Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement - Annual Report of the Implementation Committee: April 1 2008 to March 31 2009

Author: Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada
Date: 2010 
ISBN: 978-1-100-17144-9
QS- (QS-5395-003-EE-A1)
Catalogue No: R31-9/2009E-PDF

PDF Version   (1.5 Mb, 44 Pages)

Table of contents


The Gwich'in Implementation Committee is pleased to provide its 14th annual report on the implementation of the Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement (1992). This report covers 12 months from April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.

The Implementation Committee consists of a senior official from each of the parties: the Gwich'in Tribal Council, the Government of the Northwest Territories, and the Government of Canada. The Committee functions by consensus and serves as a forum where parties can raise issues and voice their concerns.

The role of the Committee is to oversee, monitor, and provide direction on the implementation of the Agreement. This Annual Report describes achievements and developments during the year. Information is contributed by various federal and territorial departments, the Gwich'in Tribal Council, and bodies established pursuant to the Agreement.

Implementing the Agreement presents opportunities and challenges. Progress by the Committee is being achieved through a relationship defined by mutual respect and a commitment to fulfilling the obligations set out in the Agreement. Achievements to date are the product of partners working together to meet commitments.

Richard NerysooGwich'in Tribal Council
Scott AlexanderGovernment of the Northwest Territories
Kimberly ThompsonGovernment of Canada

Glossary of Acronyms and Abbreviations

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Aboriginal Capacity Building Program
Arctic Goose Joint Venture
Aboriginal Human Resources Development Agreement
Business Incentive Program
Canadian Coast Guard
Community Economic Development Program
Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program
Community Support Services Program
Canadian Wildlife Service
Council of Yukon First Nations
Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations (NWT)
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Environment Canada
Department of Education, Culture, and Employment
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NWT)
Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement
Gwich'in Implementation Committee
Geographic Information System
Gwich'in Land Use Planning Board
Gwich'in Land and Water Board
Government of the Northwest Territories
Gwich'in Renewable Resources Board
Gwich'in Settlement Area
Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute
Gwich'in Tribal Council
Department of Industry, Tourism, and Investment (NWT)
Joint Review Panel
Mackenzie Gas Project
Memorandum of Understanding
Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board
Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act
Natural Resources Canada
Northwest Territories Geoscience Office
National Topographic System
Northwest Territories
Department of Public Works and Services (NWT)
Renewable Resources Council
Support to Entrepreneurs and Economic Development
Tourism Product Diversification and Marketing Program
Western Arctic Business Development Services
Yukon Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment Act
Yukon Government

1. Features of the Agreement

On April 22, 1992, the Gwich'in Tribal Council (GTC), the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT), and Government of Canada signed the Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement (GCLCA) and the accompanying Implementation Plan. The Agreement took effect on December 22, 1992.

Under the Agreement, the Gwich'in receive title to 22,329 square kilometres of surface land and 6,158 square kilometres of subsurface lands in the Gwich'in Settlement Area (GSA) of the Northwest Territories (NWT) and 1,554 square kilometres of surface land in Yukon.

Other major provisions of the Agreement include:

The Agreement also provides for the negotiation of agreements on self-government, which would be brought into effect through federal or territorial legislation or both.

2. Highlights

3. Implementation Committee

The Gwich'in Implementation Committee (GIC) is comprised of three senior officials representing each of the three parties to the Agreement. In 2008-2009, the GTC was represented by Norman Snowshoe, Director of Lands, Resources, and Implementation and by Richard Nerysoo, GTC President; the GNWT was represented by Scott Alexander, Director, Implementation, DAAIR; and Canada was represented by Kimberly Thompson, Director, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (AANDC).

Pursuant to section 28.2 of the Agreement, the GIC:

The Committee met three times during the reporting period: on May 6, 2008 in Yellowknife, on September 10, 2008 in Inuvik, and on December 4, 2008 in Edmonton. During the 2008-2009 fiscal year, the Implementation Committee undertook the following activities:

4. Implementing Bodies

4.1 Gwich'in Arbitration Panel

For 2008-2009, the Panel held two conference calls - on May 7 and September 17, 2008. The Panel visited the GSA and conducted business meetings from July 13 to July 16, 2008 in Inuvik. The Panel met on November 20 and 21, 2008 and took part in educational sessions entitled "Cultural Fluency for Arbitrators". These were held in partnership with the Sahtu Arbitration Panel. The moderators of the educational sessions were Michelle LeBaron and Val Napoleon.

4.2 NWT Board Forum

The NWT Board Forum is a bi-annual gathering of NWT resource co-management boards, public boards, governments, and their departments. It was established to promote the exchange of information and to facilitate discussion on matters of common interest. The Board Forum meets in different communities throughout the NWT. Activities included:

  • The development of strategic and business planning guidelines and templates for use by NWT Board Forum members.
  • The development of an NWT Board Forum one-stop shop web site portal. The site provides a wealth of information on resource management, the regulatory process, flow charts, membership, and other information useful to the public.
  • The development of a consolidated statement of the NWT Board Forum's research priorities for distribution to researchers and funding agencies interested in the NWT.
  • Meeting the ongoing training needs for Board members.

4.3 Gwich'in Land Use Planning Board

The GLUPB is responsible for developing and implementing the Gwich'in Land Use Plan for the GSA. The plan provides for the conservation, development, and utilization of land, resources, and water for the benefit of all Canadians, with special attention devoted to the needs of the Gwich'in. The main activities of the GLUPB during 2008-2009 included:

  • Continued work on the five-year review of the Land Use Plan. This has involved processing information, conducting preliminary GIS work for potential changes to zoning, and the preparation of material for industry and government consultations. Summaries have been prepared about what was heard during community consultations that took place during the Plan Options Stage of the review.
  • Purchased 200 copies each of the children's books The Delta is My Home by Tom McLeod and Mindy Willet and We Feel Good Out Here by Julie-Anne Andre and Mindy Willet. The Board contributed to the development of these books in 2004 in return for reference to the Land Use Plan in the text. Some copies of the books have been distributed to the region's schools and the rest will be distributed as gifts and door prizes.
  • Maintained active involvement in transboundary issues. This involved meeting with the Peel River Watershed Planning Board regarding planning options and reviewing the second draft of the Sahtu Land Use Plan.

4.4 Gwich'in Renewable Resources Board

The GRRB was established under the GCLCA as the main instrument of wildlife, fish, and forest management in the GSA. The 2008-2009 fiscal year was the Board's 15th year of operation. The Board was fully operational with six members plus an appointed Chair and a staff of seven.

Board Meetings

The GRRB met twice in 2008-2009, first in Fort McPherson on September 11-12, 2008 and later in Inuvik on February 25-27, 2009. At both these meetings the Board met with the Tetlit and Nihtat Renewable Resources Councils (RRC) and discussed local renewable resource management concerns and issues. Several meetings were held with other co-management boards to consider such issues as consultation, caribou, and char. The Chair represented the GRRB at these meetings. The Board has good working relationships with other co-management boards and government agencies.

