Giant Mine Remediation Project Team

The Giant Mine Remediation Project is co-managed by the governments of Canada and the Northwest Territories.

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Who is involved in the Giant Mine Remediation Project?

The governments of Canada and the Northwest Territories are co-proponents of the Project. The Project's focus is managing the arsenic trioxide waste and remediating the entire site. Canada is responsible for the overall site cleanup and the underground, but the territory still owns the surface. Both governments work together to prepare for the remediation.

Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) is Canada's lead on the Project. Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) represent the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT). Public Service and Procurement Canada also plays an important role, providing contract and project management support services to the team.

In 2005, INAC and the GNWT signed a 10-year Cooperation Agreement. INAC and the GNWT renewed the Agreement in 2015. It will last for another 10 years. This Agreement outlines how both governments will share the costs of remediation at Giant Mine, and guides how they will co-manage the Project.

Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)

INAC became the caretaker for the site in 1999. At that time, the site's last owner, Royal Oaks Mine, went into receivership. This meant Canada became responsible for the arsenic trioxide stored underground and for cleaning up the site.

INAC is responsible for other sites in addition to Giant Mine. INAC also manages contaminated sites on reserve lands all over Canada, as well as on other federal lands for which it has custodial responsibility. Along with Giant Mine, INAC has a large portfolio of federal contaminated sites throughout Canada's North. This includes several sites with major environmental concerns like the former Faro and Giant Mines. It also includes hundreds of smaller sites. Find out more about other INAC-managed sites in the Northwest Territories.

The Giant Mine Remediation Project Team focuses on:

  • long-term care and management of arsenic trioxide stored underground
  • planning for the remediation of the entire site
  • keeping the site stable and safe until remediation starts

The Project team consists of staff with a broad base of relevant technical expertise. This includes specialists in:

  • project management
  • contaminated sites clean-up
  • mining operations
  • regulatory affairs

Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT)

The Giant Mine site is on land held by the Commissioner of the Northwest Territories. The GNWT, Department of Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA), administers Commissioner's Land. Even after devolution, the Giant Mine Remediation Project stayed INAC's responsibility. Once cleaned up, INAC will remain responsible for areas of the site used to maintain the freeze system and the water treatment plant.

Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) is the lead GNWT department on the Project team, and will continue to be as the remediation plan goes forward. It coordinates the involvement of other GNWT departments in the Project. ENR participated in developing the Giant Mine's remediation plan.

Other GNWT departments play a role in specific aspects of the Project. They have supplied specialized knowledge and expertise on the regulatory aspects of the Project, as well as the Project engagement. This includes the departments of:

Public Service and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

PSPC provides services to help other federal agencies, including the Giant Mine Remediation Project. PSPC provides:

  • management of purchasing and contracting
  • project management support
  • technical expertise
  • other environmental services to support the assessment and cleanup of contaminated sites

Teams in Yellowknife and Edmonton provide these services, with additional resources available from other areas. Although not a Project proponent, PSPC plays an active role. Specific examples of PSCP's contributions to the project include:

  • managing the Project's large purchases
  • providing input into engineering and design decisions
  • managing the Project's contracts
  • providing project management and technical support services

Other federal government departments' participation

The Project team worked with other federal departments to develop the remediation plan. INAC sought expert advice on assessing the site and risk, evaluating remedial options, and managing risks at site from:

How do I contact the Project team?

You can reach the Giant Mine Remediation Project team by:

A staff member will be happy to direct your inquiry to the appropriate member of the Project team. You can also reach individual members of the Project team by using the GCDirectory.

For all media requests, please contact our communications officer.

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