Radio Island Remediation Project
Radio Island is located off the coast of Resolution Island and at the mouth of Frobisher Bay, approximately 340 kilometres southeast of Iqaluit.
History of Site

From 1929 to 1961, the Canadian Department of Transport operated a navigational aid and weather station at the site. Since 1961, the site has been abandoned.
Contaminant of Concern
The site consists of two standing buildings, the remains of three other buildings, two helipads, and a beacon tower. In addition, hazardous and non-hazardous debris is scattered throughout the site. Through environmental site investigations completed in 1996, and in 2001, it was determined that soil from the site was contaminated with heavy metals and hydrocarbons.
Current Activity
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) held consultation meetings in Iqaluit and Kimmirut in December 2005 to discuss the draft Remedial Action Plan for the Radio Island site. Based on the comments from the communities the Remedial Action Plan has been finalized and submitted to the Nunavut Impact Review Board and Nunavut Water Board for review. Following approval of the Remedial Action Plan, it is anticipated that the site will undergo remediation in the summer of 2006.