In December 2008, the GRRB held a consultation workshop with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), Environment Canada (EC), GNWT, the Gwich'in RRCs, and Designated Gwich'in Organizations. The goal of the workshop was to develop meaningful consultation and public hearing policies that reflects the powers and responsibilities of the GRRB as well as the priorities and concerns of the Board's co-management partners.

The Board's Chair and staff also participated in a consultation session with EC on the proposed Species at Risk (NWT) Act. This session also included participation by all the Gwich'in RRCs. The Board continued to follow the strategic plan that was developed in 2008.

Research and Management Projects

In 2008-2009, the GRRB allocated funds for eight projects including three wildlife projects, two fisheries projects, and two culture/education projects from the Wildlife Studies Fund. In addition to the Operations Budget, the Board received almost $90,000 and in-kind assistance from various organizations to conduct research and management projects in the GSA.

Renewable Resource Management

The GRRB's mandate is to ensure that wildlife, fish, and the forests are used in a sustainable manner. The Board promotes community-based sustainable resource management and has continued to work on various management plans for the area. The incorporation of traditional/local knowledge into renewable resources management continued, as well as support for the training of Gwich'in participants in renewable resource management.

In 2008-2009, the GRRB's main management concerns were the decline of Porcupine caribou and Rat River char. In a proactive response to the concerns about the caribou herd, community consultations were undertaken within the GSA that contributed to a draft harvest management plan. As well, the GRRB chaired the annual Rat River Char fishing plan consultation meetings. A decision was made to continue with the annual voluntary closure of the char fishery during the migration period.

Past concerns about the Barren ground caribou has led to the drafting of a plan for the entire Bluenose caribou herd. This plan includes NWT and Nunavut partners. Also, the GRRB worked on drafting the national plan for the Northern Mountain caribou. Concerns about grizzly bear management were raised in early 2009 and these will be addressed in 2009-2010.

Gwich'in Harvest Study

The Technical Report for the Gwich'in Harvest Study was drafted in the fall of 2008 and was presented to the GRRB during its September Board meeting. The report was accepted and printed for distribution during the winter. The plain-language summary and detailed report are also available for download on the GRRB web site.

Gwich'in/Local Knowledge

The Board continued to collect community knowledge as a part of GRRB research activities and community consultations. The interview transcripts, along with other existing information, were used to develop a report on traditional knowledge of char.

Education and Training

Education and Training in renewable resource research and management is an important part of GRRB operations. In 2008-2009, the Board continued to offer:

  • On-the-job training (one technician trainee position).
  • A Summer Student Program (one summer student position).
  • The Jim Edwards Sittichinli Scholarship (one $500 scholarship).
  • A Youth Work Experience Program (five youth positions).

Mackenzie Gas Project

The public hearing process for the JRP for the MGP ended in 2007-2008. During 2008-2009, the Panel reviewed the hearing information and drafted the report. The final report is expected to be finalized in late 2009. The GRRB participated by monitoring updates on the process.

4.5 Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board

The MVEIRB consists of nine members appointed by the Minister of AANDC. The Chair is typically appointed on the nomination of the Review Board members. Eight regular board members are appointed from nominees submitted by government and land claimant organizations. One member each is nominated by the Gwich'in, Tlicho, Sahtu, and Dehcho, and two members each are nominated by the GNWT and by Canada.

The MVEIRB managed 16 environmental assessments and two environmental impact reviews during the 2008-2009 fiscal year. Six of these active environmental assessments are to be carried forward into the 2009-2010 fiscal year along with the two impact reviews. Two environmental assessments were cancelled during the 2008-2009 year.

In 2008-2009, the MVEIRB reviewed 81 preliminary screening applications. The GLWB screened six of these applications. Twenty-two of the total applications were for mineral exploration and mining, 15 were within the transportation sector, and another 15 were applications for quarries. The rest of the preliminary screening applications were for oil and gas development, research projects, remediation, logging and harvesting, tourism and recreation, and other development activities.

Strategic Plan (2008-2009 to 2010-2011)

The MVEIRB has developed a three-year strategic plan with a focus on pursuing excellence in environmental impact assessment and the integrated resource management system. The strategic initiative serves to make the environmental impact assessment process more efficient and to re-brand the Board to become more effective in communications.

Cultural Impact Assessment Guidelines

As part of a continued effort to provide resources to all parties in order to assist in the conduct of quality environmental impact assessments in the Mackenzie Valley, the MVEIRB is developing Cultural Impact Assessment Guidelines.

During the winter of 2008-2009, the Review Board visited seven communities for preliminary discussions about what elements of culture people wanted to protect, about how development may be impacting on cultural components, and how cultural considerations can be best examined during environmental impact assessment. The MVEIRB also developed a cultural impact assessment library and gave presentations and workshops on cultural impact assessment in Yellowknife, Edmonton, and at the annual conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment in Perth, Australia in May 2008. Continued drafting and consultations are scheduled for the 2009-2010 fiscal year.

4.6 Gwich'in Land and Water Board

The GLWB is a regulatory authority established under the GCLCA and given effect by the MVRMA to provide for an integrated and coordinated system of land management in the Mackenzie Valley of the NWT. The 2008-2009 fiscal year was the Board's 10th full year of operation.

The objective of the GLWB is to provide for the conservation, development, and utilization of the land and water resources in the GSA in a manner that will provide the optimum benefit for present and future residents of the GSA, the Mackenzie Valley, and for all Canadians.

The MVRMA authorizes the Board to regulate the use of land and water by issuing, amending, renewing, and suspending Land Use Permits and Water Licences throughout the GSA. This includes all Crown land, Gwich'in land, and any other private lands.

The Board consists of five members including the Chair. The GTC nominates two members and the GNWT and the Government of Canada each nominate a member. These four members nominate the fifth member who then serves as the Board's Chairperson. The Minister of AANDC appoints all nominees to the Board for a term of three years.

In 2008-2009, there were five new applications for land use permits; three were approved and two were withdrawn. As well, there were two applications for water licences and both were approved.

The GLWB has been working with other land and water management boards in the Mackenzie Valley to coordinate policy, administrative, financial, and regulatory matters related to permits and licences. Six working groups have been established to develop work plans. These were presented, accepted, and approved at the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board meeting in Inuvik in June 2008. Interim papers on key issues, findings, and recommendations have been completed by most of the working groups and revised work plans and budgets have been prepared.

5. Gwich'in Tribal Council

The GTC is the organization mandated by the GCLCA to represent Gwich'in participants on the Implementation Committee and to ensure the protection of Gwich'in rights and interests.

The Lands, Resources, and Implementation Department is responsible for coordinating and facilitating activities and programs related to the implementation of the GCLCA including those issues, policies, and regulations that concern the management of harvesting, wildlife, and the environment.

