments totaling $1.7 billion over 10 years to advance the goals of the Framework in partnership with First Nations, Inuit, and the Métis Nation. These investments are now permanent and ongoing. A key feature of this funding was the creation of distinctions-based funding envelopes that are co-managed by the Government of Canada. These envelopes provide Indigenous governments control over funding allocations, plans and priorities. Federal investments are implemented in partnership with First Nations, Inuit, and the Métis Nation, who have the flexibility to direct investments to a range of ELCC priorities, regardless of where their citizens reside.
The funds are directed by Indigenous ELCC partnership tables who make recommendations to Indigenous leadership to support the development and implementation of comprehensive ELCC strategies, programs, and services consistent with the Indigenous ELCC Framework. The partnership tables include ELCC experts, program administrators, and regional or community technicians who are mandated by Indigenous leadership to work with the Government of Canada on strengthening ELCC for Indigenous children.
Indigenous ELCC funding reaches hundreds of communities across Canada through federal contribution agreements administered by Employment and Social Development Canada, Indigenous Services Canada (ISC), and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) under the Indigenous ELCC Transformation Initiative. A significant portion of incremental Indigenous ELCC funds are being invested in operating community-based federal day care and head start programs. In addition, funding is supporting governance development and capacity-building to enable Indigenous designed and delivered strategies within a Canada-wide ELCC System. Indigenous partners have prioritized culturally appropriate ELCC with a focus on expansion of culturally appropriate curriculum and learning resources. Incremental funding has been used to recruit, train, and retain Indigenous early childhood educators. Plans are being developed to expand access through existing sites, new sites, or enhanced hours of care. Other funding activities have included minor capital repairs and renovations to sites and playground and equipment purchases to ensure safe, healthy, and enriching learning environments for young children.
Employment and Social Development Canada is the federal focal point guiding this horizontal initiative, with Indigenous Services Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada, and Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC) as co-signatories to the horizontal terms and conditions of the Indigenous ELCC Transformation Initiative.
To assess the progress made towards achieving the vision and goals of the Indigenous ELCC Framework, the Government of Canada has committed to co-developing First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Nation results frameworks with Indigenous governments. While this co-development work is underway, Indigenous governments are reporting annually on progress through contribution agreements.
Recent Progress
On April 1, 2024, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) implemented a new administrative approach for the Aboriginal Head Start in Urban and Northern Communities (AHSUNC) program, the result of over 2 years of collaboration to develop new culturally appropriate tools, templates and processes for the administration of the program. This new approach signifies a significant shift, embracing an Indigenous-led approach that is based on relationship and capacity building, to support recipients in carrying out their project activities. Through comprehensive engagement sessions with recipients, PHAC ensured alignment with program needs and partner perspectives to facilitate a more effective implementation of the Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Transformation Initiative. Notably, 69 partner organizations opted to renew their funding agreements with PHAC under the new approach. By fostering a collaborative approach, this initiative strives to create a more equitable and self-determined Indigenous early learning and child care services, benefiting children and families across urban and northern communities.
Next steps
The Federal Pathway, released in 2021, was a document intended for renewal. To this end, discussions with Indigenous partners as to the programs, initiatives and work moving forward are a necessary next step to identify priorities, needs and areas of work, including those related to Call to Action 12.
Further, the First Nations Child and Family Services program will continue to fund prevention and well-being initiatives through the Community Well-Being and Jurisdiction Initiatives, to respond to community needs which could include developing and implementing culturally appropriate parenting programming. Canada's reform efforts also include:
- conducting significant engagement with, and seeking feedback from Indigenous partners
- funding studies that provide options and recommendations on FNCFS program reform, such as those conducted by the Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy
- having ongoing discussions with parties to achieve resolution of issues
The Government of Canada will also continue to engage with partners through governance mechanisms on The Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families (the Act). Further engagement and dialogue could include the participation of national, regional, and community governments and organizations that represent First Nations, Inuit and the Métis Nation, section 35 right holders, Treaty Nations, self-governing First Nations, plus Provincial, and Territorial governments, as well as experts and those with lived experience, including Elders, youth and women.
The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) will continue to support Aboriginal Head Start in Urban and Northern Communities (AHSUNC) recipients and sites in the Indigenous-led development of parental-related programming and enrichment activities. PHAC will continue to support Indigenous partners' self-determined vision for Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care as part of the new Canada Wide Child Care Initiative. The Federal Pathway, released in June 2021, also commits to continue the progress towards an early learning and child care system that meets the needs of Indigenous families, wherever they live. This includes establishing before and after-school programming for First Nations children on reserve, providing additional funding to expand access to culturally appropriate Aboriginal Head Start day care programs and services, repairing and renovating existing Indigenous early learning and child care centres, as well as building and maintaining new centres.
Indigenous specific investments will help advance First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Nation ELCC priorities, guided by the co-developed Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework. In 2023 to 2024, emphasis was placed on advancing the implementation of Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care investments that support minor capital repairs and renovations at existing Aboriginal Head Start and Day Care sites, as well as new investments to build ELCC sites in communities that are underserved or to replace sites that have reached the end of their useful life.
Opportunities will also be available to advance collaboration on ELCC between federal, provincial, territorial, and Indigenous partners and build on introductory meetings that occurred in 2022 to 2023.
The federal government will continue to work with First Nations, Inuit and Métis governments to co-develop results frameworks that enable the monitoring and assessment of progress towards the vision and priorities identified in the Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework.
Moving forward into the new fiscal year of 2024 to 2025, the focus will be on supporting the newly launched administrative approach for the AHSUNC program, ensuring its smooth implementation. This includes providing ongoing assistance and resources to recipients as they navigate the new approach. By fostering collaboration and communication, PHAC aims to continue advancing Indigenous-led early learning and child care services, promoting self-determination and improved outcomes for Indigenous children and their families.