Giant Mine Remediation Project: Environment, Health, Safety and Community Policy

Policy Owner: Environment, Health, Safety and Community Manager
Policy Approver: Project Leader: AANDC Northern Contaminated Sites Program
Approval Date: February 2014

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As committed to in the Developer's Assessment Report and during the Environmental Assessment Public Hearings, the Giant Mine Remediation Project (GMRP) will develop and implement an "Environmental Management System" that conforms with the requirements of ISO 14001 – the international Environmental Management Standard. Based on best practice in public sector operations and the mining sector, the GMRP has expanded the scope of the management system to include safety and community aspects. This policy was developed with input from engaged stakeholders and will guide the management of environment, health and safety and community aspects and issues for the duration of the project.


This Policy sets commitments for the management of environment, health and safety, and community (socio-economic and engagement) for the Giant Mine Remediation Project (GMRP). These commitments will guide the development and implementation of an integrated Environmental, Health, Safety and Community (EHSC) Management System that describes planning for, execution and continuous improvement of the environmental, health and safety, and community management and performance of the GMRP.

Policy Statement

The GMRP is committed to:

To this end, GMRP will act in a manner that minimizes its negative impacts, maximizes its positive benefits, and continually seek ways to improve its performance.

Overall Commitments

In order to achieve these objectives, the GMRP is committed to the following:

  • The GMRP will plan and execute in a manner that respects and cares for people and the environment.
  • The GMRP will comply with all applicable environmental, health and safety, and community (socio-economic and engagement) regulatory, policy and other requirements.
  • The GMRP will apply best management practices including best available technology and processes for environmental protection and public safety.
  • The GMRP will promote a project-wide culture committed to continual improvement in environmental, health and safety, and community guided by the EHCS Management System.

1. Environment Commitments

The GMRP will continually evaluate and apply ways to responsibly govern the use of its resources and reduce its negative impacts on air, water, land resources and biodiversity.

  • The GMRP will minimize harmful releases of air contaminants, dust and halocarbons, and hazardous materials/dangerous goods.
  • The GMRP will minimize waste.
  • The GMRP will minimize disturbance or damage to heritage buildings, and Aboriginal archeological and burial sites
  • The GMRP will minimize harmful water and sediment discharges.
  • The GMRP will minimize disruption or damage to flora and fauna.

2. Health and Safety

The GMRP will achieve excellence in health and safety performance through a zero harm target for employees, contractors and the public.

3. Community

The GMRP will develop collaborative and mutually beneficial relationships with its stakeholders, and deliver local social and economic benefits.

  • The GMRP will communicate effectively with the public regarding the nature and status of the project.
  • The GMRP will meaningfully engage with stakeholders to address concerns and ensure that community land use expectations and traditional knowledge have been considered in closure planning.
  • The GMRP will implement strategies to maximize the economic opportunities for Northerners and local Aboriginal people through employment and procurement.
  • The GMRP will respect the rights of Aboriginal peoples.

Persons Affected

This Policy applies to Federal and Territorial employees and contractors of the GMRP as well as visitors to the GMRP's operations. The GMRP will foster a culture that encourages safe, healthy and environmentally-responsible behaviour by clearly defining the responsibilities of all employees. Proactive employee involvement in these efforts will be encouraged.

Roles and Responsibilities

Overall responsibility for the EHSC Policy rests with the Project Leader, Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) Northern Affairs Program.

The Management Board exercises due diligence with respect to this Policy through regular review, discussion and endorsement of EHSC Management Systems, strategies and action plans, as well as performance, incident and audit reports.

The AANDC Giant Mine EHSC Manager is responsible for establishing and maintaining the practices, guidelines and internal controls pertaining to this Policy.

All Project Employees are required to adhere to the principles of this Policy and will actively promote its adoption by contractors, suppliers, partners and agents.

Policy Context

This policy is intended as functional guidance at the project level. It is ultimately subservient to existing policies and authorities in place at departmental and government-wide levels.

This Policy is guided by AANDC's CSP Contaminated Sites Management Policy (2006), Northern Contaminated Sites Program EHS Management Policy, and the Developer's Assessment Report as well as the AANDC's Sustainable Development Strategy.

Commitments are guided by the critical strategic planning documents for the GMRP including the Project Charter, Project Execution Plan (PEP), and Performance Measurement Strategy, which is part of the PEP.

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