5.1 GTC Director of Implementation

During the 2008-2009 fiscal year, the GTC Director of Implementation undertook the following tasks and activities:

  • Participated in the implementation of recommendations resulting from the first Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program (CIMP) Audit as required by the GCLCA and the MVRMA.
  • Assisted in the development of the Terms of Reference for the 2010 NWT Environmental Audit.
  • Participated in the process to measure the success, or the lack of success, of economic programs mandated by the GCLCA.
  • Followed up on the Auditor General's report on implementation.
  • Participated in the environmental review of the MGP.
  • Liaised with other land claim implementation groups to coordinate efforts to achieve more effective implementation (Land Claim Agreement Coalition).
  • Continued to address three outstanding arbitration issues in Yukon which may lead to further changes that solve the issues.
  • Reported to the Gwich'in General Assembly on implementation matters.
  • Participated in additional revisions to the MVRMA.
  • Participated in development of the Species at Risk (NWT) legislation and the review of the NWT Wildlife Act amendments to ensure land claim provisions are properly incorporated.
  • Supervised the land administration and resource management programs of the GTC and implementation of the GCLCA. This included: revisions to land access fees; revisions to guidelines for access to land, oil, and gas development in the NWT and Yukon; overlap agreements with the First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun; the Peel Watershed Regional Land Use Plan and the North Yukon Land Use Plan; and water management issues including transboundary, protected areas strategies, and land use conflicts.
  • Finalized the signage of GTC Fee Simple land in the GSA so that the provisions on trespass can be more easily monitored.
  • Followed up with regulatory authorities that are not enforcing land claim requirements implemented through the MVRMA.
  • Finalized the development of a Gwich'in Harvester Registry and GTC Harvest Impact Compensation Policy to more easily implement land claim provisions on harvester compensation.
  • Supervised work on the development of a cabin database to more easily administer land claim provisions on the rights of participants to have subsistence harvesting cabins in the GSA.
  • Completed work on a plain-language summary for the GTC on the GCLCA. It is now being translated to be copied to a CD.

5.2 Implementation Planning for Self-government

The obligation to negotiate a self-government agreement arises from Chapter 5 of the GCLCA. The GTC Board of Directors is mandated to provide the Gwich'in self-government negotiations team with the principles that will guide their negotiations towards a final self-government agreement with the GNWT and Canada.

For the 2008-2009 fiscal year, the GTC Self-Government Department continued to implement Chapter 5 and Appendix B of the GCLCA.

5.3 Implementation of the Yukon Transboundary Agreement

The GTC continues to work towards ensuring the GCLCA is properly and fully implemented in the Yukon. The Lands, Resources, and Implementation Department is involved in the following aspects and initiatives related to implementation of the GCLCA, including:

  • First Nation Relationships: The GTC has been developing stronger ties with the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, the First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun and the Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in, and the CYFN in order to better address mutual issues.
  • The Peel Watershed Regional Land Use Plan: The majority of the Peel Watershed planning area is in the Primary Use Area established by the GCLCA and as such, the GTC continues to work to be included as an approval party to the land use plan.
  • The Yukon Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment Act: The GTC staff and executive have been involved in the implementation of the YESAA. Staff members are currently involved in the five- year review of the Act. In order to participate in the process as an equal partner for the implementation of the YESAA, the GTC is seeking funding similar to that offered to other Yukon First Nations.
  • Council of Yukon First Nations: The GTC is a member of the CYFN which enables it to be recognized as a Yukon First Nation for legislative and policy purposes. This enables the GTC to participate on an equal footing with other Yukon First Nations as was contemplated by the GCLCA. During this period, the GTC has attended CYFN Leadership meetings to seek support in gaining status as a Yukon First Nation in YG policy. The GTC also submitted a request to meet with YG to develop a Consultation Protocol which may address concerns regarding GTC's relationship with YG in land and resource management matters.

5.4 Integrated Resource Management

The GTC continues to play a leadership role on behalf of all Gwich'in participants, RRCs, and the co-management boards. Activities include: coordinating efforts to engage in consultation; influencing the development of policy and legislation that affect resource management; and facilitating harvesting overlap agreements between the Gwich'in and other First Nations with adjacent land claim areas.

During this reporting period, resource management and other GTC staff members were actively engaged in the Northern Contaminants Program - NWT Regional Contaminants Committee, and has monitored the developments of the Species at Risk (NWT) Act.

5.5 Land Administration

Pursuant to the GCLCA, the GTC is responsible for the administration and management of access to private lands owned by the GTC throughout the settlement region. This involves issuing authorizations to industry, government, and other stakeholders for access to Gwich'in private land. The Lands, Resources, and Implementation Department provides information and support with regard to the negotiation of benefits and access agreements. The Department also monitors the compliance of authorized activities, including benefits and access agreements and, as required, enforcement activities.

During this reporting period, the GTC Lands Manager completed the update of the land access fees, finalized the GTC Fee Schedule, and continued to revise the Land Management and Control Guidelines to ensure they are more understandable and user-friendly. As well, the Lands Manager continued to update the cabin database and the registering of participant cabins within the GSA.

5.6 Enrolment

The Gwich'in Enrolment Board has operated since March 1993, and is responsible for enrolling all suitable persons of Gwich'in ancestry pursuant to the GCLCA. Only those enrolled under the GCLCA are entitled to vote, run in GTC elections, participate in activities of the GTC and any affiliated bodies, and receive benefits or money from payouts.

The first Gwich'in Enrolment Registry was issued in April 1994 and listed 1,245 participants. As of March 31, 2009, the total enrolment is 3,255 participants.

5.7 Gwich'in Renewable Resource Councils

Pursuant to various clauses of the GCLCA, each of the four communities in the GSA has a seven- person RRC to encourage and promote local involvement in conservation, harvesting studies, research, and wildlife management within the GSA. To undertake these responsibilities, councils hold regular and annual meetings to coordinate efforts on a regional basis. They also conduct or participate in workshops, conferences, training for environmental monitors, and meetings initiated by industry or government seeking to engage in community consultations.

Under the GCLCA, the GRRB and the governments of NWT and Canada may jointly delegate authority to the RRCs. Relying on data from the Gwich'in Harvest Study, the RRCs calculate the Gwich'in Minimum Need Level for their respective local community participants and manage - in a manner consistent with the legislation and the policies of the GRRB - the local harvesting rights. As well, the RRCs establish group trapping areas and advise the GRRB with respect to the harvesting activities by Gwich'in and about other matters of local concern.

During the 2008-2009 reporting period, the RRCs continued to assist the Gwich'in Land Administration with the review and comment on authorizations for access to Gwich'in private lands. As well, the RRCs continued to assist the GRRB and other co-management boards with resource management initiatives and the administration of access to Crown land within the GSA.

The RRCs help to administer the implementation of the GCLCA and related government initiatives at the community level. This has included participating in wildlife studies, biophysical studies, baseline identification, and cumulative impacts monitoring research initiatives of the territorial and federal governments, the co-management boards, and the GTC.

