Stained Glass Window Dedication Ceremony - Honourable Andrew Scheer, Speaker of the House of Commons
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Transcript: Honourable Andrew Scheer, Speaker of the House of Commons
John Duncan: It's my honour to hereby present the stained glass window to my colleague, the Honourable Andrew Scheer, Speaker of the House of Commons. Please help me welcome Andrew Scheer to say a few words.
Hon. Andrew Scheer: Good morning everyone, Minister, parliamentary colleagues, elders, distinguished guests a particular welcome to the Honourable Peter Milliken who was speaker at the time of the Apology and had the distinct honour of presiding over the committee of the whole proceedings. We've got a very auspicious day with this beautiful sunlight coming through the stained glass. We couldn't have ordered it any better if we tried. It's an honour to welcome you here, to this artwork to commemorate the legacy of Indian Residential Schools through the permanent installation of the stained glass window.
Giving and accepting an apology is a powerful event, ever the more so when it is given and accepted on the floor of the House of Commons. While an apology is not an eraser or removes scars or allow us to forget the past, it does serve to begin a process of healing, a process of reconciliation and allows us to move beyond our past together. It is this spirit and feelings which are shown in Christi Belcourt's artwork. This is with this spirit that this artwork by Christi Belcourt looks at the future was presented today at the Parliament here.
Our parliament buildings are rich with reference to our shared history and to symbols of our growth as a country and as a people. These references and symbols tells a story, a Canadian story. I'm sure that as parliamentarians, visitors, government officials, journalists, all the visitors and staff as they pass by this window will have an opportunity to pause and reflect on the significance of the events that are commemorated therein. It is indeed my honour on behalf of all members of the House of Commons, parliamentarians, indeed all Canadians, to accept this worthy addition to our parliament buildings and our heritage. Thank you, merci.