Collaborative Initiatives in the Arctic Marine Environment: Regional Partnerships and Research

Learn how Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC) commits to the protection and sustainable management of Arctic environments, informed by science and Indigenous Knowledge, for the benefit of Northern residents and all Canadians.

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CIRNAC supports research to inform the management of conservation and resource activities in the North.

CIRNAC's collaborative work is achieved by co-developing research priorities with land claim organizations, Northern communities and other government departments to support Indigenous Knowledge projects and science research activities in the North. This research ensures that knowledge of the Arctic marine environment is available for conservation, planning and management.

Collaborative Initiatives

CIRNAC collaborates with Indigenous communities and land claim organizations, academia and other federal government departments to support research and monitoring studies, based on local priorities, that continue building a knowledge base (ecological, social, cultural) of marine environments across the North. These studies provide information on current use of and concerns around the marine environment to inform the Marine Conservation Targets Initiative.

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