5.8 Heritage

The GSCI is a non-profit society with charitable status. The Institute's mandate is to document, preserve, and promote the practice of Gwich'in culture, language, and traditional knowledge and values. Since 1993, GSCI has carried out the heritage responsibilities of the GTC as outlined in Chapter 25 of the GCLCA and Chapter 9 of the Transboundary Agreement. GSCI also has provided input into the development of the Gwich'in Land Use Plan and the Gwich'in Territorial Park management plan.

As a result of its heritage research, the GSCI advises the Gwich'in Land Administration and GLWB about the possibility that land use permit applications may impact heritage resources as a result of land access and development in the GSA. GSCI also has provided input into self-government negotiations concerning Gwich'in culture and language. In the Yukon Transboundary Area, GSCI has provided input into the Land Use Planning and Protection of the Peel River Watershed, and Development Assessment.

During the 2008-2009 reporting period, the GSCI has carried out the following heritage activities including:

  • Land Use Permits, Archaeological Permits, and Scientific Research Licence Applications: GSCI continues to review land use applications forwarded from the GTC and the GLWB for their possible impacts on heritage resources in the GSA.
  • Burial Policy: On June 20, 2006, the GTC finalized the Guidelines Respecting the Discovery of Human Remains and Burial Sites in the Gwich'in Settlement Area. This Burial Policy proved very important in one case in the summer of 2008 with the discovery of human remains in the Richardson Mountains.
  • GSCI 15th Anniversary Celebrations: The GSCI was created and began operation on September 8, 1993 in response to concerns expressed during the 1992 GTC Annual Assembly in Fort McPherson about the decline of Gwich'in culture and language, and the negative impact that this was having on families and communities. Since then, the GSCI has worked on over 50 research projects with Gwich'in Elders, youth, community steering committees, and with heritage professionals, and graduate students in the fields of museum studies, cultural anthropology, archaeology, ethnobotany, and linguistics. The accomplishments over the past 15 years could not have been achieved without the assistance and dedication of many Elders who have worked closely with the GTC and GSCI.

To commemorate GSCI's 15th anniversary, funding was provided to each of the four communities to help celebrate the occasion and the work accomplished since the creation of the Institute. Each Designated Gwich'in Organization and Band Office in the GSA was encouraged to host celebrations on Wednesday, December 17, 2008.

  • Federal Assistant Deputy Ministers' Visit: On June 3, 2008, six Federal Government Assistant Deputy Ministers made a visit to Inuvik as part of their leadership training. The GSCI gave a presentation in the GTC boardroom along with other GTC staff. The GSCI presentation provided an overview of the Institute and the challenges and issues it has encountered in its heritage research and language work. The presentation identified how the Assistant Deputy Ministers could more effectively work with the GSCI.
  • GTC Leadership Transition Briefing: On June 30, 2008, GSCI staff participated in a Manager's meeting in Inuvik to brief the new GTC Executive on the Institute's programs, Five-Year Strategic Plan, and the one-year review of the Five-Year Strategic Plan.
  • CBC Radio Legacy Project: The GSCI, in partnership with CBC Radio, recorded Gwich'in legends and Elders' stories for the CBC Radio Legacy Project. The goal is to produce radio dramas for broadcast in 2009.
  • Preliminary Heritage Survey in the Peel Watershed: In July 2008, the GSCI and Yukon Department of Tourism and Culture conducted a preliminary helicopter survey of heritage sites within the Peel River watershed. The survey's goal was to identify and record traditional Teetl'it Gwich'in sites and historic and archaeological sites in the Peel River drainage, concentrating primarily on the Hart, Wind, and Bonnet Plume rivers. This research will assist in identifying sites of significant heritage value and will contribute to the Peel Watershed Planning Commission Land Use Planning process.
  • Peel Watershed Planning Commission: The GSCI provided land use information for the Peel Watershed Planning Commission. This included Teetl'it Gwich'in place names and cultural site data from the Institute's GIS. In September 2008, a workshop was held in Yellowknife to review the Institute's GIS database of Gwich'in place names and their spelling.
  • Historic Places Initiative Projects: GSCI successfully accessed Historic Place Initiative funding from the GNWT to carry out three community projects: the Black Mountain and Big Eddy project in Aklavik; the Khaii Luk Tshik and Teetshik Googhaa (old Arctic Red site) project in Tsiigehtchic; and Nataiinlaii boundary project in Fort McPherson. These places had been identified by the respective Community Steering Committees responsible for identifying significant heritage sites. Black Mountain and Big Eddy have been nominated as a new Territorial Historic Site. The Tsiigehtchic nomination and the boundary for Nataiinlaii were complete during the winter.
  • Gwich'in Ethnobotany Module for the GSCI Web Site: With the assistance of the GTC, the GSCI secured funding from the MacArthur Foundation to develop a new module for its web site based on the ethnobotanical research conducted by Alestine Andre and Alan Fehr. GSCI will be working with Outcrop to develop this module.

6. Government of the Northwest Territories

The GNWT performed various implementation activities pursuant to the Gwich'in Implementation Plan and related funding agreements.

6.1 Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations

The Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations (DAAIR) worked closely with the GTC, GNWT and federal officials, and the various implementing bodies established by the GCLCA. The Department coordinated the implementation activities of all GNWT departments, prepared regular status reports for the GIC, and prepared the GNWT component of this annual report.

A DAAIR official actively participated as the GNWT representative on the GIC dealing with such issues as economic measures, a new annual report format, access, communications, board funding requests, board appointments, and the reallocation of implementation resources.

In accordance with Chapter 5 and Appendix B of the GCLCA, DAAIR participated in the Gwich'in self-government negotiations.

6.2 Department of Municipal and Community Affairs

The Department of Municipal and Community Affairs processed a resource royalty payment to the GTC based on GNWT sand and gravel sales.

Solicitations for the property tax rebate program for Gwich'in participants leasing Gwich'in municipal lands were expanded to include the local band governments and Designated Gwich'in Organizations in addition to the GTC.

Discussions with the GTC and Nihtat Gwich'in Council regarding a proposal from the Town of Inuvik to change their municipal boundaries in order to incorporate Commissioner's lands around Dolomite (Airport) Lake have been put on hold pending consultations regarding the issuance of leases to users in the area.

6.3 Industry, Tourism, and Investment

ITI continued to meet its obligations through ongoing consultation with the GTC, Designated Gwich'in Organizations, and the RRCs. The Department also worked closely with the Gwich'in Development Corporation, the local Hamlet Community Councils, the local Band Organizations, and the local Community Development Corporations. In 2008-2009, ITI promoted, assisted, and advised these bodies on economic, business, and resource development opportunities including parks management and tourism development, traditional economy, and minerals, oil, and gas.

Economic Development

In 2008-2009, ITI continued to work closely with the GTC and Gwich'in communities to support and encourage participant involvement in business development and employment opportunities. ITI provided business advice, counselling, and support to Gwich'in businesses and individuals.

A list of contracting opportunities was provided to the GTC for the upcoming year. A meeting between the GTC, Gwich'in businesses, and contracting departments was held in May 2008. The GNWT extended the existing Gwich'in Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on contracting to March 31, 2009. The Minister has requested input from the Gwich'in for the purpose of beginning negotiations towards a replacement MOU.

The SEED Policy was developed to replace the existing Business Development Fund and Grants to Small Business Policies. SEED seeks to increase business activity and employment through financial support to businesses, to improve management skills and business capacity, to diversify the NWT economy, and to promote the equitable distribution of benefits among NWT communities. Information on the proposed SEED Policy was distributed to businesses and Aboriginal and community stakeholders, including the GTC. SEED was implemented in September 2008 after meeting with the GTC.

With ITI support, Western Arctic Business Development Services (WABDS) continued to provide small business services - including business counselling and training services - in the GSA and the Beaufort and Delta Regions. WABDS also made a presentation during an April 2008 business seminar on independent business financing. ITI continues to work with WABDS to deliver the Self-Employment Incentive Program for entrepreneurs in the GSA and the Beaufort Delta Regions.

Ongoing effort is being made to insure that all Gwich'in businesses are aware of the Business Incentive Program (BIP) and are provided assistance in registering with the Program. A presentation about government procurement procedures and the BIP process was made to Gwich'in businesses during the Gwich'in Business Conference held in February 2008. A follow-up training course involving 29 participants was held at the Gwich'in Business Working Together Workshop in April 2008 which was well received. As a result, several new businesses have been registered through the BIP.

In late January 2009, the GNWT issued a news release seeking the input of Aboriginal and business stakeholders on proposed changes to the BIP. In February 2009, the Minister of ITI sent a letter to the GTC detailing proposed changes and the rationale behind them. The Minister extended an offer to provide a briefing session to the GTC and welcomed feedback by the end of March 2009.

Tourism and Parks

The Gwich'in Territorial Park is operational and the Park Master Plan is in effect. Employment and training opportunities associated with protected areas continues to follow the Memorandum of Agreement with the GTC in terms of contracting within the park. On an annual basis, ITI issues a sole source contract to Gwich'in participant companies for the maintenance of the park. A Gwich'in participant was hired to work at the Western Arctic Visitor Centre during the summer season. ITI also leases the land from the GTC for this centre.

In January 2008, the Tourism Product Diversification and Marketing Program (TPDMP) was launched. The TPDMP program will assist the tourism industry to diversify product offerings and expand market shares.

In May 2009, the ITI Inuvik Regional office put on a workshop with the goal to develop capacity in the area of interpretation. The workshop included those involved in interpretation and/or those who could deliver interpretation programs through collaborative alliances.

In July 2008, ITI invited the GTC to comment on the Parks and Campgrounds fees, the regulations, and the on-line reservation system. In August 2008, the consultation was completed and an independent review panel made a number of recommendations, which were accepted by the Minister of ITI in December. These recommendations are being implemented for the summer 2009 camping season.

Traditional Economy

In an effort to provide a balance to resource-based development, ITI provides support to the traditional economic activities of the Gwich'in participants. ITI continues to promote the GSA and Gwich'in arts and crafts through marketing initiatives. Community Harvesters Assistance was provided to the Hunters and Trappers Committees under the Local Wildlife Committee Program.

An updated program based on the "Take a Kid Trapping Program" was developed and delivered to schools located in the GSA. The program proved successful by incorporating a "Back to the Land" theme for school students and by teaching the participants "Respect for the Land, Respect for Other People, Skills to Survive, and Traditions to Honour." Future plans include additional trapper training and hide tanning.

ITI has a program that assists with the marketing and sale of wild fur from the NWT. The wild fur from the territory is considered among the very best in the world. The ITI, in participation with Gwich'in, is proud to continue this tradition of quality into the 21st century under the brand name Genuine Mackenzie Valley Furs™.

Minerals, Oil, and Gas

Under the Aboriginal Capacity Building Program (ACBP), ITI is providing funding to support capacity- building projects. The funding is provided to ensure maximum Gwich'in participation and benefits from ongoing petroleum exploration and development activities.

Under the ACBP, the GTC delivered a comprehensive range of employment and training support programs and services to assist Gwich'in beneficiaries within the GSA to find employment. A pre- employment and travel transportation assistance program was delivered which included biannual advance visits to each community to meet with community employment officers and councils, to assist with resume writing, and to provide pre-employment screening and counselling. As well, assistance was provided to students in completing applications for post-secondary education programs and funding.

6.4 Environment and Natural Resources

The mandate for ENR is to "promote and support the sustainable use and development of natural resources and to protect, conserve, and enhance the NWT environment for the social and economic benefit of all NWT residents." In managing natural resources and the environment, ENR performs various implementation activities.

The Department of ENR continued to meet GNWT obligations through ongoing consultation with the GTC and other Gwich'in boards and organizations including Designated Gwich'in Organizations, RRCs, the GRRB, the GLWB, the GLUPB, and the GSCI on all matters pertaining to wildlife management and forest management. ENR continued to coordinate GNWT nominations and appointments to the various boards. Considerable time was committed towards the Environmental Assessment process, including the placement of a Regional Environmental Assessment Coordinator for the Inuvik Region. The department also participated in the development of rules and procedures for consultations and public hearing in the GSA.

ENR provided support to the GRRB biological staff and collaborated on ENR/GRRB-related research projects. These included Porcupine Caribou herd monitoring with the participation of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (including body condition), Woodland Caribou Ecology (including satellite tracking), and recruitment, calving ground, and productivity studies of the Cape Bathurst and Bluenose-West caribou herds (including satellite tracking).

During the 2008-2009, the ENR continued to play a significant role in the development of a North Richardson Dall's Sheep Management Plan. ENR participated as a member of the Dall's Sheep Management Planning Working Group. A final draft plan was distributed to all the partners of the plan including the co-management boards and governments.

ENR has been working very closely with Gwich'in communities on the development of a Harvest Management Strategy for the Porcupine Caribou Herd. A working group has been tasked to develop the draft management plan. ENR provided approximately $70,000 towards the development of this plan. This included a Community Engagement Tour to all affected communities in September and October of 2008.

ENR worked closely with the GTC and GRRB on new wildlife legislation to protect species at risk in the NWT. The Species at Risk (NWT) Act was introduced in the Legislative Assembly in October 2008. As well, a Wildlife Working Committee which includes representation from GTC and GRRB met in 2008 to start drafting a new Wildlife Act. It is anticipated that the bill will be introduced to the Legislative Assembly in February 2011.

6.5 Department of Education, Culture, and Employment

The Department of Education, Culture, and Employment (ECE) is responsible for the planning, delivery, and management of a broad range of employment, social, educational, and cultural programs and services in the GSA.

Community literacy development was provided to community organizations to help increase literacy skills and raise awareness of the importance of literacy. The following organizations received Community Literacy funding:

  • The Tetlit Gwich'in Council.
  • The Fort McPherson District Education Authority.
  • The GSCI.
  • The Gwichya Gwich'in Band in Tsiigehtchic.
  • The Inuvik Works program.
  • The Inuvik Centennial Library.

Support by the ECE under a number of other initiatives included:

  • Employers of Gwich'in apprentices received a wage subsidy through the Apprenticeship Training On-The-Job program in Aklavik, Tsiigehtchic, and Inuvik. National Apprenticeship Week activities were held in Inuvik and Aklavik in February 2009.
  • The Fort McPherson Tetlit Gwich'in Council received ECE assistance to employ six individuals for two months and to purchase wood for the Woodmizer Project through the Community Skills for Work initiative.
  • The GSCI in Fort McPherson received Oral Traditions and Cultural Enhancement funding for five individuals in order to develop their transcription skills through the Traditional Gwich'in Writing System and Gwich'in Liturgical Music courses.

The Culture and Heritage Division reviewed applications for land use permits and environmental impact assessments to identify possible threats to heritage resources and to provide advice to various agencies on the preservation of heritage resources. As well, the Division continued to provide funding and professional support to the GSCI for repatriation projects. For example, in 2008-2009, contribution funding was provided to assist GSCI to repatriate and document archival photographs taken by the late Gwich'in photographer James Jerome. In addition, the NWT Archives provided professional archival assistance for the project.

6.6 Department of Justice

The Legal Division continued to support the implementation of the GCLCA by providing legal advice to GNWT departments as required.

Surveys have been registered and certificates of title have been issued for all of the specific sites and all of the municipal parcels. Two of the specific sites are wholly within settlement lands parcels and titles were issued for these parcels rather than the specific sites.

6.7 Department of Transportation

The Department of Transportation is committed to supporting local and northern businesses. During 2008-2009, the Department entered into 19 contracts in the GSA, 15 of which were awarded to Gwich'in contractors. Five of these contracts, totalling over $10.3 million, were awarded to Gwich'in participants through negotiated or sole-source contracts. This figure does not include those contracts successfully negotiated with Gwich'in companies for award in the 2009-2010 fiscal year. These are currently valued at approximately $3 million.

The following table shows the contracts awarded by the Department (by value) to Gwich'in businesses. Although some contracts were active for multi-years (i.e. highway maintenance), the total contract value is indicated in the year that it was awarded.

Department of Transportation contracts by Value Awarded to Gwich'in Businesses *
Fiscal Year Total Contracts ($) Contracts to Gwich'in ($) Negotiated ($)
* Values do not reflect the actual expenditure, but the total value of contracts initiated within each fiscal year.
2003-04 5,855,477 3,933,152 (67%) 3,100,000
2004-05 14,350,839 12,495,000 (87%) 8,100,000
2005-06 8,066,285 3,640,360 (45%) 2,607,480
2006-07 10,334,023 5,681,732 (55%) 4,208,106
2007-08 13,439,307 7,584,376 (56%) 4,425,856
2008-09 16,226,132 15,054,183 (93%) 10,336,352
2009-10 as of June 19, 2009 4,986,342 4,152,943 (83%) 2,283,200

In 2008-2009, through the Department's Community Access Roads Program, $40,000 was contributed to Fort McPherson for a trail to Husky River and $25,000 was contributed for the winter road between Aklavik and Fort McPherson.

6.8 Department of Public Works and Services

The Department of Public Works and Services (PWS) supported the economic measures provisions of the GCLCA in a manner consistent with the GNWT's preferential contracting policies and the procedures intended to maximize local, regional, and northern employment and business opportunities. The Department awarded five contracts in 2008-2009 within the GSA or within Gwich'in communities to registered Gwich'in participant businesses. The total value of these contracts was approximately $1.7 million. PWS maintained seven office leases within Gwich'in communities with a combined annual value of approximately $1.5 million.

6.9 Northwest Territories Housing Corporation

In support of the economic measures provisions of Chapter 10 of the GCLCA, and consistent with the GNWT's preferential contracting policies and procedures, the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation awarded 13 contracts within the GSA to businesses owned by Gwich'in participants. The total value of these contracts was approximately $1.8 million.

7. Government of Canada

7.1 Federal Coordination of Implementation Activities

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

The Implementation Branch of AANDC continues to be responsible for monitoring the fulfillment of federal government obligations contained in the GCLCA and accompanying Implementation Plan. The Branch has a senior official who sits on the Implementation Committee, and consults with the GTC and the GNWT on issues that may arise with respect to federal obligations. In addition, the Branch provides funding to the implementing bodies, the GTC and the GNWT as identified in the Implementation Plan.

During the 2008-2009 fiscal year, the Implementation Branch's responsibilities included the following:

  • In association with the parties of the GIC, the Branch proceeded with the final revisions to the Renewed Gwich'in Implementation Plan. The reprinting of the Renewed Plan is expected to be finalized and approved by the parties in the upcoming year.
  • Final copies of the 2005-2007 Gwich'in Annual Report were mailed out in mid-November. The production of the 2007-2008 Annual Report is currently ongoing.
  • Oversaw the ministerial and Order in Council appointment processes on several Gwich'in Boards such as the GRRB and GLWB.

7.2 Economic Activity and Employment

Public Works and Government Services Canada

Public Works and Government Services Canada continued to provide opportunities for Gwich'in firms by advertising the procurements that it handles on behalf of federal departments and agencies on the government electronic tendering system, and by notifying the Gwich'in claimant groups when those procurements involve delivery of goods, services, and construction destined for the GSA. Assistance and information on the procurement process was provided as requested during the year. Public Works and Government Services Canada also offered seminars on how to do business with the federal government, which were available to Gwich'in firms upon request.

7.3 Environmental Assessment and Wildlife Management

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program

The Renewable Resources and Environment Directorate of AANDC has worked with various Valued Component Advisory Teams and experts to develop standardized protocols for monitoring the environment. To help further implement the CIMP, AANDC is developing a collaborative pilot monitoring project for the Mackenzie Delta area to help Northerners understand and document potential changes to this important environment. The pilot project will foster and promote a standardized system of data collection, capacity building, community engagement and ownership of the program, integration of scientific and traditional ecological knowledge, standardized protocols for organizing and reporting information, and public accessibility to information.

The pilot project will also enhance the communities' role as environmental stewards and is intended to expand to other regions in the future. The results and lessons learned may provide a template for expanding the program to other settlement areas.

Through the 2008-2009 annual Call for Proposals process, approximately 24 monitoring/research and capacity/training projects were allocated funds. Five of these projects occurred within the GSA.

AANDC continues to secure long-term funding for the NWT CIMP. Further information on the program can be obtained from the NWT CIMP web site.

NWT Environmental Audit

The first Environmental Audit was completed in December 2005. The CIMP Working Group and "directly affected parties" collectively identified a lead organization(s) for each of the 50 recommendations outlined in the Audit. The GTC participated in prioritizing and, where possible, implementing the 2005 Audit recommendations. In September 2007, AANDC released a departmental response entitled the AANDC Draft Action Plan. Preparations are now underway for the second audit (scheduled to be complete in 2010). In late 2008 and early 2009, AANDC worked with the Audit Sub-Committee, which includes GTC representation, to prepare the Audit Terms of Reference in order to initiate the contracting process to select an independent Auditor.

Environment Canada/Canadian Wildlife Service

From the standpoint of renewable resource management, including the operation of the GRRB, 2008- 2009 was another successful year. A range of wildlife, fisheries, and forestry research and monitoring projects were successfully completed and progress and final reports prepared. Gwich'in participants continued to be an integral element of GRRB operations. The GRRB members also participated in a number of workshops and conferences.

Settlement Area Harvest Study

The Final Report of the GRRB Harvest Study has been published and the Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) has provided input through to this stage.

Establishment of Total Allowable Harvest for Migratory Game Birds

The setting of a total allowable harvest for migratory birds has not been discussed by the GRRB. The Harvest Study, however, provides data that can be used to determine the total allowable harvest of migratory birds. EC/CWS advised the GRRB of all changes to the migratory bird regulations that may impact the Gwich'in.

Management of Migratory Wildlife Species

The Arctic Goose Joint Venture (AGJV) is a cooperative Canada/USA body that coordinates goose management and research in both countries. EC/CWS sits on the Arctic Goose Working Group of the AGJV. This Group deals with the over-population of Snow Geese in the Arctic, especially in the Central Arctic. Gwich'in harvest Snow Geese from the Western Arctic population where the problem does not appear to be as severe. The GRRB, however, was kept informed about this issue.

Management of Migratory Species Which Cross International Boundaries

Through its seat on the various Flyway Committees, the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, and other international initiatives, EC/CWS is closely involved in the management of migratory bird species that cross international boundaries. The GRRB is routinely apprised of issues arising from these international initiatives which may affect the Gwich'in.

Department of Fisheries and Oceans

In the 2008-2009 fiscal year, DFO's Central and Arctic Region continued to work with the GRRB in fulfilling its mandate of wildlife management in the GSA. Rat River Dolly Varden (locally known as "char") have been of particular concern to the GRRB this year as the Gwich'in have long depended on the Dolly Varden as an important element in their diet, tradition, and culture. Specific DFO activities included:

  • DFO funded the annual Rat River Working Group meeting and subsequent community tour. This initiative resulted in an updated monitoring plan used to collect scientific information for the management of the Rat River Dolly Varden.
  • DFO contributed $40,000 for the local RRCs of Fort McPherson and Aklavik to maintain the annual Rat River Dolly Varden Monitoring Program. Local monitors collect valuable data used in the management of this fishery.

To undertake activities within the GSA, DFO fisheries management in the Western Arctic Area received $59,000 of implementation funding in 2008-2009. In addition to projects pertaining to Dolly Varden stocks in the GSA, DFO provided $17,500 in funding to the GRRB to hire a technician, $5,000 towards publication of a conservation calendar, and $10,000 towards a computer system upgrade. As well, a contribution of $20,000 assisted the GRRB in supporting the Burbot (Loche) sampling program.

Canadian Coast Guard

In accordance with the GCLCA and the establishment of navigational aids and safety devices along navigable waters, the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) provided a pre-season summary of activities to the GTC. The summary outlined planned Coast Guard operations within the GSA for the 2008 navigation season. In addition, a protocol was developed as a result of a 2005 consultation in Inuvik between CCG and the Gwich'in Land Administration. Changes in CCG use of Gwich'in Lands are reported throughout the navigation season by staff in Hay River, with the Gwich'in Land Administration acknowledging discontinued navigational aid sites and granting Land Use Permits for those newly established. Summaries of the year's activities are exchanged at the end of the navigation season.

7.4 Land and Water Management

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

Land Use Planning

The Environment and Conservation Division of the AANDC NT Region continued to enjoy an open and supportive relationship with the GLUPB. Although the 2008-2009 fiscal year was a relatively quiet year, staff of the Division and the Board exchanged a number of e-mails, updates, and tele-conference calls on an ongoing basis.

The thrust of this regular communication was intended to assist each other with work-planning efforts, in anticipation of the GLUPB's upcoming submission of the Five-Year Review of the Gwich'in Land Use Plan. Constructive ideas were exchanged regarding the Board's planning process time-line chart, and in the summer of 2008, the Department was pleased to receive the GLUPB's progress report A Summary of the Five-Year Review Process of the Gwich'in Land Use Plan to August 2008.

Northwest Territories Geoscience Office

In 2008-2009, the Northwest Territories Geoscience Office (NTGO) undertook a number of activities with respect to geoscience research and information management and dissemination within the GSA. These activities included:

Geoscience Research Program
  • Regional Geoscience Studies and Petroleum Potential, Peel Plateau and Plain Project: This project investigated the basin architecture and petroleum potential of the Peel Plateau and Plain. The project is a joint venture between NTGO, the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC), and the Yukon Geological Survey. This was the wrap-up year for the project; minor fieldwork in the summer rounded out the research and enabled a comprehensive program volume and digital atlas to be released in March 2009.
  • Sekwi Mountain Bedrock Mapping and Integrated Studies: Though primarily based in the Sahtu Settlement Area, the scientific findings have strong implications for similar rocks within the GSA. The 2008-2009 season was the wrap-up year for this regional mapping project in the Mackenzie Mountains. NTGO and the GSC spearheaded a collaborative effort to better define the regional lithological and structural characteristics, stratigraphy, and mineral potential of this region. Contributions from university personnel and industry play a key role. The project is also addressing the structural history and petroleum potential of the Plateau Fault system.

The project supported five university dissertations which are completed or are nearing completion. A series of new maps and cross-sections, as well as a comprehensive volume of the geology of NTS (National Topographic System) 106A and NTS 105P of the Mackenzie Mountains are in progress. A geological guide to the Canol Trail also was created and released.

Information Management and Dissemination
  • Digital Discovery and Dissemination: NT GoMap is a web-based GIS application that provides geological information for the Gwich'in and the NWT via an interactive map interface. Clients have significant capabilities to search for and download customized, user-defined information. Information layers from both internal and external sources can be viewed. NTGO geological and publications databases can also be queried. Activities in 2008-2009 saw several improvements to functionality and performance. Growing client demand for GoMap was addressed in part by migration to a two-server environment.

More information on the NTGO and its complete program is available its web site.

Natural Resources Canada

As per the GCLCA, the NRCan Surveyor General Branch has responsibility for, and control over, the legal surveys that determine the boundaries of Gwich'in Parcels described in the Agreement. NRCan's obligations under the GCLCA are located in section 18.4, Boundaries and Surveys, of the Agreement. All the surveying activities associated with these obligations were completed by NRCan in previous years. All plans have been recorded, where appropriate, in the Canada Lands Surveys Records and the Land Titles Office.

The GCLCA did not specify surveying the Gwich'in Parcels in total, as the intent was not to survey the NWT hinterland parcels. The requirement under the GCLCA was to survey a few selected boundary portions of a few selected parcels, for which all required surveys have been completed. Future survey activities under the GCLCA are not anticipated at this time.

7.5 Heritage Sites and Resources

Parks Canada

Parks Canada has worked proactively and as needed with the GTC, local bands, and the GSCI on heritage projects, including consultation on policy and legislation that would affect Gwich'in interests. There is no established board for a formal working relationship and no defined procedure for establishing such a board. Gwich'in continue to participate in the conservation and management of heritage resources. During 2008-2009, Parks Canada goods and services spending in 2008-2009 totaled $3,200 for services. No money was allocated for goods.

Appendix 1: Membership of Implementation Bodies

Gwich'in Arbitration Panel

  • David McCann (Chair)
  • Karen Snowshoe
  • Deborah Hanley
  • Richard Hill
  • Robert Kasting
  • Anton Melnyk
  • James Posynick
  • Francis Price

Gwich'in Land Use Planning Board

  • Bob Simpson (Chairperson)
  • Fanny Greenland (GNWT)
  • Ian McLeod (GTC)
  • Charlie Snowshoe (GTC)
  • Fred E. Koe (Canada)

Gwich'in Land and Water Board

  • Paul Sullivan (Chairperson)
  • Gerry Kisoun (Canada)
  • Liz Wright (GTC)
  • Margaret Nazon (GNWT)
  • William Koe (GTC)

Gwich'in Renewable Resources Board

  • Robert Charlie (Chairperson)
  • Robert Alexie Sr. (GTC)
  • James Firth (GTC)
  • Eugene Pascal (GTC)
  • Elizabeth Hansen (DFO)
  • Johnnie Charlie (GNWT Alternate)
  • Paul Latour (CWS)
  • Joel Ingram (CWS)
  • Daniel Topolniski (DFO Alternate)
  • Barry Greenland (DFO)
  • George Low (Gwich'in Alternate)
  • Vacant (Gwich'in Alternate)
  • Vacant (Gwich'in Alternate)

Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board

  • Richard Edjericon (Chairperson)
  • Danny Bayha (Sahtu Dene Council)
  • Darryl Bohnet (Canada)
  • Fred Koe (GTC)
  • Gerry Loomis (GNWT)
  • John Ondrack (GNWT)
  • Percy Hardisty (Dehcho First Nation)
  • Vacant (Tlicho)

Appendix 2: Map of Gwich'in Settlement Area

Map of Gwich'in Settlement Area

Note: This map of the Gwich'in Settlement Area can be downloaded at the Gwich'in Tribal Council Website

The image illustrates the Gwich'in Settlement Area. More specifically, it portrays the Gwich'in Settlement Region including the Gwich'in Settlement Area, the Primary Use Area, and the Secondary Use Area. It also portrays Gwich'in Lands, including lands with Surface Rights, Subsurface Rights and both Surface and Subsurface Rights. The image also illustrates territorial borders, regional boundaries, the Dempster Highway, water features, community boundaries, special harvest areas and the Gwich'in Territorial Park.

Appendix 3: Schedule of Capital Transfer Payments, 1992-2007

The Government of Canada makes a capital transfer payment to the GTC on each anniversary of the date of the Agreement, in accordance with the schedule of payments set forth in Schedule I to Chapter 8. The GTC received its final capital transfer payment in April 2007.

Schedule of Capital Transfer Payments, 1992-2007
Date Capital Transfers to the GTC* ($)
Total 127,976,952
* Net of negotiation loan repayments
$ At effective date 2,000,000
December 23, 1992 7,426,766
April 22, 1993 4,180,680
April 22, 1994 6,271,020
April 22, 1995 7,455,068
April 22, 1996 9,318,835
April 22, 1997 9,318,835
April 22, 1998 9,318,835
April 22, 1999 9,318,835
April 22, 2000 9,318,835
April 21, 2001 9,318,835
April 21, 2002 9,318,835
April 21, 2003 9,318,835
April 24, 2004 9,318,835
April 24, 2005 7,455,068
April 24, 2006 5,591,301
April 20, 2007 3,727,534

Appendix 4: Implementation Payments, 1992-1993 to 2008-2009

The annual implementation funding amounts provided to the GTC, the GNWT, and institutions of public governance created pursuant to the Agreement represent the Government of Canada's total contribution to assist each body to fulfill its obligations pursuant to the Agreement, Implementation Plan, and related Act(s) of Parliament. The annual funding levels are identified in the Implementation Plan.

Implementation Payments, 1992-1993 to 2008-2009
Fiscal Year Implementation Payments ($)
Total 72,664,033
1992-1993 559,151
1993-1994 1,070,634
Wildlife Studies Fund 2,030,000
1994-1995 1,833,735
1995-1996 1,886,760
1996-1997 2,987,444
1997-1998 3,174,342
1998-1999 3,197,097
1999-2000 3,310,619
2000-2001 3,501,345
2001-2002 4,050,396
2002-2003 5,119,517
2003-2004 5,241,259
2004-2005 5,178,471
2005-2006 6,626,363
2006-2007 8,481,619
2007-2008 6,637,890
2008-2009 7,777,391

Appendix 5: Resource Royalties, 1992-2008

Payments with respect to resource royalties received by the Government of Canada are made to the GTC on a quarterly basis, pursuant to Chapter 9 of the Agreement.

Resource Royalties, 1992-2008
Fiscal Year Resource Royalties Paid to GTC * ($)
Total 11,081,331
* Amounts include amendments done throughout the year.
1992 188,060
1993 363,413
1994 197,009
1995 204,345
1996 267,719
1997 244,261
1998 211,264
1999 231,949
2000 343,224
2001 499,505
2002 664,127
2003 1,172,848
2004 1,309,218
2005 901,305
2006 768,700
2007 1,281,362
2008 2,233,022

Appendix 6: Gwich'in Property Taxes Reimbursed to the Government of the Northwest Territories, 1994-2008

Gwich'in Property Taxes Reimbursed to the Government of the Northwest Territories, 1994-2008
Fiscal Year Amount ($)
Total 831,168
1994 4,306
1995 4,348
1996 4,571
1997 4,571
1998 4,752
1999 4,734
2000 6,411
2001 6,411
2002 6,334
2003 7,222
2004 5,901
2005 5,901
2006 6,062
2007 5,822
2008 5,822

Appendix 7: Web Site Addresses

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